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To: Congressman Billybob
We are at war with but one enemy, Islam. Islam is not fascist, but totalitarian.

Domestic division burdens our war effort. Lacking is wisdom among our leaders to present how our enemy threatens our nation as a whole, and every individual be they conservative, liberal, Democrat, Republican, whatever race, nationality, age, gender or religion. Islam has named all America as an enemy.

Neville Chamberlain represents the dangers of a nation divided. Chamberlain, a conservative, turned a deaf ear on the beleaguered Winston Churchill, another conservative. When called upon, Churchill did not use his position to rally conservative victories, but unite his entire nation in winning the war. He placed party second to the war effort, and by so doing his party realized a rise in political fortunes.

If President Bush is correct that only a segment of Islam is our enemy, then he might be correct for neglecting Congress put at his disposal all necessary military force to defeat our enemy. If our enemy is Islam, he has elected to abandoned all-out war the likes of General Sherman waged against the South, and waged by our military forces in every war before the Korean War.

If Islam is the enemy, President Bush has misrepresented our enemy as having peaceful intents, and thus adding to the divisions within our nation. And while his religion of peace rhetoric has slowly subsided, the actions undertaken by his administration to relocate Muslims from other nations into the USA speaks to his persistence in presenting Islam as a religion of peace and forcing it into American society. Actions do speak louder than words. I have no qualms in stating all Muslims in our nation should have been either returned to their nation of origin or interned following the attacks of 9-11.

Only when leaders speak to a higher calling and express by example how Islam would trample the rights and lives of liberals right along with conservatives will our nation begin to find the sort of unity our nation relied upon in WWII.

It should be noted that conservatives, mostly Republicans similar in nature to Britain’s Chamberlain, stood in opposition to FDR in the years before we entered WWII. It took much wisdom for FDR to appoint the conservative Republican Henry Stimson as Secretary of War to help unify our political parties as Americans first and foremost against our common enemy. Stimson was a conservative in the same mold as Britain’s Churchill.

As for the war in Iraq specifically, I detested Saddam Hussein, but what have we gained by toppling a secular government headed by a dictator and replacing it with an Islamic democracy? Lest anyone forget, both Mussolini and Hitler arose within democracies. Further, when fighting Germany, our objective was not to solely defeat Nazis which delivered barely more than 30% of the vote that raised up Hitler. Our objective was to defeat the whole of Germany that made it possible for the likes of Hitler to gain power.

And as Iran threatens with nuclear ambitions, remember all, it was not the UN, nor Israel, the USA, Russia, Britain, France or China that quelled the earlier Iranian ambitions. It was Iraq that bombed Iranian nuclear facilities in 1980, and nary a voice of protested.

Will we ever trust the new Islamic government in Iraq to do likewise? I think not because they are both Islamic first and foremost. This will join them together against us so one day we will have to send another generation of young American men and women to sacrifice their lives for our nation. This destiny is promised because we failed to deliver all-out war upon our enemy.
16 posted on 11/03/2006 4:36:40 PM PST by backtothestreets
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To: backtothestreets

Those who refuse to see the truth now will never see it.

They will curse God and kill us insead.

19 posted on 11/03/2006 5:54:04 PM PST by DonnerT (Global Idiologic Genocide!)
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To: backtothestreets
The reason I use the word "fascist" is that the Islamists insist on keeping control of the whole society, including the economy.

The principal difference between fascism and socialism (and communism) is that the former leaves the ownership of major parts of the economy in private hands -- though they are controlled, and often the preferred owners are the political allies of those who control the government.

John / Billybob
21 posted on 11/03/2006 7:37:32 PM PST by Congressman Billybob (Have a look-see. Please get involved.)
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