Man, had schoolteachers been this insane in the 80’s, I would have had my life screwed-up by all sorts of psychologists and counselors. I drew this stuff all day, and now I’m in the military.
I was thinking the same thing, but I was in school in the 60s. I don't remember drawing guns per se, but almost every day I drew jet planes bristling with guns. Some of them looked pretty cool too!
Same here. I wouldn’t have made it past 4th. Grade. When I was in 3rd, our teacher asked us what we wanted to be. I said I wanted to be an F-15 pilot (mid-70’s). She wasn’t phased at all. I grew up with and around a lot of veterans.
Then in 4th grade, my eyes went really nearsighted and stayed that way until getting lasik a couple of years ago. I’m too tall and big to have been one anyway.
School bored me and I drew up all kinds of small arms, armor, planes, ships, and whatnot. Today I would be public school enemy #1.
When I was in fourth grade I went to school once in a cowboy hat and two six shooter cap guns in a fake leather holster belt.
Did that today I probably would have been locked away in some juvenile detention cell wondering what the hell I did so wrong.
And now you're posting on a conservative website. Face it, buddy, you're a monster!