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President's Remarks: Iraq War Emergency Supplemental(Responds to Congress' Betrayal Live Thread)
White House ^
| March 23, 2007
Posted on 03/23/2007 11:04:16 AM PDT by bd476
Edited on 03/23/2007 12:04:27 PM PDT by Admin Moderator.
Live now, President Bush is making a strong response.
Remarks by the President on the Iraq War Emergency Supplemental
Diplomatic Reception Room
2:00 P.M. EDT
THE PRESIDENT: Today I'm joined here at the White House by veterans, family members of people serving in combat, family members of those who have sacrificed. I am honored that they have joined me here today.
Here in Washington, members of both parties recognize that our most solemn responsibility is to support our troops in the war on terror. Yet, today, a narrow majority in the House of Representatives abdictated its responsibility by passing a war spending bill that has no chance of becoming law, and brings us no closer to getting our troops the resources they need to do their job.
The purpose of the emergency war spending bill I requested was to provide our troops with vital funding. Instead, Democrats in the House, in an act of political theater, voted to substitute their judgment for that of our military commanders on the ground in Iraq. They set rigid restrictions that will require an army of lawyers to interpret. They set an arbitrary date for withdrawal without regard for conditions on the ground. And they tacked on billions for pet projects that have nothing to do with winning the war on terror. This bill has too much pork, too many conditions and an artificial timetable for withdrawal.
As I have made clear for weeks, I will veto it if it comes to my desk. And because the vote in the House was so close, it is clear that my veto would be sustained. Today's action in the House does only one thing: it delays the delivering of vital resources for our troops. A narrow majority has decided to take this course, just as General Petraeus and his troops are carrying out a new strategy to help the Iraqis secure their capital city.
Amid the real challenges in Iraq, we're beginning to see some signs of progress. Yet, to score political points, the Democratic majority in the House has shown it is willing to undermine the gains our troops are making on the ground.
Democrats want to make clear that they oppose the war in Iraq. They have made their point. For some, that is not enough. These Democrats believe that the longer they can delay funding for our troops, the more likely they are to force me to accept restrictions on our commanders, an artificial timetable for withdrawal, and their pet spending projects. This is not going to happen. Our men and women in uniform need these emergency war funds. The Secretary of Defense has warned that if Congress does not approve the emergency funding for our troops by April the 15th, our men and women in uniform will face significant disruptions, and so would their families.
The Democrats have sent their message, now it's time to send their money. This is an important moment -- a decision for the new leaders in Congress. Our men in women in uniform should not have to worry that politicians in Washington will deny them the funds and the flexibility they need to win. Congress needs to send me a clean bill that I can sign without delay. I expect Congress to do its duty and to fund our troops, and so do the American people -- and so do the good men and women standing with me here today.
Thank you for your time.
END 2:04 P.M. EDT
TOPICS: Breaking News
KEYWORDS: congressmorons; enemywithin; ratsarelosers; traitors; veto
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To: HamiltonJay
IMO, no matter what Bush said or didn't say, the media will spin it according to their agenda anyway.
He's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. But I for one, support him and what he said today.
posted on
03/23/2007 12:36:46 PM PDT
(I used 2 think people were factually ignorant but talking 2 liberals I realize people R just stupid.)
To: HamiltonJay
Sometimes it needs to be spelled out for those that would make rash decisions. Yes, some will anyway. They will be noticed and appropriately weighed in.
posted on
03/23/2007 12:37:14 PM PDT
To: agincourt1415
I am tempted to send one to the White House with changeable numbers!
posted on
03/23/2007 12:39:06 PM PDT
(Demcrats hold Troops Hostage DAY ONE!)
To: politicalwit
I just called my congressman's office and found out he voted for it. Following is what I sent him:
"How on earth could you vote to support that ridiculous bill and Nancy Pelosi and her machinations. Anyone who voted for that bill is, in our opinion, a traitor to our country. It undermines our troops. You will probably get away with it, as everyone in this district automatically votes for you. But we must tell you that we are EXTREMELY disappointed in your decision. Please don't bother to mail a reply. It will just be more platitudes with no meaning."
This is Ike Skelton, who is supposed to be supporting the troops as Whiteman Air Force Base is in his jurisdiction. Oh well, he probably won't read it, but I feel better (a little). Actually, I'm so mad I can't see straight.
posted on
03/23/2007 12:40:11 PM PDT
("It's too late to work within the system and too early to shoot the b@#$%^&s."--Claire Wolfe)
To: bd476
Good on the President. This is very heartening and I hope he sticks to his convictions. This is the guy I voted for and I hope he stays visible.
posted on
03/23/2007 12:40:24 PM PDT
To: kevkrom
Exactly, and that's all he had to say... He should not have even mentioned the word PORK in his veto announcment.
