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Open Letter to Nancy Pelosi
VANITY (sent to several news organizations) | 19 November, 2005 | lysandru

Posted on 11/19/2005 7:11:19 PM PST by Lysandru

An Open Letter to Nancy Pelosi

19 November 2005

Dear Madam:

When I read Friday night that you condemned the House Republicans for pulling a political “stunt” by calling for a floor vote on a resolution to call for the immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, I was beyond furious. How dare you? I suppose as political stunts go, it ranks right down there with Rep. Rangel’s bill to reinstate the military draft or the Senate Democrats’ recent crass stunt of demanding a secret Senate session to discuss the possible manipulation of pre-war intelligence. It is certainly not as bad as the shameless mendacity of Democratic leaders who recite the “Bush lied, kids died” mantra to appease their left-wing base when they themselves reached the same conclusions about Iraq’s WMD programs. I don’t have the space or patience right now to refute this lie once again—I just suggest that everyone read Norman Podhoretz’s recent piece on the topic at The Wall Street Journal web site.

Public unease with the war effort in Iraq has been fueled at every turn by prominent members of your party and its media allies. Your presidential standard bearer said last year that the war was the wrong war in the wrong place at the wrong time—but he would wage it smarter. This former infantryman and the tens of millions of other voters found that rallying cry a bit silly (or maybe too nuanced). I digress. The point here is that major elements of the Democratic Party have done everything possible politically to undermine the President’s moral authority and credibility in the midst of a global struggle that threatens our very way of life. Criticizing the President’s conduct of the war is fine—I have a few criticisms myself. But it is a patent lie to state that Operation IRAQI FREEDOM was only about WMD or to state that the President misled the nation. Maybe your colleagues should go back and actually read the text of what they voted for or against in late 2002. Heck, have them re-read the text of the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998—or President Clinton’s speeches when he was President. Madam, read your own speeches for crying out loud.

The question of WMD’s has been moot for some time in any event. Had our forces found what was expected, this would not have impressed the Iraqi insurgents or their foreign terrorist allies. They would still be killing their fellow Iraqis and our troops. The question now is about American resolve to stay the course. And this goes way beyond Iraq. As “anti-war” politicians undermine the President by calling for troop withdrawal timetables, what do you suppose is going through the minds of the following leaders—Mohammed al-Zarqawi, President Karzai of Afghanistan, or President Chen of Taiwan?

If I were Zarqawi, I would be greatly encouraged: “Just kill a couple of hundred more Americans and Bush’s domestic enemies will undo him. And then the American troops will go home, and we can then deal with their lackeys.” If I were Mr. Karzai, I might be thinking: “If 2,000 dead made the Americans abandon their Iraqi allies, how many dead will it take before they cut and run on me?” Were I Mr. Chen, I might be thinking: “We are toast if the Boys in Beijing decide to invade us. If the Americans can’t face up to a few thousand terrorists thugs, they are probably not up to facing a nuclear armed China.”

And what about our allies who have contributed troops to help us--how willing are they going to be to sign on to a military intervention when the next President, possibly a Democrat, calls upon their help?

I fail to see the essential difference between calling for an immediate withdrawal from Iraq or a set timetable next year independent of actual progress. Both signal our friends and enemies alike that we have been mentally defeated already. And in the latter case, we end up sacrificing more lives for a cause that many Democrats opine to be already lost. In fact, if you no longer believe in the worthiness or achievability of a stable, friendly Iraq—then you should have voted for immediate withdrawal. America has lost over 2,000 dead in Iraq. I expect that we may lose over 1,000 more before we are done. If any Congressman or Senator is unwilling to ask the nation to make this further sacrifice, then they are morally obligated to call for an immediate withdrawal. The voters and the historians will hopefully hold them accountable later.

I suspect that the vote count for the resolution was a sham. I believe that dozens of members of your caucus desperately wanted to vote for it, but they were trying to cover their political keesters instead of standing upon principle. They don’t want to be labeled as members of the “cut and run brigade,” so these base moral cowards hide behind weasel words about “timetables” and “exit strategies.” I have always loathed the phrase “exit strategy” as immoral and defeatist—anyone who is not ready to fight to win should not be committing troops to battle.

But I believe that removing the mass-murdering kleptomaniac Saddam Hussein from power was incontrovertibly a worthy achievement. We now know for certain that he will not be launching nuclear weapons against Tehran, Riyadh, or Tel Aviv. I believe that helping the Iraqis and Afghans to create stable and hopefully democratic societies offers the chance to transform the Middle East and break the cycle of violence and oppression there. And I believe that anyone who did not stand up and cheer at the sight of Iraqis going to the polls by the millions to settle their differences with ballots instead of bullets is a heartless cur. How can Liberals tell me with a straight face that they stand for the world’s poor and oppressed when they won’t acknowledge successes in Iraq or Afghanistan lest President Bush might get credit for them? It’s frankly sick, twisted and pathetic.

I implore you to search your soul and ask yourself if the course that you and your party are following is truly right and moral. And may God forgive you if you continue in your present course because it will take me a long time to do so.



TOPICS: Government; News/Current Events; Your Opinion/Questions
KEYWORDS: iraq; pelosi; pullout
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I got so mad, I just had to get on the keyboard.
1 posted on 11/19/2005 7:11:19 PM PST by Lysandru
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To: Lysandru

Good letter. Only problem, Pelosi and its accomplices don't have a soul, other wise they would be aiding Zarqawi.

2 posted on 11/19/2005 7:18:52 PM PST by Racer1
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To: Lysandru

Pelosi is a liberal machine. I dont think anything can reach the human being buried inside there.

