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Gay and legally married
Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel ^
| 1/9/06
| Terry Bush
Posted on 01/09/2006 9:36:27 AM PST by Dane
Gay and legally married By Terry Bush Posted January 9 2006
We finally tied the knot! My husband and I got married in Vancouver, B.C., Aug. 17, following with a cruise to Alaska. Having been together for eight and a half years, we could now express our feelings to each other publicly and become part of this institution that we have witnessed friends and family members join throughout our lives. I finally got to experience and feel what they did on that special day.
The difference here is that we are both men.
Some people are trying, in the name of the Lord, to do everything in their power to stop this from happening in the U.S., and I feel sorry for them. There is no basis for their claim. Picking and choosing Bible verses is what they did to try to stop integration and interracial marriage.
My first relationship of 18 great years ended with the other's death 10 years ago. I was not "privileged" to marry at that time.
I say "privileged" because those who are trying to keep me in second-class status take this action for granted. Heterosexuals can get married one day and divorced another.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Canada; Constitution/Conservatism; Culture/Society; Foreign Affairs; Government; US: Florida
KEYWORDS: danesobsession; homosexualagenda; samesexmarriage
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To: meandog
Excellent points. The difference between the homosexual person in this article and G-d's people, is that they repent because of their Love of G-d. Repentence is the acknowledgement that one has fallen short of G-d's law and the need to change directions from that sin. Therefore, as I quoted in Romans 11, G-d gave them over to a reprobate mind, that they should come to know the need for repentence and come to him. He did not come for 'just' his people, but for all--(muslims, homosexuals, non believer's etc.,) but, unfortunately, "Many are called, but few come.) Performance of the Law represents obedience to G-d, but they, likewise, are saved by faith.
posted on
01/09/2006 11:23:31 AM PST
(Pray for the peace of Jerusalem in the name of the G-d of Jacob)
To: Alouette
sin is sin, and homosexuality is by definition of sin no worse or better than any other transgression Well if blaspheming the holy spirit is the one transgression that can not be forgiven it seems some are worse than others.
Every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven (Mt. 12:31)
posted on
01/09/2006 11:28:20 AM PST
(If SCO wants to go fishing they should buy a permit and find a lake like the rest of us..)
To: meandog
However, how do you explain that King David who committed adultery with the wife of Uriah and even had Uriah placed in the front ranks in battle so he would be killed was not punished by God It was customary for Israelite soldiers to divorce their wives when they went away to war, in case they were missing in action. Bathsheva was legally divorced from her husband when David took her, therefore it was not considered adultery in the criminal sense.
David was condemned by Nathan because he benefitted personally, and it said "what David did was evil in the eyes of the Lord." The son that he conceived with Bathsheva died in infancy (II Samuel 11:26)
David repented of this sin over many years.
posted on
01/09/2006 11:35:19 AM PST
(Neocon Zionist Media Operative)
To: N3WBI3; meandog
some [sins] are worse than others. That's what I said, what you highlighted are meandog's comments.
posted on
01/09/2006 11:37:19 AM PST
(Neocon Zionist Media Operative)
To: richardtavor
I know. I was just curious. Thank you for the post and info.
To: Galveston Grl
I am so wanting people to stop unhealthy lifestyles. I understand now what you meant by culture of death. I agree with you on this.
To: Alouette
ROMANS 3:23: "For ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
posted on
01/09/2006 12:05:49 PM PST
To: meandog; Alouette
An nowhere has anyone said otherwise, you have been corrected with scripture when you said all sins are equal.
In that all sins make us forfeit of the kingdom, save grace, you are correct. In that the word never ranks sins, you are wrong!
posted on
01/09/2006 12:23:31 PM PST
(If SCO wants to go fishing they should buy a permit and find a lake like the rest of us..)
To: Alouette
I grew up Catholic and in that religion I learned there are degrees to sin - mortal and venial sin. Murder is mortal sin. White lies or cussing are venial sins. Adultery is a moral sin. Homosexuality is adultery and it is a mortal sin.
As far as governing, I like the secular system of justice better than the law of the old testament or the law of Islam that we see in operation in the Middle East, Asia and Africa. The religious hypocrites have no business administering justice as most would not know justice if it hit them in the face.
But as far as culture and social taboos - that should be decided by the people based on their own moral and health standards. My moral standards calls for rejecting the mainstreaming and acceptance of homosexual sex as deadly and immoral. I don't want my kids being taught by perverts that it is wonderful or has anything to do with love and marriage. It is in the realm of porn - adultery and it's NATURAL consequences is disease and death.
