Look at the dem count by county!
Last Reported: Feb 12 2008 7:52PM EST
Precincts Reporting: 63 of 65 (96.92%)
Barack Obama 12,280 99.90%
Bill Richardson 11 0.08%
Dennis J. Kucinich 1 0.00%
Hillary Clinton 0 0%
Joe Biden 0 0%
John Edwards 0 0
Last Reported: Feb 12 2008 8:09PM EST
Precincts Reporting: 14 of 18 (77.77%)
Barack Obama 160 8.65%
Bill Richardson 1 0.05%
Dennis J. Kucinich 2 0.10%
Hillary Clinton 1,670 90.31%
Joe Biden 2 0.10%
John Edwards 14 0.75%
We are watching two MASTERS of the fix! Arkansas vs. Chicago!
Fox called VA for McQueeg?