3 posted on 11/19/2005 7:19:13 PM PST by Names Ash Housewares
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To: Lysandru

Very well said.

4 posted on 11/19/2005 7:20:46 PM PST by p23185 (Why isn't attempting to take down a sitting Pres & his Admin considered Sedition?)
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To: Lysandru

Too many big words, coherent thoughts and properly finished sentences for Bright Eyes to understand.

5 posted on 11/19/2005 7:21:00 PM PST by digger48
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To: Lysandru
You're very articulate and your piece displays it. Unfortunately, she'll most likely read the first sentence and throw it in the round file, as she reaches for the next letter, hoping this next one flatters her.

It would be my suggestion, that if a letter be written, use that first sentence to get to the crux of your grievance... as in...

Dear Madam,

You're a friggin idiot!

(your signature goes here)

6 posted on 11/19/2005 7:21:58 PM PST by sit-rep (If you acquire, hit it again to verify...)
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To: Racer1
Oops would should read would not. Please excuse the finger slippage.
7 posted on 11/19/2005 7:22:29 PM PST by Racer1
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To: Lysandru

Great open letter Lysandru -- but preaching truth and sense to Nancy Pelosi is like giving Bill Clinton a lesson in Morality -- a big waste of time !!! These Democrats are beyond hope - they must be defeated at the polls just as the terrorists must be crushed on the battlefield in order for the US to win the war on terror.
While these Democrats and their willing partners in the press are passing ammunition to the enemy, the terrorists are just going to wait it out until the will of the American people to wage a long struggle is destroyed. Unfortunately, the same lefties that caused us to lose in Vietnam are back to do it again!!

8 posted on 11/19/2005 7:23:53 PM PST by Froggie
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To: Lysandru

Lighten up on Nancy. If you had the skin pulled that tight over your face, you wouldnt be able to think right either.

Hypocrisy has worked for the Dems for years only recently has it been brought to light.

9 posted on 11/19/2005 7:25:42 PM PST by sgtbono2002
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To: Racer1

You got it.

10 posted on 11/19/2005 7:36:14 PM PST by cubreporter (I trust Rush. He's done more for our country than we will ever know. He's the man!)
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To: Lysandru

God forgive you if you continue in your present course because it will take me a long time to do so.

I will NEVER forgive them. Any of them.

11 posted on 11/19/2005 7:37:41 PM PST by cubreporter (I trust Rush. He's done more for our country than we will ever know. He's the man!)
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To: Lysandru
The problem is she can't or won't read anything from a Conservative.
It's ok for her and her Demon-crats to lie and deceive and slander but when any Republican or Conservative answer their tirades it's called "mean spirited"

12 posted on 11/19/2005 7:43:56 PM PST by SkyDancer ("Talent Without Ambition Is Sad - Ambition Without Talent Is Worse")
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To: cubreporter

Every time I call Pelosi's office they hang up on me. Maybe it's because I tell them that they are wepons of mass disruption......

13 posted on 11/19/2005 7:45:54 PM PST by cabinman (Remember to do good and shun evil.)
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To: Lysandru
“Just kill a couple of hundred more Americans and Bush’s domestic enemies will undo him. And then the American troops will go home, and we can then deal with their lackeys.”

I've been thinking god forbid...what if another Beirut-barracks style attack happened where we lose a few hundred in an instant?

Will President Bush do as President Reagan did?

Zarqawi must be thinking this too.

14 posted on 11/19/2005 7:46:19 PM PST by DCPatriot ("It aint what you don't know that kills you. It's what you know that aint so" Theodore Sturgeon)
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To: cabinman


15 posted on 11/19/2005 7:49:40 PM PST by cabinman (Remember to do good and shun evil.)
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To: sgtbono2002

I wonder how Pelosi would look in a burqa? That is what she will get if she keep it up.

16 posted on 11/19/2005 8:32:05 PM PST by Pit1
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To: Lysandru
Good Letter....but she can't read it....her hands are too busy banging the cymbals.

17 posted on 11/19/2005 8:38:27 PM PST by Colonial Warrior (You can't tell how good a man or a watermelon is 'til they get thumped. Character shows when tested)
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To: Lysandru

Excellent, great points. Send it to your newspaper too. If it's a liberal rag they probably won't print it but it's worth a try.

18 posted on 11/19/2005 8:40:13 PM PST by pieces of time
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To: cabinman

The best thing is to call, ask who you are speaking to and ask a question. They seem to be unsure if it's Media calling. Totally different attitude.

19 posted on 11/19/2005 8:46:16 PM PST by pieces of time
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To: Lysandru
Your letter is thoughtful and sincere. You make several good arguments. Thank you for sharing it.

I share your anger and disgust towards Democrats who dare characterize the vote on the resolution as a political stunt, but from a different angle.

The overwhelming vote last night defeating the resolution that called for immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq was a noble, patriotic act. It clearly reaffirmed our commitment to stay the course with the Iraqi people struggling to create a new democracy in the Middle East, and it renewed our solemn vow to our troops to support them in all ways possible as they face peril on foreign soil.

However, the Democrat leadership, and their willing dupes in the media, chose to characterize this noble and patriotic act as a ‘stunt’. That clearly implies that only through political trickery could House Democrats be coerced to act in a manner that for most sincere U.S. citizens comes naturally. I don’t believe they realize how warped and repugnant their value system appears to us when they seek to disparage this virtuous and honorable deed.

20 posted on 11/19/2005 8:48:01 PM PST by Unmarked Package (A humble exterior, but filled with many surprises.)
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