To: Chena
Maybe I'm just being dense (I haven't been to bed yet!) but what is the significance of 8/22? Somebody? Anybody?
1,675 posted on
08/10/2006 4:27:21 AM PDT by
("Victory at all costs,.......for without victory there is no survival."--Churchill--that's "Winston")
To: singfreedom
1,691 posted on
08/10/2006 4:30:53 AM PDT by
(Islam: A government ruled by or subject to religious authority.)
To: singfreedom
The significance is that on that date 8/22 Mohammad rode a winged horse to Jerusalem then went up into Heaven and returned.
Some winged horse, huh????
1,694 posted on
08/10/2006 4:32:07 AM PDT by
(Americans in armchairs doing the job of the media.)
To: singfreedom
Not for nothing...But I'm looking at a Heathrow tape. It showed two older Muslims (with rags attached" moving INTO camera range as if they wanted to show themselves to "watchers".
1,702 posted on
08/10/2006 4:33:10 AM PDT by
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