When I went to live with my sister aboout five years ago, she was drinking an eight ounce glass of orange juice every day for breakfast.
Then about two hours later she would crash, feeling extemely fatigued, and go to bed for two hours.
I pointed out to her, a Nurse, what the sugar was doing to her, and she stopped and immediately regained her energy.
That whole Orange Juice Advocacy, promoted by the American Heart Association, is just propaganda for the Orange Growers, and has done more medical harm than good.
In fact, the diet put out by the American Diabetes Association exacerbates diabetes.
I agree w/you 100%. I don’t know why people think they can still drink juice. I will take a light cranberry juice once in a while, but regular juices are out of the question. And I only recently started eating some fruits, in small amounts, again. My mother drinks orange juice everyday and I just want to shake her sometimes.
The other school advocates low glycemic foods which are low in carbs, and high protein and oil vegetarianism.
That first diet is peddled by the USDA and the two organizations you name. The second diet is advocated by Kaiser and the Australian health industry and authorities.
I tend to follow Kaiser and eat lots of nuts interspersed with bouts of fat meat consumption.