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Iran makes its hostage demands
AP ^
Posted on 03/28/2007 4:23:24 PM PDT by UKrepublican
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) - Iran's foreign minister says Britain must admit that its 15 sailors and marines entered Iranian waters for the standoff to be resolved.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Breaking News; Foreign Affairs; United Kingdom
KEYWORDS: bombirannow; castrateiran; crisis; crusis; hostage; iran; muhammadsminions
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To: CharlesWayneCT
That was when we weren't a strong enough superpower to defeat North Korea and China together. I don't know why not. Neither of them had an atomic bomb at the time : )
posted on
03/28/2007 5:40:45 PM PDT
To: Who is John Galt?
"Piss on Tehran. Britain has the means to nuke at least a couple dozen Iranian military targets, without breaking a sweat. Kidnapping those British service personnel from Iraqi waters was an act of war, plain and simple. Period. I doubt the Brits (or American politicians, unfortunately) have the balls to do it, but smoking a couple dozen Iranian military targets would probably put an end to this kind of '3rd-world-hostage-taking-terrorism' once and for all..."
posted on
03/28/2007 5:40:57 PM PDT
(Preserve America... kill terrorists... destroy dims!)
To: bjs1779
What action, military or otherwise? Carter okayed an ill-fated attempt to rescue the hostages with military assets. Some of the planes crashed in a desert staging area when helicopters kicked up sand and the landing planes could not properly identify the landing zone. Because of the accidents, the rescue attempt was canceled. Not a John Wayne or Ronald Reagan type of military action, but a military action by a pacifist President nonetheless. This time I don't think a coming Hillary Clinton Presidency will be enough to scare the Mullahs into submission. Although I have heard that Hillary can be quite a scary sight when she is throwing an ash tray your way.
To: justa-hairyape
We can destroy iran as a country without ever stepping foot on their soil... except for Specops intel.
No nation building and not one dime of help after!
posted on
03/28/2007 5:43:23 PM PDT
(Preserve America... kill terrorists... destroy dims!)
To: JasonC
I would gladly pay $10 a gallon for 5 years to see Ahmadinejad locked behind bars for the rest of his life. I would pay $10.01 to see that fool lose his head on the official French government head-remover - think they might come around to our way of thinking? The French have a remarkable heritage to fall back on, if they ever choose to do so...
To: UKrepublican
posted on
03/28/2007 5:45:03 PM PDT
To: bjs1779
I was speaking in the persona of a British politician. "We" being the spokesperson of the British state, the Prime Minister, Parliament, the Queen, or Red Ken. Red Ken might be a good choice to say this because I'm sure he wants to and you can proclaim that he is an insane socialist and immediately disavow whatever he says once the Iranians release the Marines.
To: Chuck Dent
It may be cartoonish, but it works. And that's why they keep nudging it a bit further every time. These people are in a different world from the rest of us.
posted on
03/28/2007 5:46:10 PM PDT
To: LibLieSlayer
To: jimbo123
What's he doing? Watering the Peace Tree? Trying to grow Magic Beans?
posted on
03/28/2007 5:47:46 PM PDT
To: justa-hairyape
Carter okayed an ill-fated attempt to rescue the hostages with military assets. Some of the planes crashed in a desert staging area when helicopters kicked up sand and the landing planes could not properly identify the landing zone. Because of the accidents, the rescue attempt was canceled. Not a John Wayne or Ronald Reagan type of military action, but a military action by a pacifist President nonetheless. Without a lengthly response, what did Iran do the when Reagan was sworn in as president on the first day?
posted on
03/28/2007 5:48:22 PM PDT
To: UKrepublican
I do believe the proper response should be something like, "Send them back, healthy and well, in the next 24 hours, or you will no longer have enough infrastructure left to worry about nuclear aspirations. Hell, it will be 20 years before you have enough cars to worry about more than one gas station in the whole country. You now have 23 hours and 58 minutes..."
posted on
03/28/2007 5:48:31 PM PDT
("I am the way... no one comes to the Father, but by me..." - Jesus in John 14:6 (RSV))
To: agooga
To: UKrepublican
guess its time to pull out my old 45 lp of "Bomb bomb bomb Iran"
posted on
03/28/2007 5:52:58 PM PDT
(does this tagline make my butt look big???)
To: justa-hairyape
Capturing 15 and releasing 1 is showing good faith?
posted on
03/28/2007 5:54:49 PM PDT
To: Eurotwit
posted on
03/28/2007 5:59:14 PM PDT
To: Who is John Galt?
"I would pay $10.01 to see that fool lose his head"
Margaret Thatcher would have put a boot up his arse yesterday. Oil prices would be falling a week after the Mullahs and Amedinjad were in their graves.
Destroy their navy and Air force now, then chase the mullahs down with cruise missiles. Lets be done with this crap.
"Lets be done with this crap." Amen...
To: justa-hairyape
Carter okayed an ill-fated attempt to rescue the hostages with military assets. Some of the planes crashed in a desert staging area when helicopters kicked up sand and the landing planes could not properly identify the landing zone. Because of the accidents, the rescue attempt was canceledNone of the planes crashed; a helicopter careened into a C-130 in the desert though, as the heliopter was repositioning.
posted on
03/28/2007 6:15:39 PM PDT
To: UKrepublican
posted on
03/28/2007 6:21:33 PM PDT
("Either you're with us or you're with the terrorists."-- President George W. Bush)
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