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To: Txsleuth
Hey, it's got to be damn tough to be a Democrat.

Put yourself in their position. In fact, I recall a time I myself was in a similar position and I'm thinking perhaps many of you have been as well.

For we all take over jobs in our careers that someone else once did, right? SOMEONE held your job before you is what I'm saying here.

Now in most cases the previous occupier of the job has gone and left the company but I had an instance, rare to be sure, where I took over a job done by another employee of the company who then moved on to another job in the company.

You're just going to have go with me on this, but that lady did the WORST job in history. I was an accountant for a car dealer and I worked in the leasing end of the business. She had accounts receivable some 120 days past due and never even sent a "past due" letter. She had all the files so messed up and ...well I'm sure yon readers have been there and done that, or at least those with some work experience.

This woman spent an entire year lambasting me all the hell over the place. Why? Because by doing the job CORRECTLY, I made her look bad. Her response was not an intelligent and studied one, a response of scrutiny to learn from her past mistakes. Oh no, she had to get all hysterical and carry on like a hyena. I knew what she was up to and here's the scoop...

So did the rest of the company, including the dealership owner.

The Dems, especially the Clintons, are in that same position. Every day more and more mistakes as made by that administration are revealed. They gave Kim Jong IL nuke technology, they refused Osama from Sudan, they tried to broker a ridiculous Mideast peace at Camp David with known terrorist Arafat.

Clinton was looking for a legacy for himself and NEVER had the best intentions of America in his mind. For sure he didn't want to deal with the anger and wrath of those who would complain about any war endlessly like Bush has to do.

Difference is, my experience was with a small company and in due course people figured it out. With the Dems you have all these talkmeisters out and about and trying to change history. There are 285 million people in this country. It takes a while for a group this size to get the message.

It's my story and I'm sticking to it.

324 posted on 07/23/2006 9:26:23 AM PDT by Fishtalk (
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To: Fishtalk

That is a great story...and I can see the analogy.

The dems have the advantage of the MSM backing their side of the story, unfortunately.

I just pray that the word gets around in your case.

358 posted on 07/23/2006 9:57:40 AM PDT by Txsleuth ((((((((((( ISRAEL)))))))))))))
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To: Fishtalk
Your #324?

Spot on.

365 posted on 07/23/2006 10:04:28 AM PDT by Pukin Dog (Hannity interviewing John Mc Cain was my first experience with Gay pornography.)
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To: Fishtalk
FRiend - that is spot on.

My company unearthed a huge pile of of incorrect invoices and thousands of dollars of ancient receivables. When it all got sorted out, everyone who caused the mess had pretty much already bailed out, except for the Head Honcho, who still has his job, somehow.

407 posted on 07/23/2006 10:46:12 AM PDT by don-o (Proudly posting without reading the thread since 1998. (stolen from one cool dude))
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To: Fishtalk

The terrorists are exposing the Rats for how dangerous they are to not only America but the World.

Pray for W and Our Troops
Shalom Israel

474 posted on 07/23/2006 12:48:51 PM PDT by bray (Jeb '08, just to watch their Heads Explode!)
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To: Fishtalk
For we all take over jobs in our careers that someone else once did, right? SOMEONE held your job before you is what I'm saying here.

I agree with and understand your post but (you knew there had to be a "but") I created the job I have now, for all practical purposes for all of the world's companies.  There always has to be someone who was first at everything.

Nearly 30 years ago I was involved with the introduction of the first commercially available pre-assembled personal computer.  I spent several years in the bay area selling these things to the folks from Silicone Valley and they would come into my store saying "did you know your machine could do this?"  Needless to say I learned a whole pot load.

I built the computer center for the UCSF, SF State and City College of SF, among others.  I helped each of those schools create their first PC courses.  I sold a complete personal computer, in a box, in exchange for actual money, three months before Apple delivered their first pre-assembled machine.  And then I moved into corporate America.

When I started there was no one else in the Fortune 100 doing what I was doing.  I was hired to be "the PC guy" for a Fortune 50 company without much direct knowledge of the IBM PC, which was just being introduced and adopted by major companies.  A few months later I attended the First IBM Technical Coordinator conference in Dallas, expecting to discover all sorts of knowledge from all of the "experts" about the things I just didn't know yet.

I've never been more frightened in my life.  I knew more than anyone there, including the guys from IBM's Boca Raton PC group (there were two, who became friends, who knew more... the guys who first designed and built the things).  It was a sobering moment.  There wasn't anyone to turn to and learn from.  As far as using these things effectively in a large corporation (let alone the technical stuff) I was it.  Oh goody!

So, I am the exception that proves your rule.  Of course, I'm still basically in that same job, so I don't have 30 years experience... I have one year experience, 30 times (that's my dad's way of putting me in my place).

506 posted on 07/23/2006 2:27:43 PM PDT by Phsstpok (Often wrong, but never in doubt)
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To: Fishtalk
Brilliant stuff here Fishtalk and special award time.
This post has probably effected everyone here or someone knows somebody who has done their job well only to be stymied by incompetency at a higher level.
I think somewhere in here the Peter Principle(where a person rises to his or her level of incompetency) may come in to play as well.Great Job
546 posted on 07/24/2006 6:18:58 AM PDT by rodguy911 (Support The New media, Ticket the Drive-bys, --America-The land of the Free because of the Brave-)
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To: Fishtalk; rodguy911
An award from Rodguy911 Congratulations
574 posted on 07/26/2006 5:50:21 PM PDT by snugs ((An English Cheney Chick - BIG TIME))
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To: Fishtalk; rodguy911
Whoops what happened to the cert here it is

575 posted on 07/26/2006 6:20:36 PM PDT by snugs ((An English Cheney Chick - BIG TIME))
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