A strong current is moving in the direction of a third party...Why not? The Republican Party started out as a third party in 1855 when the Whigs bit the dust over the slavery issue. How about an “American National Party” that would agree on a conservative agenda and eject all politicians who differ on the Party Platform?
If McCain goes in as the Republican Candidate, we will need to come up with a third party!
Duncan?? How about it???
Third-Party is where I’m heading. I keep waiting for leadership to emerge. I’m looking Constitution Party....but are there any notable conservatives working a 3rd party angle?
I can’t believe it’s come to this. I’ve voted GOP every election of my life. But like Reagan used to say about the Democrats: they left me, I haven’t left them.
I have no objection to "fuse" with anybody provided I can fuse on ground I think is right
Abraham Lincoln,August-11 1855.