The one interesting nullification of all moral standards is that if you are not perfect you may not judge another's immoral behavior. The crowd of this thought claims Jesus banned all judgment when he protected the whore from stoning. He did not excuse her sin; he had mercy on her as she was given another chance to straighten up by him. He told her to sin no more just as he withheld the hand of judgment against her for her sin. He is the One of mercy; not the one of no judgment. To repent in Christianity involves judging one's own behavior as sinful and turning from it in sorrow. And if we fail to do that, we will be judged by God and it won't be pretty according to the Catholic religion. We are to judge immoral behavior - our own and others - and we are to do our best to straighten up. The courts never belong in the business of trying to establish social moral standards because they are trying to establish a National religion with themselves as the gods.
posted on
01/09/2006 12:42:25 PM PST
Galveston Grl
(Getting angry and abandoning power to the Democrats is not a choice.)
To: N3WBI3
An nowhere has anyone said otherwise, you have been corrected with scripture when you said all sins are equalMy (Episcopal) religion ranks sin as either mortal or venial...a mortal sin is stated as murder but can also be one of cruelty to animals and are ranked the same. A venial sin basically is something left undone that should have been done ... however, both are sin as sin as defined ("missing the mark") and are both offensive to God.
posted on
01/09/2006 1:10:39 PM PST
To: Galveston Grl
Adultery is a moral sin. Homosexuality is adultery and it is a mortal sin. is "dressing immorally" and ranked as equal: click here
posted on
01/09/2006 1:15:38 PM PST
To: meandog
That link was insane, Jeepers creepers, man. It's so abvious that all of that was written by man and has nothing to do with God. I just happened to click on it and start reading and MAN.....let's just say I'm glad I'm not part of whatever sect that is. cripes!
posted on
01/09/2006 2:10:01 PM PST
To: Bones75
REgarding my last post. I didn't mean that to offend or knock any Catholics. I am Christian myself but I am highly suspicious of the Catholic church and believe that much of what they do come from the minds of men, not of God himself.
I believe they have falsified and changed any number of things arbitrarily throughout their history for their own ends. (The day that CHristmas is on, Sunday being called the Sabbath with it is actually Saturday as far as I can tell from history.
posted on
01/09/2006 2:33:00 PM PST
To: meandog
it didn't apply to goyim.
posted on
01/09/2006 8:08:56 PM PST
To: Bones75
That link was insane, Jeepers creepers, man. It's so abvious that all of that was written by man and has nothing to do with God. I just happened to click on it and start reading and MAN.....let's just say I'm glad I'm not part of whatever sect that is. cripes!...It is the Roman Catholic (the mother of all Christian Churches) definition of what constitutes moral sin...on most of the high points (with exception to contraception, other issues involving human sexuality, and church worship) we (Episcopalians) believe the same. We (as do Roman Catholics) also believe that Jesus promised any/all sin, if confessed and repented will be forgiven (that includes the "big ones" like murder).
posted on
01/10/2006 6:42:39 AM PST
To: N3WBI3
Every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven (Mt. 12:31)
How does one blaspheme the Spirit?
posted on
01/10/2006 6:50:01 AM PST
(Modernman should not have been banned.)
To: BikerNYC
posted on
01/10/2006 8:00:19 AM PST
(If SCO wants to go fishing they should buy a permit and find a lake like the rest of us..)
To: N3WBI3
Your pastor says: What then is it? The unforgivable sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is an act of resistance which belittles the Holy Spirit so grievously that he withdraws for ever with his convicting power so that we are never able to repent and be forgiven.
I understand what he is saying (I probably have committed such an act of resistance), but I have heard from others that no one is beyond redemption. That we ALL have the power within us AT ALL TIMES to ask for forgiveness, it is just that our stubbornness gets in the way.
As your pastor alludes to in his article I suppose there is disagreement among believers as to what exactly this unforgivable sin actually entails.
posted on
01/10/2006 8:38:43 AM PST
(Modernman should not have been banned.)
To: BikerNYC
I understand what he is saying (I probably have committed such an act of resistance), but I have heard from others that no one is beyond redemption. That we ALL have the power within us AT ALL TIMES to ask for forgiveness, it is just that our stubbornness gets in the way. You have to understand that one of the big debates within the protestant community is between Calvinist and Armenians (sp). Calvinist believe you will only come to repentance it so moved by the Holy Spirit of God, through that perspective what he is saying is that when you have blasphemed the holy spirit you will *not* be moved *ever* to repentance and that if you are truly moved that way you have not committed such an offense.
Armenians (example: Nazarenes, Weslians) believe man chooses to serve God and through his choice, and Gods grace, he is redeemed by the Blood of Christ. Calvinist believe God has chosen the elect and will preserve them until such a time as *his spirit alone* draws them near (i.e. we have no say in the matter, its *only* Gods grace).
posted on
01/10/2006 9:07:42 AM PST
(If SCO wants to go fishing they should buy a permit and find a lake like the rest of us..)
To: N3WBI3
I see. That debate would certainly be reflected in the debate about what the unforgiveable sin is.
posted on
01/10/2006 9:23:33 AM PST
(Modernman should not have been banned.)
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