Spoken like a true socialist. Corporations exist for the sole purpose of the stockholders. Workers are no different than raw materials, a compmnent of the manufacturing process.
Well managed corporations take care of their employees because it is profitable to do so. When left wing thoughts such as your creep in the management must be changed.
You are mistaken.
Spoken like a true unstrained capitalist. Under your concept a corporation is free to do actual damage to a nation as long as it is done in the name of its stockholders.
From your perspective, you must have supported Bill Clinton and Loral corporation in their transfer of technology to the communist chinese that allowed the communists to MIRV their ICBM. It was good for Loral's stockholders
It appears you will support any form of government as long as it is good for corporate stockholders. That seems to make you a pro-communist supporter of communist china and Chavez in Venezuela. You would have been a perfect fit with the facists in Nazi Germany and Italy during World War II. They were good for the stockholders.
I'll just be Pro-American and believe that there is more to the life of a corporation than stockholders alone.