Something smells here.
1 posted on
04/14/2007 10:30:10 AM PDT by
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To: 50mm
2 posted on
04/14/2007 10:31:33 AM PDT by
To: 50mm
He is a “special needs” driver.
3 posted on
04/14/2007 10:32:25 AM PDT by
(Action speaks louder than words but not nearly as often.)
To: 50mm
I didn’t even believe there was a red truck. When Democrats are involved, you will usually find everything but the truth.
4 posted on
04/14/2007 10:32:57 AM PDT by
(I like Fred, but WILL be supporting the Republican nominee.)
To: 50mm
The official described the man as a “special needs driver.”
What does that mean? I know several deaf people who drive, and while I know they are very responsible, I’ve often wondered about how could they hear a horn, or an accident, or a siren.
5 posted on
04/14/2007 10:33:26 AM PDT by
I still care
("Remember... for it is the doom of men that they forget" - Merlin, from Excalibur)
To: 50mm
New Study by FAIR Shows Illegal Immigration Costs New Jersey More Than $2.1 Billion A Year "New Jersey's financial situation is so bad they furloughed 80,000 workers last year, then immediately increased taxes on average citizens to pay their way out of a growing $4.5 billion deficit," said Dan Stein, President of FAIR. "With proof that illegal aliens cost the state at least $2.1 billon per year, New Jersey can longer ignore the massive burden these people are placing on the state budget and they certainly should not be encouraging even more by harboring illegals aliens in sanctuary cities like Trenton."
6 posted on
04/14/2007 10:34:34 AM PDT by
To: 50mm
What’s a “special needs” driver? Handicapped placarded, maybe? Anybody from Joisey know?
7 posted on
04/14/2007 10:35:41 AM PDT by
(What's the difference between Mike Nifong and toast? Right about now, nothing.)
To: 50mm
In other words, he DID NOT cause the accident, and the notion that he did cause the accident was simply floated by the Governor’s office to cover up the fact that the Governor’s vehicle was violating the law.
9 posted on
04/14/2007 10:37:57 AM PDT by
To: 50mm
Corzines driver caused the accident. He was speeding.
To: 50mm
"A state official who spoke on condition of anonymity because the official was not authorized to speak publicly, said the driver was a "special needs driver" who may have a mental impairment."
Has a mental impairment and is driving? Has to be a Democrat.
12 posted on
04/14/2007 10:41:19 AM PDT by
(Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway~~John Wayne)
To: 50mm
the driver was a "special needs driver" who may have a mentaal impairment.Sounds to me like he doesn't need a driver's license. Next time he's "not involved" someone will be killed.
15 posted on
04/14/2007 10:42:14 AM PDT by
(I think the border is kind of an artificial barrier - San Antonio councilwoman Patti Radle)
To: 50mm
No hard evidence to back up any charges. Casino guy walks. He should continue his luck at the blackjack table.
Global warming will be the next cause of the accident after which it will be AIDS in Africa.
16 posted on
04/14/2007 10:42:33 AM PDT by
(The Left takes power only through deception.)
To: 50mm
There was a Doug Forrester bumper sticker on the pickup.
17 posted on
04/14/2007 10:44:05 AM PDT by
("Daisy-cutters trump a wiretap anytime." - Nicole Gelinas - 02-10-04)
To: 50mm
The driver of the SUV was not hurt, the driver of the white pick up was not hurt. Now it is established that the driver of the red vehicle was not hurt. Thank heavens! Sometimes people are hurt in motor vehicle accidents.
19 posted on
04/14/2007 10:44:24 AM PDT by
(It is a shame that when these people give a riot)
To: 50mm
Fox News just reported that the red pickup driver has a “mental impairment.”
22 posted on
04/14/2007 10:48:58 AM PDT by
(algore uses 20 times as much energy as me)
To: 50mm
What's a "special needs" driver?
25 posted on
04/14/2007 10:52:51 AM PDT by
(A liberal's compassion is limited only by the size of someone else's wallet.)
To: 50mm
Something smells here
It sure does:
"Ingram had a question for Fred Thompson: What would you do if you ran the way you wanted to run? Thompson thought for a minute, then said he'd shed as much of the campaign apparatus as possible and drive around the state in a pick-up truck. Ingram suggested he do just that, and Thompson thought it a good recommendation. Thompson would soon be known for his red pick-up truck. It made Fred comfortable as a candidate. He felt liberated to just be himself."
There you have it! FRED is RUNNING!!! GO FRED!
[parody only, it's just a joke folks ;)]
27 posted on
04/14/2007 10:53:15 AM PDT by
('President Rudy!!! = an aborted fetus in every pot, and no guns in any garage!!!')
To: 50mm
It was probably Imus trying to get that meeting cancelled.
Was he wearing a cowboy hat and lookin’ old?
38 posted on
04/14/2007 11:05:12 AM PDT by
(Fighting the new liberal Conservatism. The Left foot in the GOP door.)
To: 50mm
41 posted on
04/14/2007 11:10:27 AM PDT by
(A true liberal today is a combination of socialist, fascist, hypocrite, and anti-American.)
To: 50mm
Dig bloggers dig...more info on the red pickup driver....
Dems are hiding facts for a reason....
44 posted on
04/14/2007 11:13:11 AM PDT by
(Take authority that's ours)
Corzine’s lucky....McGreevey got rear-ended many times (cue Burt Bachrach, please).
49 posted on
04/14/2007 11:17:30 AM PDT by
(It is better to be feared than to be respected.)
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