The big question is who wrote the message.
A suicide note written on his computer, how very ingenious.
It doesn't seem that this message was written by a native speaker of the English language. "Dissatisfied with the situation"? "Quit living"?
That is strange phrasing.
His last words were "Allah Akbar!"
Does anyone listen to Rusty Humphries? I get him on XM radio. He was all into this, he was saying this guy was a converted MUSLIM, who went to the same mosque as some other terrorist bombers and there was a big coverrup going on....there's nothing like that here. What gives>
Hi Miz,
Thanks for posting the article. Here is another version - this one from ABC Ch. 7 TV in Denver:
This whole thing is a complete mess...
A.) As others have pointed out how could his father not have remembered what was said in the "note". He is an incredibly intelligent man and what he does remember it "said" is remarkably similar to what Hinrichs father himself said he supposed Joel III felt like in past interviews.
B.) What would be the point of the FBI saying there was no note, and now saying there is?
C.) How could there be any proof the note was actually written by Joel III?
D.) Why did the FBI wait until Hinrichs father was in Oklahoma to call him and tell him about the note? (Was it the FBI that called him? - Can he be SURE about this?)
E.) WHEN did the FBI enter the apartment and find the note? Did anyone have access to the apartment BEFORE the FBI arrived?
F.) Still wondering how the FBI is allowed to discuss these items seeing as the search warrant and the file is still sealed by the DOJ???
Still more questions than answers...and the above are just the questions about the note itself. Still other HUGE questionsdiscrepancies regarding Cheema - his actual time of arrest (minutes vs. hours), the mysterious "5 others" reportedly (Ch. 9's Tamara Pratt) being looked for for helping with the bomb or taking things out of the apartment, Boren (who would know the security procedures declared after 9/11) insisting within 1-2 hours of the event that it was a "lone suicide" instead of treating it as a possible terrorist attack, etc.. etc...
Perhaps this is appropriate considering the circumstance of the situation.
Someone on scene at the time reported, "Three buses have been wiped down and sprayed, clearing the remains of the suicide bomber. The buses are still parked on the South Oval." No damage to buses mentioned -- except one had burn marks. See
Also, "there were 50 lit matches around the bench where he blew himself up."
Okay, suicide. He did all that to commit suicide. It appears.
Will we ever see all of the investigation results? Fat chance anything will be released.
The "sole" participants in the Murrah Building bombing have been tried, convicted and punished -- one executed and the other two (Nichols and Fortier) in prison but likely to suffer deadly "accidents" -- yes, I truly believe Nichols' days are numbered as people like Attorney Jesse Trentadue force more and more documents out via the federal courts. That cover-up reaches into the Clinton oral office, IMO.
The 1995 OKC bombing solved. Yet, key information remains locked up. Why? Where's the surveillance tapes? Even CBS, et al. can't get them. Why? What's the big deal about McVeigh parking the truck (alone), leaving the truck (alone), and driving off in an old Mercury (alone)?
Hey Wally! Gee why do you have explosives under your bed?
Ahh, knock it off Beav and mind your own business!
Gee Wally I hope you don't hurt yourself with those explosives.
Beav, knock it off and just go to sleep.
You worry too much.
I'm not buying it.
Just my opinion but anyone can write "your" suicide note on your computer....after yer dead.
First there was no note and now there was a note?
Kinda of sweet, fun-loving, all-American kid who lives just down the block. Kinda kid you'd like to hug,...except that he's in so many pieces that's not really an option!
It's been two weeks since the bombing, and this is the first time we hear about a suicide note? Give me a break. The FBI got their hands on his computer the day after the bombing. If there had been a suicide note on it, we would have heard about it much sooner, if only to quell all the "rumors". Sorry, but this doesn't wash.
I can't say as I buy any of this. This "note" would have been found the night of or the day after the event. WHY NOT REVEAL IT THEN?
This stinks.
To me, this smells like a bunch of folks going over the entire crime scene, cleanining it and purging it from top to bottom of any evidence that might contradict a suicide, then "revealing" a bogus note that they now know cannot be disproven-- because they have eliminated anything that could disprove it.
And how convenient. A typewritten note (so anybody could have typed it). And not emailed or recorded onto a hard drive (so there is no time stamp as to when the note was entered).
Far-- FAAARRRRR to convenient for me.
I read somewhere that the kid:
1) Was born in Mena, AR.
2) Has a brother who was a park ranger at Ft. Marcy park
3) Visited the Ft. Detrick research labs in Sept 2001
4) Was seen near a Kinkos in Abilene, TX in 2004
Don't know if any of these are significant or not...
The curser was still blinking on the screen of his suicide note??
Where's his Pakistani roommate at now? He, or anyone, could have written it. I don't believe he can't remember what it said either.
" "He wrote he was dissatisfied with the situation and was going to quit living,""
Weird choice of words. When we see something posted in that context, it is often posted by someone not born in this country.