The other school advocates low glycemic foods which are low in carbs, and high protein and oil vegetarianism.
That first diet is peddled by the USDA and the two organizations you name. The second diet is advocated by Kaiser and the Australian health industry and authorities.
I tend to follow Kaiser and eat lots of nuts interspersed with bouts of fat meat consumption.
My own investigations indicated it was not a gynecological disease, but a metabolic problem, with insulin-resistance at its root and diabetes as an eventual outcome. So I my daughter followed a low carb, low glycemic diet and has had many of her pre-diabetic symptons vanished.
More recently, she has discovered that family practioners are treating this as the serious disease that it is, and heading off diabetes with medication and diet.
I have several diabetic friends who have repeatedly landed in the hospital , with their sugar levels unregulated, while following the ADA diet.
I encouraged them to have their carbs later in the day, and to have most of them via vegetables.
I have heard that your "cave man" diet with a lot of nuts, seeds, and meat, is very effective for many metablic diseases, including mineral-processing problems.