1 posted on
03/21/2007 9:32:36 AM PDT by
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To: VU4G10
Should have figured as much. Bush mentioned the Comprehensive Immigration Bill yesterday during the question and answer period about G;onzales. I guess Bush and Teddie Kennedy will be working together to destroy our country.
2 posted on
03/21/2007 9:39:22 AM PDT by
("trash the treaties")
To: VU4G10
...the bill will contain some sort of amnesty provision for illegal aliens currently in the United States. It's all downhill from here...........in a handbasket........
3 posted on
03/21/2007 9:44:10 AM PDT by
Red Badger
(If it's consensus, it's not science. If it's science, there's no need for consensus......)
To: VU4G10
Will the American people allow this to happen?
Most of America has no idea this is about to happen!
Americans will be advised by the media, after this is signed into law.
4 posted on
03/21/2007 9:47:26 AM PDT by
From One - Many
(Trust the Old Media At Your Own Risk)
To: VU4G10
It's a FACT that Latino organizations don't like Bush, and think even THIS isn't going far enough. They won't rest until they achieve their goals. Citizenship and Open Borders.
On May 1st, yet again, we will be harassed with another "Day without an Immigrant" Nation wide, disgusting protest march with demonstrations and boycott.
The American public overwhelmingly does NOT support this Shamnesty bill.
It must be stopped!
6 posted on
03/21/2007 9:50:03 AM PDT by
((Spectre's wife))
To: VU4G10
Conservative Republicans, the few that are left like Sessions and Tancredo and Hunter, need to submit an amendment, to wit:
g.) All illegals subject to the provisions of this legislation shall have a minimum wage equal to the Davis-Bacon wage rate in effect for that locality.
h.) All ilegals subject to this legislation shall be guaranteed employment for life by the hiring or sponsoring employer.
i.) Employers of illegals may not outsource these or any other jobs to offshore locations.
That will kill it fast.
Unless the Dems and RINOs want to deny a living wage to these new Americans.
7 posted on
03/21/2007 9:51:56 AM PDT by
To: VU4G10
Lou Dobbs Tonight -- CNN -- March 20
Wian: Even the Los Angeles Teachers Union is demanding the effective end of immigration law enforcement.
Marc Rich: We demand full rights for all workers in the United States, documented or undocumented.
Wian: Organizers claim recent immigration raids have created an atmosphere of racist terror against immigrant communities. In fact, there's evidence the White House has backed off of immigration lawbreakers in recent months.
11 posted on
03/21/2007 9:58:23 AM PDT by
(Have You Forgotten?)
To: VU4G10
The press secretary for the California Republican Party is the son of illegal aliens who came the USA 35 years ago.
In this article he chronicles how in recent years there has been a massive change in the number and kind of illegals coming north. Including a crimnal element that is causing a deterioration in the quality of life of Americans. Consider this article
Illegal aliens murder 12 Americans daily Death toll in 2006 far overshadows total U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq, Afghanistan
People have been referring to the
Captains Quarters as a rebuke to the assertions of the article. The Captain's Quarters makes the assertion that -- for the numbers to be true -- it would have to be the case that a small number of people were committing a lot of crimes. That is to say far outside the statistical norm for the USA. The problem is that he didn't actually check the federal stats. As it happens it is the case that illegals tend to be very repeat offenders.
Below are some government stats to back up the article's assertioms
From the FBI crime statistics * An estimated 16,692 persons were murdered nationwide in 2005, an increase of 3.4 percent from the 2004 figure. * Murder comprised 1.2 percent of the overall estimated number of violent crimes in 2005. (Based on Table 1.) * There were an estimated 5.6 murders per 100,000 inhabitants.
Illegal Alien Crime Wave
On April 7, 2005, the US Justice Department issued a report on criminal aliens that were incarcerated in federal and state prisons and local jails. In the population study of 55,322 illegal aliens, researchers found that they were arrested at least a total of 459,614 times, averaging about 8 arrests per illegal alien. Nearly all had more than 1 arrest. Thirty-eight percent (about 21,000) had between 2 and 5 arrests, 32 percent (about 18,000) had between 6 and 10 arrests, and 26 percent (about 15,000) had 11 or more arrests. Most of the arrests occurred after 1990. They were arrested for a total of about 700,000 criminal offenses, averaging about 13 offenses per illegal alien. One arrest incident may include multiple offenses, a fact that explains why there are nearly one and half times more offenses than arrests. Almost all of these illegal aliens were arrested for more than 1 offense. Slightly more than half of the 55,322 illegal aliens had between 2 and 10 offenses.
