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The Enemy Speaks
Centcom ^ | July/Aug 2005 | Mullah Frenzi al-Ragheadi

Posted on 08/04/2005 5:22:16 AM PDT by robowombat

Al-Qa’ida Claims to have Killed Two Algerian Diplomats

CENTCOM: On July 27, "Al-Rifi," a contributor to the "Islamic" forum of the Ana al-Muslim website, posted a statement issued by Abu-Mus'ab al-Zarqawi's al-Qa'ida of Jihad Organization in the Land of the Two Rivers [Tanzim Qa'idat al-Jihad fi Bilad al-Rafidayn], in which the group announced the execution of two Algerian diplomats.

The statement calls the nation of Algeria a “tyrant state,” and accuses it of “hurting Muslims and launching the war against them.”

Posted to the Ana al-Muslim web site on July 27, 2005:

Statement issued by Al-Qa’ida Organization in the Land of the Two Rivers [ Iraq ]

Original language: Arabic

"In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.

Oh God, guide our aim and keep our feet firm.

Praise be to God, Who elevated Islam with His support, humiliated polytheism with His might, ordained the vicissitudes of affairs with His commandment, lured the infidels with His cunning, and destined the alteration of the days with His justice. Prayers and peace be upon the one through whose sword God raised the guiding light of Islam.

Today, Wednesday, 19 Jumada al-Thani 1426, corresponding to 27 July 2005, your brothers in the military wing of al-Qa'ida [of Jihad] Organization in the Land of the Two Rivers carried out the verdict of the legal court, which based its verdict on God's command to kill all the polytheists, and also according to the saying of the Prophet, may God's peace and prayers be upon him, who said, 'Kill [Muslims] whosoever changes his faith,' by executing the Chief of the Algerian Mission Ali Bil'arussi, and Izz al-Din Binqadi [referred to later as Balqadi], the diplomatic attache. These are the emissaries of the State of Algeria, which rules with laws other than God's, allied itself with the Jews and the Christians, sent those two apostates in support of the US presence in the Land of the Two Rivers, and followed in their footsteps. 'And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them' [Koranic verse].

We have seen the world's reaction that has not settled yet, when we took those two apostates into custody, while no one seemed to pay attention when the crusaders arrested two innocent women in Iraq . Now having seen what the US has done to Muslims in Iraq , shedding blood, violating honor, and raping women. The states of vice speed up the pace and help the US and stand with those enemies of God. We ask, did the tyrant Arab states not boycott Israel , having claimed that Israel occupied fraternal Arab country? So, what is the reason behind the hurry to help the Jews and the Christians in their aggression against the Muslims in the Land of the Two Rivers? The sight of gold in the goldmine does not imply its precious value. The state of Algeria, the Arab Tyrants, the Western states, and the US have all come form the same hole, the hole of hellfire. Some people are calling on us to release those apostates without carrying out God's verdict; we would like to tell them that no one can intercede to stop [the carrying out of] one of God's laws. We can never forget what the State of Algeria has committed against the Muslims; bloodshed, killing, and destruction. We will not forget what the diplomatic attache Izz al-Din Balqadi did. He was one of those who participated in the massacres of Al-Rayis and Ibn-Talha, which they falsely attributed to the mujahidin and resulted in hundreds of Algerian Muslim victims. As a reward for his performance, sincerity and dedication to the task at hand, he [the diplomatic attache], along with a number of his aides, was promoted from the rank of lieutenant to the rank of major in the Intelligence Bureau.

We have not forgotten what the tyrant state of Algeria does today, hurting Muslims and launching the war against them, particularly the Salafi Group for the Call and Combat, may God protect them and guide their aim.

Have we not warned you, you enemies of God, not to ally yourselves with the Jews and the Christians, and stand in line with the US and follow their plots? Now, we reiterate that the Land of the Two Rivers is no longer safe for the enemies of God; rather, it is fire that will burn all those who follow blasphemy.

Praise be to God, the ones who captured the two Algerians, captured them from among the police force in the middle of Baghdad . Praise be to God, the members of the brigade that captured them managed to return safely, after God bestowed His victory and enabled them [to complete their task]. None of the members was captured. Praise and thanks be to God.

