Posted on 01/26/2006 6:51:27 AM PST by katieanna
Unless they vote another one-month extension to the Patriot Act, Feb. 3 is D-Day.
Well, since they will have to be in session tomorrow...perhaps she is waiting...
BTW...I just saw Brian Wilson, on Fox say that they expect Alito to be sworn in at noon on Tuesday!!!
Salazar also said he wouldn't support a filibuster, so they only have 40. They weren't smart enough to put him on the list of people to call.....
She's geting lots of "against" calls from home, would be my guess. She is seriously weighing voting against the nomination, and wants more commitments from other Senators before she makes up her mind and announces anything.
It's good for her, makes her feel important. But in fact, her decision is, at this point, irrelevant. Both as to cloture and as to the nomination.
Hooah. Oh happy day!!!
Sen. Arlen Specter, R.-Pa., said behind-the-scenes counts show that Alito has the 60 votes to overcome a filibuster. Two Democrats -- Sen. Ken Salazar of Colorado and Sen. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana -- have said they would oppose any filibuster attempt. Salazar, though, said he would vote against Alito, while Landrieu said she is still examining Alito's record.
I know...but, for me that is the WORST day...
Because I have both grandchildren...and I have to have lunch at Kailey's school...and then pick her up...and then Chase will be spending the night.
IOW...I don't get much TV time OR FR time on Tuesdays!!
Therefore, I will count on you and others to take good notes...LOL
Makes me wonder if the dems will have enough strength to muster up another very unpopular stance regarding the Patriot Act, especially after losing on Alito.
Not too sure how exciting. But interesting doesn't have to be exciting...just interesting.
Yeah - Collins and Sarbanes (one on each side) -- now at 55-32
Maybe when Frist offered 100 hours back in the filibuster battles of the 108th Congress. The DEMs never took the offer, so Frist filed cloture motion after cloture motion.
I imagine Frist will try for another UC to move to the vote at least once more prior to the cloture vote.
I agree. I think Reid will ask for that. The cover will be 60 votes to confirm the nominee.
Behind the 8 ball here ..where's the Gang of 14 in this ... I take it they're not operating in tandem?
:-)But I made a bunch of blunders along the way. Just tuning in and Collins commits for Alito.
LOL! Mis-firing LOL!
Pelting rice, running man, hits hindquarters
Goes on to make the point that the Constitution does not include a super majority requirement to confirm judicial nominees.
Alito is going to be confirmed so what is Frist waiting for?
Let's Vote! Get it overwith so I can watch liberals start jumping from high places.
Did you get the impression that Reid appeared chastened after Frist announced cloture?
Keeping quiet, as the gang. Those individuals in it who have spoken out hve said "no filibuster," and "if there is a filibuster, we WILL vote for the nuclear option." Graham said "make my day" in that regard.
If you look at the list of votes per C-SPAN, and the makeup of the gang of 14, you will see that a filibuster is impossible, even if Callins, Snowe and Chaffee vote to filibuster and vote against the nuclear option. And Collins is now for the nomination.
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