To: jackv
Late to the thread, but I heard the clips that Rush played. Bravo, Mr. President!!! Rush said that when W finished, he turned to the military around him, stared them in the eye to say--I AM your Commander-in-Chief!
posted on
03/23/2007 12:41:42 PM PDT
Miss Didi
("Good heavens, woman, this is a war not a garden party!" Dr. Meade, Gone with the Wind)
To: eraser2005
eraser2005 wrote: "
'Yet, to score political points, the Democratic majority in the House has shown it is willing to undermine the gains our troops are making on the ground.' Bush has become a master of making moves solely to score political points... Is there anyone decent in DC anymore?"
Did you miss the DU off-ramp today?
posted on
03/23/2007 12:42:17 PM PDT
To: HamiltonJay
Nit pick. And I think you're wrong about how it will be framed. Though, we'll see won't we?
The dems have taken sides with the enemy, and they now have to make us lose the war in order to get out of a terrible situation... if victory is achieved in iraq, they'll have been fighting on the wrong side and everyone will know it.
This speech was, at its core, about that: the dems are playing a political game. He's calling them out on it. I think it was an excellent statement.
posted on
03/23/2007 12:43:33 PM PDT
To: Lucky9teen
Agreed, he's going to be attacked no matter what, but he provided fodder for his enemies by mentioning that word.
Press has been talking of Democrat and Pork in terms of Pelosi getting this bill passed.. now by tonights news cycle, mondays at the latest, that will all be forgotten and the focus will be on the fact Bush has never vetoed any other bill for Pork ever... by him mentioning the word he's made their attacking of him even easier. He's basically written the script for them to attack him next few news cycles.
To: HamiltonJay
it sets the President up for yet another round of bashing in news stories.That would happen regardless of what he says. All President Bush has to do is get out of bed, smile, seem to enjoy life, it doesn't matter what he does, he gets blasted.
Get real, HJ, in the eyes and dark souls of his enemies, and they are legion here at home, he can do nothing right. If he hadn't used the word pork, which has you so concerned, it would have been something else. Maybe his tie, his facial expression, it doesn't matter, it's always going to be something.
He's still standing, and it drives them nuts.
posted on
03/23/2007 12:44:10 PM PDT
To: jveritas
as long as the troops and their family do not suffer....
and I agree "Refusing to support the troops and their
families in a time of war is as you typed...TREASON
posted on
03/23/2007 12:44:25 PM PDT
From One - Many
(Trust the Old Media At Your Own Risk)
To: USMCWife6869
I'm curious as to what else the Dems would like from my family. Jerk-offs. Why, a Carbon Footprint TAX of course...
Comment #214 Removed by Moderator
To: HamiltonJay
IMO, here is the bottom line:
"The purpose of the emergency war spending bill I requested was to provide our troops with vital funding. Instead, Democrats in the House, in an act of political theater, voted to substitute their judgment for that of our military commanders on the ground in Iraq."
by President Bush in response to the 218-212 vote
To: Lucky9teen
That's funny. Are they also in charge of Murtha's readiness dream of a perfect army with nothing to do?
posted on
03/23/2007 12:48:07 PM PDT
(Have you have gotten mixed up in a mish-masher?)
To: Ramius
I don't think its a nit pik. This white house for whatever reason is HORRIBLE when it comes to its public image, and its exactly because of things like this. These sorts of things are what drive the next cycle of negative stories that will surely come from it. Its preventable and frankly will undermine to an extent what Bush did.
No need to even mention that, just Veto, state its over the war, and stick with that. Bringing that word into it, just gave them an out, and an out that will make Bush look bad in the framing of the stories about it.
Why do you think this WH is suffering a "scandal" over firing people who clearly weren't doing their jobs? They do the right things, but then handle them completely wrong, particularly in terms of dealing with the press cycles etc.
I think Bush stole a good bit of his own thunder today.
Time will tell.
To: USMCWife6869
First I want to thank you, your family and other military families for the private sacrifices your family voluntarily does daily to protect this country, this world and freedom.
The forceful statement made by President Bush today was said while he wore his other equally important mantle: Commander-in-Chief.
It is that mantle that has been unwavering, resolved and steadfast in his support and care for the United States Military and all who serve. That is why I believe he will veto anything that undermines, delays or harms the men and women who voluntarily, courageously prove day in and day out that they have more mettle than their elected representatives in Congress.
Email support and encouragement:
To: bd476
......Democrats in the House, in an act of political theater, voted to substitute their judgment for that of our military commanders on the ground in Iraq.....Very good, Go President Bush !!
To: WaterWheeler
Yes, that's your opinion but what do you think will be the headlines and stories in the next 48-72 hours about this? That quote went from being all he had and should have said, to being a quote that will be overlooked to go after the Pork reasoning.
I guarantee you, at least 1 if not all 3 of the majors have a story about Bush rubber stamping every pork bill in his presidency to this one in the can already. He gave them an unnecessary and unneeded opening to criticize him, and on a area he is particularly weak. He should have just stuck to his strength 100% IMHO...
We'll see.
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