A liberal court will doubtlessly make up some grounds for this to be “unconstitutional”.
Well, they may have “deep dissapointment” (sic), but I’m “clearly elated”! ;’}
I’ll bet that they are all really peeeeeesssed
Central and Latin American countries...need to help it’s own citizens....These countries are using America like a nursing Mother...when she dries up...what then...it appears she’s drying up fast...actually all the demostrations that took place throughout America especially when the mexicans were carrying the Mexican Flag....hurt the illegals big time...it takes time for this to show up but it’s shown up....it outraged Americans. The advisors of these groups screwed up big time....LOL...
No surprise here.
Looters and other thiefs are always disappointed when they can't freely make off with the wealth and valuables of others.
Another corrupt cop that thinks his job is to run the place, they need to fire him.
The title they came up with is a lie—it’s anti-illegal immigration.
pay attention to the words here folks..this is how the right got sandbagged before the last election....”anti-immigration” readily couples to “bigot”. It is anti-ILLEGAL immigration....and the media will knock the snot out of the right by cleverly ignoring the ILLEGAL part of this and making it into class and race struggle....the Marxist “thesis-anti-thesis” at work!
I thought that I heard it on Mark Levin or Sean Hannity a month ago or so but can't find it now.
Until we have security and some semblance of border control, most Americans will not support any benefits, amnesty, or whatever you want to do to help the illegal immigrant. This is the basic problem with your philosophy and those who supported the legislation. Security first. Then we will listen to other changes.
You need to impress upon us that you care more about us then you do illegal immigrants. And some of us have relatives waiting years to get in and the people you support can walk across tonight. THEY MUST GET IN LINE LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!
Here is my proposal. Feel free to run with it.
1. Do the job you swore to do. Enforce the current laws. Support and reinforce the officers working the border. Support a federal law directing local police and other law enforcement to take action to detain and initiate deportation of those here illegally. Jail employers of illegal immigrants.
2. No benefits for those in the country illegally. Exception, those with true emergency medical conditions will receive treatment while their deportation is initiated.
3. Initiate a constitutional amendment to stop the anchor baby phenomenon.
4. Build the fence.
5. Change the immigration quotas to reflect real needs justified by industry and/or states. Make the justifications public. So the average American knows how many we are allowing in and why. We will support something logical, fair, and needed AFTER our security is taken care of.
Milton Friedman: A country cannot simultaneously be a welfare state and have open borders.
Is it not possible to be for immigration and against illegal immigration?
Hey, illegals! Get the hell out of my country! But, if you want to come here, do what my mother did! Come here LEGALLY! Play by the rules, and follow our laws. Take citizenship classes and become an American citizen, and swear allegiance to America. Like my mother did! If you do that, we will welcome you with open arms. But, breaking our laws, and demanding WE change OUR laws and OUR culture to accommodate you? Kiss my ass!
In other words, illegal aliens highly disappointed the public is waking up to the reality that we’ve been invaded.
Thank you, Prince William County!!!! Are you listening Arlington, Fairfax, Loudoun, etc.?!?!?! Press 1 for enforce the law or get out of the way!
Now come the wolves!!