More than two-thirds of the defendants charged with an immigration offense were identified as having been previously arrested. Thirty-six percent had been arrested on at least 5 prior occasions; 22%, 2 to 4 times; and 12%,1 time. Sixty-one percent of those defendants had been convicted at least once; 18%, 5 or more times; 26%, 2 to 4 times; and 17%, 1 time. Of those charged, 49% had previously been convicted of a felony: 20% of a drug offense; 18%, a violent offense; and 11%, other felony offenses. Twelve percent had previously been convicted of a misdemeanor. Defendants charged with unlawful reentry had the most extensive criminal histories. Nine in ten had been previously arrested. Of those with a prior arrest, half had been arrested on at least 5 prior occasions. Fifty-six percent of those charged with a reentry offense had previously been convicted of a violent or drug-related felony. By contrast, under half of those charged with alien smuggling, a third of those charged with unlawful entry, and just over a quarter those charged with misuse of visas and other charges had previously been arrested. The criminal histories of these defendants were generally less extensive: more than 70% had been previously arrested fewer than 5 times. Sources: US Department of Homeland Security, US Immigration and Customs Enforcement, National Security Institute, National Association of Chiefs of Police, US Department of Justice
12 posted on
03/21/2007 9:58:55 AM PDT by
To: VU4G10
"Comprehensive Immigration reform"
TRANSLATION: "Come one, come all! No questions asked! Please make yourself at home, amigo, and sign up for whatever taxpayer benefits you can get, plus the road to citizenship expedited especially for you, my Mexican friends! We have loads of low paying jobs for you, because we don't think Americans should get a decent wage. We want cheap products and cheap labor, open borders, and unlimited free trade. Who cares about American culture and the English language? That's so old fashioned. We are one big, global neighborhood now! Se habla Espanol!"
To: VU4G10
The only thing comprehensive about it is that it totally screws citizens and rewards illegals at the same time.
16 posted on
03/21/2007 10:07:36 AM PDT by
To: VU4G10; All
Someone who is in the know, please offer some guidance.
Is it more effective to:
1) Call my Congressperson's local office
2) Call my Congressperson's office in D.C.
3) Email Congressperson
To: SwinneySwitch; gubamyster; HiJinx; hedgetrimmer
21 posted on
03/21/2007 10:32:55 AM PDT by
("trash the treaties")
To: VU4G10
Big mistake to grant "amnesty" to more than 40 million illegal intruders.
Talk about washing your hands of a big problem!!!!
Time to lock and load up on more ammo.
To: VU4G10
Observers note that there has been discord in the Senate as Members have had difficulty pleasing both the demands of labor and big business.What has happened to my poor country?
Screw labor and big business.
Aren't these political slimebags supposed to be working for ("pleasing") us?
26 posted on
03/21/2007 10:49:46 AM PDT by
(The American Indians found out what happens when you don't control immigration.)
To: VU4G10
29 posted on
03/21/2007 11:01:28 AM PDT by
(quos Deus vult perdere, prius dementat ( Islamia Delenda Est ))
To: VU4G10
35 posted on
03/21/2007 12:13:36 PM PDT by
To: VU4G10
There's a foul wind rising, and dark clouds billowing on the horizon.
36 posted on
03/21/2007 12:31:44 PM PDT by
Jeff Head
(Freedom is not free...never has been, never will be (www.dragonsfuryseries.com))
To: VU4G10
39 posted on
03/21/2007 12:41:16 PM PDT by
(The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.)
To: VU4G10
Chicano Student Movement of Aztlan (MEChA):
For La Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada.
"For The Race everything. Outside The Race, nothing."
43 posted on
03/21/2007 1:56:26 PM PDT by
(Thompson/Newt ----Credibilty and Intelligience (Or perhaps Fred Thompson/Tommy Thompson))
To: VU4G10; Ahban; Amazed1953; AmericanHeroes.com; Andy E.; Arkansas Gal; ArkieGirl52; Arkinsaw; ...
52 posted on
03/21/2007 4:59:51 PM PDT by
(USA, founded by tolerant Christians. USSR, founded by intolerant Secularist.)
To: VU4G10
at the very least, the bill will contain some sort of amnesty provision for illegal aliens currently in the United States. Why do these politicians keep such a tight hld on the desire to give Amnesty to the lawbreakers? Why are they so anxious to give our country away?
60 posted on
03/21/2007 8:07:30 PM PDT by
(I've got TWO QUESTIONS for you....)
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