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Iran makes its hostage demands
AP ^
Posted on 03/28/2007 4:23:24 PM PDT by UKrepublican
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) - Iran's foreign minister says Britain must admit that its 15 sailors and marines entered Iranian waters for the standoff to be resolved.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Breaking News; Foreign Affairs; United Kingdom
KEYWORDS: bombirannow; castrateiran; crisis; crusis; hostage; iran; muhammadsminions
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To: Lord Basil
Britain to Iran: Admit you were wrong to kidnap our sailors and your buildings will stand another day. Turn them over quickly to preserve the same. Where's Maggie when you need her?
Was she really Prime Minister at one time? It seems like a dream to me now...
posted on
03/29/2007 7:44:15 AM PDT
(When you find "Sola Scriptura" in the Bible, let me know)
To: snowsislander
Despite the media's insistance that young Iranians want a pro-Western society, the reverse is actually true. While some of the youth may want a Western lifestyle, the country is becoming rampantly anti-West, outpacing the alleged pro-Western sentiments of younger Iranians.
What many people fail to see is a religious war brewing. Radical elements of Islam are gaining momentum in the Arab world. This will become Islam vs. Christianity. A military conquest to establish supremacy. Maybe not immediately, but the evidence is undeniable. Islam wants to rule the world. Do not forget this.
One last thing. Life on the streets of Iran is quite often miserable and horrible. Many Iranians live a deplorable existence. They long for the Imams to kill the infidel West and have tons of young martyrs ready to rock and roll.
Discovery Channel had a great show on Iran this week. Anyone catch it?
To: Boxsford
Not at all. We have huge pig farms here that could fill the order in no time flat.
posted on
03/29/2007 7:45:56 AM PDT
95 Bravo
("Freedom is not free.")
To: ChinaThreat
Oohrah, ooorah, ooorah, pray for war.
posted on
03/29/2007 7:46:18 AM PDT
("Liberals read Karl Marx. Conservatives UNDERSTAND Karl Marx." Ronald Reagan)
To: lesser_satan
Admit it and get the guys back. Then retract the admission and drop 5 tons of pigsh!t on Ahmedinutjob's house.Yep. They could say that had their fingers crossed, then smart bomb away.
To: justa-hairyape
Supposedly we had some border control agents cross into the mexico to put out a brush fire and the mexes filed an official protest.
posted on
03/29/2007 7:50:06 AM PDT
("Liberals read Karl Marx. Conservatives UNDERSTAND Karl Marx." Ronald Reagan)
To: UKrepublican
This is not going to end like the 2001 China P-3 Orion event.
Iran is playing a very dangerous game. For what purpose I am not sure. I think they are going to get mroe than spanked, and soon. If they ahd tried this w/ the US Navy we would be in a shooting war right now.
posted on
03/29/2007 7:56:09 AM PDT
(cum puella incedit minore medio corpore sub quo manifestus globus, inflammare animos)
To: livius; edcoil
Guessing? I'd bet Blair will say, "no, YOU bloody well prove it."
To: Southack
"If Iran is spoofing GPS signals in order to lure us into a trap just across the real territorial line,"
In order to jam or "spoof" GPS signals, you need to be between the satellites and the receiver. Because receivers rely on signals from several different satellites to compute a solution, you need a jammer very close (and above) the receiver being jammed. In short, Iran is not having any influence on our GPS systems.
posted on
03/29/2007 8:17:21 AM PDT
To: jimbo123
posted on
03/29/2007 8:20:07 AM PDT
CJ Wolf
To: UKrepublican
Where is Jimmah Caartar when ya need em?????
posted on
03/29/2007 8:21:00 AM PDT
(Anail nathrach, orth' bhais's bethad, do chel denmha)
To: UKrepublican
Iran has been issuing hostage demands since 1979 - times up!
posted on
03/29/2007 8:21:32 AM PDT
M. Espinola
(Freedom is never free)
To: Boxsford
A couple of pig farms in Virginia ought to do it.
posted on
03/29/2007 8:37:54 AM PDT
(Anail nathrach, orth' bhais's bethad, do chel denmha)
To: Southack
I should add, this applies to military grade receivers more so than civilian systems, which are far less robust and much more susceptible to noise.
posted on
03/29/2007 8:38:40 AM PDT
To: Eurotwit
posted on
03/29/2007 8:39:40 AM PDT
A message
(Liberalism does not breed survivors)
To: UKrepublican
Well, since Tony Blair is an unabashed sycophant to Bill Clinton and considers himself molded in the same graven image...we can expect him to roll over...blame the captain for an error in navigation and declare: PEACE IN OUR TIME!!!!
posted on
03/29/2007 8:58:14 AM PDT
(Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on dinner. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.)
To: ExSoldier
Or we could actually stick to the facts and recognise the fact the foriegn office has said that will not happen, and Tony Blairs comments in parliament yesterday made that crystal clear.
To: ExSoldier; Eurotwit; edcoil; UKrepublican
"On Wednesday, British Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett announced she had frozen bilateral talks with Iran on all other issues until Tehran returned the 15 British sailors and marines...[snip]
The British clearly want to keep the focus on their sailors and marines and avoid any suggestion that they could be swapped for Iranians held by the U.S. in Iraq."
In no way whatsoever is Tony Blair a wimp.
To: UKrepublican
Looks to me like Iran has already FORCED some demands as seen in this picture of the lone female in the group. Why is the ACLU not screaming that her religious rights are being ignored. She is forced to wear a head scarf she would never dawn on her own. Where is her culturally accepted food at? Has she seen a lawyer yet?
posted on
03/29/2007 9:08:44 AM PDT
To: UKrepublican
Is one of the demands having the UK pay their bill with Russia?
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