That really is the bottom line. Good for Rush saying it.
Good he named Pence, a good start.
everytime I would come out speaking conservative- people would rip me for bashing Bush.....
I wrote to Tony about it...on 10/27...
go look at the headlines that week-- and notice the difference in tone from Bush....I am not saying that Tony read my letter and saw the light...LOL!
But I am saying that Tony heard what I was saying---- either from polls, other letters, other words.. I was not the only one feeling abandoned by the GOP......
When you are defending the War on Iraq-- and people tell you that you are at odds with President Bush-- that is NOT a good sign.......
Yes he is totally right. The GOP needs to return to what it did in 94, running unashamed as CONSERVATIVES. It's not like there aren't real conservatives to do it and lead the party back to a majority.