It is getting creepier. When you remember Nicholas Berg being here on campus before he went to Iraq and would show up at the Islamic Society, it starts to make the hair on the back of my neck stand up.
You were the first person I thought of when I heard rumors of this OU situation. Imagine my surprise that you were so close to being a primary news source! Keep us informed!
I have to go in a minute, but your #115 is on target. It really makes me wonder what the heck is going on our sleepy little part of Oklahoma? Do you remember OKCSubmariner? He always said there were a couple of very active terrorist cells in Norman and OKC. I know a lot of people pooh-poohed his posts, but it does make you wonder.
I'd forgotten about Berg being there until you mentioned it the other day, PhiKapMom.
Will check in tomorrow.
Was Nicholas Berg a Muslim convert??