Now watch... Bush will do some things that show he is listening, and moving in the right direction.
But nomatter what he does, it won't be "enough".
National Guard: doing the job Mexico won't do.
I don't expect the border to improve overnight. But if Bush starts moving in the right direction, and follows through with his plan of action, then I will stop criticizing him on border security.
However, I do not want to hear talk of a guest worker program until we have improved border security to significant extent. And that sentiment is shared by other conservatives who want either amnesty or a guest worker program - any legislation dealing with illegals already here is doomed to failure until we have a reasonable level of border security.
It took him how many years to "get the point."? He's been moving as fast as molasses in a New England winter on this issue, meanwhile hundreds of thousands have been flooding across in hopes of cashing in on HIS amnesty proposals. Do you want me to dance a jig of joy or something over his lack of initiative on this?
I'm just wondering if it's to get the Minutemen off the border so the illegals can be escorted into the US by US troops instead of coyotes.
1. People should read citizens
2.Posse Comitatus Act does not apply to Illegal Aliens
3. I think the military can enforce border restrictions
Not for the Dims. However, taking a big dramatic step toward stemming the tsunami of illegal immigration might molify voters enough to keep them voting Republican.
The problem with his approval numbers is that even though many of us might be ticked off and disapproving, we still wouldn't vote Dim come election time.
But nomatter what he does, it won't be "enough".
Is it ever? Goal posts will be moved, as usual. :-)
Hear ya, Ram ... but if he acknowledges the need to close the borders before talking guest worker ... and if has a serious plan to put military on the border ... it will be "enough" to turn the tide his way among conservatives.
At least among those conservatives he had any chance of winning back to start with.
I don't know if you mean that sincerely or ironically but I, for one, will never trust W. on illegal immigration, even though I supported his candidacy and recognize that he has done some good things in some other areas.
Whatever he does now on this issue, would be like Tony Soprano chipping in a nice contribution to his local Neighborhood Watch program. I alreday know where Tony stands. And I know also where W. stands.