God is Great, God is Great. Glory be to God, His messenger, and the mujahidin."

Al-Qa’ida statement says two Algerian diplomats have been “sentenced to death”

CENTCOM: On July 26, "Murasil Akhbar 4," the moderator of the World News Network forum, posted a statement issued by the Al-Qa' ida Organization in the Land of the Two Rivers [Tanzim Al-Qa ' ida fi Bilad al-Rafidayn] in which the group announced a decision by its Shari' ah Court to execute the two Algerian diplomats held captive in Iraq.

Within this statement, the group claims to have jurisdiction within their own Shari’ah court for the passing of this death sentence over other “contemporary despotic governments,” claiming that those governments’ actions have made their representatives legitimate targets for the “mujahidin’s swords.”

Posted by the moderator of the World News Network forum on July 26, 2005:

Statement issued by Al-Qa’ida Organization in the Land of the Two Rivers [ Iraq ]

Original language: Arabic

"Statement issued by the Shari' ah Court

The court' s decision on the Algerian envoys

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

Praise be to God, who says: "In the Law of Equality there is (saving of) Life to you, o ye men of understanding." [part of a Koranic verse]. May God ' s peace and blessings be upon he who obeyed the Sunnah and [the Holy] Book [Prophet Muhammad], upon his household and good companions, and also upon those who follow them charitably until doomsday.

Due to the apostasy of the contemporary despotic governments that gave their legislation and constitutions precedence over God ' s shari ' ah and injunctions, that ruled Muslims evoking instruments other than the Islamic shari ' ah, that did not make do with this, but also fought those who called for obeying the auspicious shari ' ah, killed honest mujahidin and God-fearing scholars, and supported Jews, Christians, and infidels in the course of their war against Islam and Muslims; the ambassadors of these governments and their representatives wherever they are have become legitimate targets for the mujahidin ' s swords. God says: "Then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them." [Part of a Koranic verse]

The prophet, may God ' s peace and blessings be upon him, says: "Kill whoever changes his religion." This hadith is related by Al-Bukhari.

Based on the above, the Shari ' ah Court of the Al-Qa ' ida Organization in the Land of the Two Rivers has decided to carry out God ' s ruling on the diplomatic envoys of the apostate Algerian Government, who are Chief of Mission Ali Belaroussi and diplomatic attache Azzedine Belkadi by killing them.

This is the ruling that also applies to the ambassadors and envoys of the remainder of the infidel governments. There can be no destiny for them except killing. Praise be to God, backer of the mujahidin.

May God ' s peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, upon his household, and upon all his companions.

God is Great. God is Great. Pride belongs to God, to his messenger, and to the mujahidin.

[Signed] The Shari ' ah Court of the Al-Qa ' ida Organization in the Land of the Two Rivers

[Dated] 17 Jumada al-Akhar 1426 Hegira, corresponding to 25 July 2005"

(Abu-Maysarah al-Iraqi, the Media Section of the Al-Qa ' ida Organization in the Land of the Two Rivers)

Egypt' s Mujahidin claims responsibility for Sharm al-Shaykh Bombings

CENTCOM: Several groups have claimed responsibility since the bombings in Sharm al-Shaykh Resort in Egypt. The group Egypt’s Mujahidin has issued two statements claiming responsibility. On July 23, "Shakhsiyah," a participant member at Al-Muntada Forum posted a statement by Egypt' s Mujahidin [Mujahidu Misr], in which this group claimed responsibility for the 23 July bombings in Sharm al-Shaykh Resort in Egypt. On July 24, "Mujahidu Misr" posted to the Al-Saqifah website a “second statement," responding to the "lies of the crusader media," possibly referring to claims of responsibility by another group calling itself “Al-Qa’ida in the Levant and Eqypt” (see below).

The second statement specifically demands that the “Jews and Christians” leave the land of Eqypt within 60 days.

Posted to the Al-Muntada Forum site on July 23, 2005:

Eqypt’s Mujahidin (first statement regarding Sharm al-Shaykh bombings)

Original language: Arabic

In the name of God, the compassionate, the merciful.

