To the leftists, telling teens to keep it in their pants is "inflicting a rigid moral code on others."
What an idiot. The only thing that directly causes teen births is teen sex.
LOL, now the Libs are blaming their own social irresponsibility on Bush.
But hey, why stop with sex? Bush continues U.S. policies against illegal that forces teens to drink more or procure prescription medications to satisfy their addictions. lol
To quote my Jewish friends...oy vey.
consequences are "inflicting rigid moral codes on others".
Maybe teen pregnancy went down in the ‘90’s because a certain president made oral sex popular and it wasn’t even called sex.
Whats revealing is what happens if you exclude African Americans from this catagory and gun related crimes.
Suddenly, there isn’t much of a problem.
The sex positive agenda crowd undermines abstinence only programs. They seek to see everyone sexually active (with a “Just Say Yes” campaign online, a new report to say that “abstinence” can lead to sexual health problems later in life, and a mindset that abstinence is unhealthy because it is a supression of sexual desires).
We’ve gone from 8 years of “oral sex is not sex” and a condom laden Christmas tree in the White House. The kids who grew up in that culture are the ones who are having kids today.
The boat will not change course overnight.
She can create this nonsense out of the clear blue without batting an eye.
One of the stupidest positions ever formulated by a purportedly intelligent person. If abortion is not wrong, why does the frequency need to be limited? We don't limit the instances of cyst excision. We don't limit the frequency of tooth replacement. In the liberal world, abortion is just another medical procedure - and we don't ask that other medical procedures be "rare."
Cynthia Tucker is really an incredible woman. She’s written literally thousands of columns over decades of being a journalist, and over all those columns has somehow managed a perfect record - she has never been right one single time in her entire life. You can make investment decisions based on the inevitable truth of the opposite of whatever she writes. In fact, the absolute best thing the global warming cultists could do for their cause would be to convince Cynthia Tucker that there is no global warming and have her write a column making that point; no surer proof for global warming could possibly exist.
It takes a special kind of talent to be that dumb.
Oh my goodness, this article is (or rather, should be) embarassing for the author. Her lack of understanding of even the most basic fundamentals of social science and statistics is breathtaking.
I don’t know about this article. Right now, I’m a researcher for a doctor who is writing a book about politically correct sex education (her name is Dr. Grossman; she wrote the fabulous book “Unprotected.”) It seems that the most effective way to curb teen pregnancy is to isolate high-risk girls (usually those from low-income families who do poorly in school) and encourage them to aspire to more in life than unwed motherhood and view having sex as a self-respect issue. When girls are taught to respect themselves and have goals in life (as opposed to “have sex when you’re ready and use condoms,” which is what liberals want), they are much less likely to get pregnant.
Oh, and they usually don’t get pregnant because they choose abstinence. Condoms have little to do with it. Girls who feel like unwed motherhood is the best they’ll ever get from life don’t care if they get pregnant.