1 posted on
01/18/2008 8:44:19 AM PST by
To: pissant
Roughly half the 75 people in attendance raised their hands.
The saddest part of that sentence is the number.
2 posted on
01/18/2008 8:47:58 AM PST by
To: pissant
Everyone should send this link to Drudge.
This is the primary story of 2008.
It needs national attention.
3 posted on
01/18/2008 8:48:32 AM PST by
(GOP Convention '08 — Go For Brokered!)
To: pissant
7 posted on
01/18/2008 8:51:30 AM PST by
(No thanks, Huck, I'm not whitewashing the fence for you this election cycle)
To: pissant
Good gracious, Thompson said. Who do they say is calling? Do they say anything good about any candidate?
Huckabee, the audience responded.
To: pissant
This morning Fox reported that Huck is trying to stop these calls (yeah right). The Friends asked the Beltway Boys about it and they only mentioned how it’s happening to McCain. Fred and Mort just cannot speak about Fred, unless it’s negative.
21 posted on
01/18/2008 9:00:22 AM PST by
Miss Didi
("Good heavens, woman, this is a war not a garden party!" Dr. Meade, Gone with the Wind)
To: pissant
The Huckster is cut from the same cloth as BJ.
27 posted on
01/18/2008 9:08:01 AM PST by
(Ignorance, the most expensive commodity produced by mankind.)
To: pissant
FReeper snippy_about_it was at this event yesterday. He commented on this in a thread yesterday evening:
I was there. It was more than a dozen hands raised, more like 30 from where I was sitting.
2 posted on 01/17/2008 5:08:24 PM CST by snippy_about_it (I'm a Friend of Fred, FRedneck! Fred08.com)
32 posted on
01/18/2008 9:15:12 AM PST by
Red_Devil 232
(VietVet - USMC All Ready On The Right? All Ready On The Left? All Ready On The Firing Line!)
To: pissant
I love push polling is an issue in SC, now that its against Fred and McCain. Same groups have attacked Romney since before Iowa and in every state, including NV and SC.
36 posted on
01/18/2008 9:16:41 AM PST by
To: pissant
This classic from days gone by actually refers to Prosperity, S.C. - Clinton, S.C. is the next town over...
To: pissant; All
Heads up, kids...Rush about to discuss a major news story on Fred.
43 posted on
01/18/2008 9:24:10 AM PST by
Miss Didi
("Good heavens, woman, this is a war not a garden party!" Dr. Meade, Gone with the Wind)
To: pissant
hey that would make a great campaign tv spot for Fred.
To: All
74 posted on
01/18/2008 9:54:02 AM PST by
Miss Didi
("Good heavens, woman, this is a war not a garden party!" Dr. Meade, Gone with the Wind)
To: pissant
I got one of these calls. Didn’t like it one bit.
To: pissant
So Huckabee can’t even keep his own supporters under control...what’s he gonna do when it’s time to take on the Democrats with all the bogus constitutional amendments he’s proposing?
108 posted on
01/18/2008 11:44:13 AM PST by
Def Conservative
(Huckabee called Republicans against his tax increases shiites.)
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