O God, aim our strikes and make our feet firm.

Praise be to God, Who brings glory to Islam with His support, and humiliation to polytheism with His might; Who controls matters with His command, and traps the infidels with His shrewdness; [the One] Who, with His justice, gives varying fortunes to nations. Prayers and peace be upon the one who raised the beacon of Islam with his sword.

Your brothers in Egypt ' s Mujahidin carried out the blessed earthquake of Sharm al-Shaykh. Do not believe what is said about the claim of responsibility for these explosions by Al-Qa ' ida Organization, may God preserve it.

Your brothers in Egypt ' s Mujahidin had carried out the blessed Taba raid and the two operations in Al-Azhar.

Here are the details:

The explosions began at Ni ' mah Bay at 0115 [2215 GMT].

The first explosion was carried out by a booby-trapped car targeting Ghazalah Gardens Hotel in Ni ' mah Bay, which was crowded with Jews in the resort. The explosion resulted in destroying the hotel completely. God is great.

The second explosion targeted the old marketplace area by another booby-trapped car. The sounds of explosions were heard 1 km from the place where they took place.

After 15 minutes, five explosions took place, three of which were carried out by booby-trapped cars and two with explosive charges.

The number of those who were killed is ranging between 95 and 120 people, most of whom were from the infidels, and the number of those who were wounded exceeded 250 people.

Praise be to God, five of your brothers attained martyrdom and what they desired.

They are:

1. Martyr Faysal Khalil

2. Marytr Hasan Abi-Rawah

3. Martyr Muhammad Abd-al-Majid

4. Martyr Nadir Muhammad Abd-al-Ghani

5. Martyr Muhammad Hammudi al-Masri, (son of the commander-in-chief of Egypt ' s Mujahdin, the leader Hammudi al-Masri)

We declare that unless the Zionists leave the land of Muslims , then they will have dug their graves with their own hands.

Your brothers in Egypt ' s Mujahidin are lying in wait for the enemies of God, pursuing their jihad and fighting of the enemies of God until the religion of God prevails. It is either victory or martyrdom. God is great. God is great. Glory belongs to God, His messenger, and the mujahidin. We will provide you with further details after later.

Saturday, 15 Jumada al-Akhir 1426 Hegira, corresponding to 23 July 2005.

Commander-in-Chief Hammudi al-Masri

Posted to the Al-Saqifah site on July 24, 2005:

Eqypt’s Mujahidin (second statement regarding Sharm al-Shaykh bombings)

Original language: Arabic

In the name of God, the merciful, the compassionate. O ye who believe! If a wicked person comes to you with any news, ascertain the truth, lest ye harm people unwittingly, and afterwards become full of repentance for what ye have done. [Koranic verse]

A statement by Hammudi al-Masri, commander-in-chief of the Egypt ' s Mujahidin [Mujahidu Misr] group.

In the name of God, the merciful, the compassionate.

O God, aim our strikes and make our feet firm.

Praise be to God, Who brings glory to Islam with His support, and humiliation to polytheism with His might; Who controls matters with His command, and traps the infidels with His shrewdness; [the One] Who, with His justice, gives varying fortunes to nations. Prayers and peace be upon the one who raised the beacon of Islam with his sword.

We in the Egypt ' s Mujahidin group established the group to support the religion of Almighty God and support the friends of God, so as to be a voice of truth against the trumpets of falsehood, who continue to falsify facts and fight the religion of God and show animosity to the mujahidin friends of God.

After the blessed "Sharm al-Shaykh earthquake," the crusader media began to talk about one of the brigades of Al-Qa ' ida organization called the Brigades of Abdallah Azzam, may God accept him as a martyr. This name does not exist within the organization at all.

We declare to the entire world that five members of Egypt ' s Mujahdin, whose name we had published yesterday, drove five booby-trapped vehicles, including a local taxi, three vehicles from outside the country, and the last one was a bus. They pounded the bastions of the Zionists in our country. We say and warn before the start of our "comprehensive war" that unless the Zionists leave our country, "Mubarak has already declared a comprehensive street war." [as published]

We tell the Jews and Christians: Unless you leave the land of Egypt within 60 days, no more, then you will see "what you have not seen even in your [bad] dreams."

