To: MizSterious
...father can't remember "exactly" what the so-called suicide note...
Exactly. Especially since it was "one line of text". Good grief! How could you not recall verbatim one line from your dead son? Things just keep not adding up in this story.
195 posted on
10/16/2005 4:19:59 PM PDT by
Bigg Red
(Do not trust Democrats with national security!)
To: Bigg Red
So much just doesn't add up. Changed stories, stories that conflict...and they tell us things that only a stupid person would believe. Some of my theories change as time goes on, but one thing seems certain--they're covering something up.
202 posted on
10/16/2005 4:27:39 PM PDT by
(Now, if only we could convince them all to put on their bomb-vests and meet in Mecca...) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson