At the moment, am just lounging around in my room. The Elves are still on Strike.
Alabaster Elf, the Head Adminstrator Elf and keeper of the Santa Lists is finishing up a one-on-one meeting with
I'm expecting my summons shortly to meet with least I am temporarily out of the ToyMines...and back in my room. The Dang Wolfie is on the Prowl...and he tried to scam us about snarfin' up Santa...and becoming our Boss!
Santa's safe...but you need to watch out for that Big Bad!!
Glad to hear you are out of the toy mines.
Hope everything is getting better after the meeting with Santa.
I am aware of the prank Wolfie played on you elves and I make sure that I don't fall into his trap.:)
Thanks for the warning though.
Stop fibbin' to your brethren, elfy. Santa Wolfie just might make you clean the reindeer latrine.