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Ann Coulter Banned in New Jersey?
News mac
| 6/10/06
Posted on 06/11/2006 9:24:07 AM PDT by hope
Reprinted from
Saturday, June 10, 2006 11:50 p.m. EDT
Ann Coulter Banned in New Jersey?
Two New Jersey Democrats are pushing to have Ann Coulter's new book "Godless: The Church of Liberalism," banned from all bookstores in their state because she criticized four 9/11 widows known as "the Jersey Girls."
In a joint press release issued Friday, New Jersey Assemblywomen Joan Quigley and Linda Stender say they want New Jersey retailers to "ban the sale of [Coulter's] book throughout the state."
"Ann Coulter's criticism of 9-11 widows, whose only desire since the attacks have been to repair their shattered lives and protect other families from the horrors they have experienced, is motivated purely by petty greed and hate," the two Democrats complained.
"Coulter's vicious characterizations and remarks are motivated by greed and her desire to sell books . . . She is a leech trying to turn a profit off perverting the suffering of others."
Quigley and Stender conclude:
"No one in New Jersey should buy this book and allow Ann Coulter to profit from her hate-mongering. We are asking New Jersey retailers statewide to stand with us and express their outrage by refusing to carry or sell copies of Coulter's book. Her hate-filled attacks on our 9-11 widows has no place on New Jersey bookshelves."
Get Ann Coulter's new book "Godless: The Church of Liberalism," before Democrats ban it in your state. Click Here.
Editor's note:
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Read more on this subject in related Hot Topics:
9/11 Commission
TOPICS: Front Page News; News/Current Events; Political Humor/Cartoons; US: New Jersey
KEYWORDS: anncoulter; tolerantleft
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To: FreeReign
Private citizens can ban and government officials can ask.Who do you think you're kidding?
In this country, kids praying in school is an establishment of religion, and you're trying to float the notion government official "asking" for a ban is okay?
posted on
06/11/2006 10:52:54 AM PDT
(Evil preys on civility.)
To: MarkL
I'd be promoting her book with "Banned in New Jersey?" headlines! Excellent idea.
To: piytar
The problem is that we're not talking about just a couple of citizens here- we're talking about government officials. Technically, they have the right, but it's the type of thing a government official should refrain from doing anyway. There's a much thinner line between public statements and government policy in this case- anyone who genuinely believes in free speech should be careful of starting a very bad precedent.
posted on
06/11/2006 10:54:59 AM PDT
Sofa King
(A wise man uses compromise as an alternative to defeat. A fool uses it as an alternative to victory.)
To: Fudd Fan
I went to flight school with a guy from there. He always talked about "Jersey." When he's say "Jersey" he'd do a little thing with his hand on his waist that he called a "swooby." I never could figure that stuff out.
posted on
06/11/2006 10:55:25 AM PDT
(DemocRATS! America's Lynch Mob.)
To: FreeReign
"Take your exploding cigar and stick it appropriately." Ok, bend over.
posted on
06/11/2006 10:55:59 AM PDT
(Let's not enforce laws that are already on the books, let's just write new laws we won't enforce.)
To: FlingWingFlyer
No worries, arrogance borne of prejudice isn't easy to figure out. People like that want to feel better about themselves by denigrating someone else -- anyone will do.
I hope I never understand it. We should be glad we don't.
posted on
06/11/2006 10:59:26 AM PDT
Fudd Fan
(Help get Murtha out of Congress- donate at
To: Enterprise
To: Danae
The buzz word is "Hate".
Labeling something as "hate speech" or a "hate crime" they feel trumps freedom of speech.
posted on
06/11/2006 11:00:22 AM PDT
To: FreeReign
posted on
06/11/2006 11:01:04 AM PDT
(Let's not enforce laws that are already on the books, let's just write new laws we won't enforce.)
To: hope
This is the thesis of Anns book. This is proof text to her being correct.
To: hope
And now you have heard from the Nazi wing of New Jersey politicians or maybe it hits too close to home to have their darlings of the anti-Bush brigade playing to a different tune. It IMO is just NJ political pandering, perhaps if they ever get voted out (ha) they can get jobs in used car lots but they will have to adjust their sights higher or get better scruples?
posted on
06/11/2006 11:02:48 AM PDT
("9 out of the 10 voices in my head told me to go home & clean my weapons!")
To: Enterprise
You get lost first.Look, you explode a cigar in my face and send it right back at you. Simple concept.
You get?
To: Lancer_N3502A
"But where's THEY'RE diversity"It's over their!!
...there. ;^)
posted on
06/11/2006 11:03:41 AM PDT
(That does it, no sleep number for you pal.)
To: FreeReign
Take your exploding cigar and stick it appropriately Now there's an intelligent argument. Do you even understand what a "slippery slope argument" is? Apparently not, since neither Enterprise or I made one.
To: jude24
Significantly, however, Mr. Churchill's and Ms. Coulter's comments drove more people away than they convinced..... Only panty waisted girlymen... which is good.
It's driving up her book sales. I understand Godless is #1 at Amazon.
To: redheadtoo
Regarding the Constitution someone suggested that, " We send it to Iraq. It was written by a bunch of smart guys and has served our country well for almost 200 years. Since we aren't using it anymore we should let Iraq have it!"
posted on
06/11/2006 11:07:44 AM PDT
To: jude24
Why do you consider the truth "tasteless"? If more people spoke the truth, then we wouldn't have to deal all the PC sh*t that is now so prevalent.
Actually I call it "refreshing", so get a clue.
posted on
06/11/2006 11:09:21 AM PDT
(Insula est scelestus interficio monastica quod Mohammed est abbas of totus monachus quod volutabrum.)
To: hope
Democrats are scared they might have to debate the actual premise of the book. So they latch onto one thing, take it out of context, and call for a ban on the book. If they had actually read the book, they would know that they are doing precisely what she says they always do.
posted on
06/11/2006 11:09:51 AM PDT
The Ghost of FReepers Past
(Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light..... Isaiah 5:20)
To: Hildy
Again, like the Dixie Chicks..the wanted to enter the political fray with impunity. IT DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY. Grow up. Who said they were immune from criticism? Coulter's statements go well beyond criticism.
posted on
06/11/2006 11:10:00 AM PDT
("I will oppose the sword if it's not wielded well, because my enemies are men like me.")
To: jude24
Well supreme judge of "taste", please enlighten us to the "tasteful" way of outing media whores!!!
posted on
06/11/2006 11:10:30 AM PDT
(I'd rather be carrying a shotgun with Dick, than riding shotgun with a Kennedyl!)
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