To: ArmyBratproud
The left is so desperate to get ANY TRACTION against Bush, et al. Indicted means CONVICTED...while they still cannot look in the mirror for fear of seeing an image of Clinton. A form of self-induced hypocrisy that belies any reality except the reality they work so hard to create...
2 posted on
10/25/2005 8:40:45 PM PDT by
To: EagleUSA
Yeah..the press will look bad. BUT THE THING IS....the press always attacks Republicans. So why the hell should we care...
To: EagleUSA
I'm hoping for no indictments of administration people, and PRAYING for a Wilson indictment (however unlikely), if for no other reason than to see the DUmmies and their ilk suicidal once again.
Here's to a black Fitzmas!
6 posted on
10/25/2005 8:43:20 PM PDT by
(Indict Joe Wilson!)
To: EagleUSA
The left is so desperate to get ANY TRACTION against Bush, et al. Indicted means CONVICTED
That's why each and every stunt the RATs pull must be vigorously fought. They were demanding that Tom Delay "serve his time" back in the '04 election before there was even an indictment.
They can't win on the issues and they can't win in an open debate. They can't win in Congress, they can't win in the Senate, they can't win the Presidency. They can't win the hearts and minds of Americans and they can't even win an honest election for dogcatcher.
They have no ideas, no vision, no morals and no ethics. They are the party of "blame America first" and violence against anyone they disagree with ("Let's stone Henry Hyde to death", "Rove and Libby will be executed", "Assassins wanted", "I hope he dies of a heart attack", etc.). They are the "Wellstone funeral" party, the "Marc Rich" party, the "2004 Washington State Gubernatorial Race" party, the "faked TANG memo" party, and the party of the mayor of New Orleans and the governor of Louisiana.
They are corrupt. They are rotten to the core. They are a stain on America.
23 posted on
10/25/2005 8:59:11 PM PDT by
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