God is great. God is great. Glory belongs to God, His messenger, and the Mujahdin.

Sunday, 16 Jumada al-Akhir 1426 Hegira, corresponding to 24 July 2005.

[Signed] Hammudi al-Masri, the commander-in-chief.

Al-Qa' ida claims responsibility for Sharm al-Shaykh Bombings

CENTCOM: Several groups have claimed responsibility since the bombings in Egypt ’s Sharm al-Shaykh Resort in Egypt . On 23 July, Al-Rayah al-Sawdah, a "junior member" at the Syrian Islamic Forum, posted a statement by Martyr Abdallah Azzam Brigades, which also calls itself “Tanzim Al-Qa' ida fi Bilad al-Sham Wa Ard Al-Kinanah [Al-Qa ' ida Organization in the Levant and Egypt], in which this group claimed responsibility and stated its purported reasons for the bombings:

Posted to the Syrian Islamic Forum on July 23, 2005:

Martyr Abdallah Azzam Brigades

Original language: Arabic

In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.

"And fight them on until there is no more Tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in Allah." [Part of a Koranic verse]

Praise be to God, the Lord of all Creation, the Supporter of mujahidin, and Vanquisher of the apostates and crusaders, and prayers and peace be upon the cheerful and dauntless fighter, our Prophet Muhammad, and upon all of his family, his companions, and his supporters.

"Help from Allah and a speedy victory." [Part of a Koranic verse]

Your brothers the mujahidin at Martyr Abdallah Azzam Brigades succeeded in dealing a fatal blow to the Crusaders, the Zionists, and the Egyptian apostate regime in Sharm al-Shaykh by targeting Ghazalah Gardens Hotel in Ni ' mah Bay and totally destroying it, in addition to targeting the old marketplace, which was crowded with hundreds of Zionist usurpers and Crusaders.

While we stress that this operation comes in the context of retaliation to the crimes of the world powers of evil--which sanction the blood of Muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, and Chechnya-- we bluntly declare that we will not be frightened by the whips of Egypt ' s torturers and that we will not be tolerant with those who dare to harm our Muslim brothers in the valiant [peninsula] of Sinai. We vow that we will take revenge for our martyrs who were killed under torture in Sinai by the whips of Egypt ' s tyrant.

God is great, God is great... and glory to God, his Prophet, and the mujahidin.

[Signed] Martyr Abdallah Azzam Brigades, Tanzim Al-Qa ' ida fi Bilad al-Sham Wa Ard Al-Kinanah [Al-Qa ' ida Organization in the Levant and Egypt ]

London Bombings -- July 7, 2005

CENTCOM: Several extremist, jihadist web sites have posted the claim of responsibility for the London bombings by a Europe-based group of al-Qa'ida. This statement shows the terrorists' resolve to attack innocent citizens within any country who assists the sovereign governments of Iraq and Afghanistan, helping them become more secure and soon protect and govern themselves.

Posted to an Abu-Dhabi based website called "The Fortress" on July 7, 2005:

Original language: Arabic

This web-site is a forum for open discussions in Arabic. In its disclaimer it states that the site is available to both Muslims and non-Muslims without regard to race, age, or status. It also states that opinions posted here are in no way reflections of the opinions of the site managers and is not monitored. Registration is required to enter the site.

The Secret Organization Group.

The Al Qaeda organization in Europe .

In the name of Allah most merciful, most gracious, and may God bless the Prophet Mohammed. The Islamic world should celebrate it is time to revenge the British Zionist Christian government. This is in response to the British participation in the slaughter being carried out in both Iraq and Afghanistan. The heroic holy warriors carried out a blessed attack in London and now Britain is burning from fear, terror and anxiety through its northern, southern, eastern and western corners. We warned the British government and the British people repeatedly - time and time again - and here we are. We have kept our promise and carried out this blessed military attack. This comes after great efforts and the long preparations by the heroic holy warriors to guarantee the success of the attack. We are in the process of continuing our warnings to the Danish and Italian governments and all the Crusader governments that they will receive the same punishment if they do not withdrawal their troops from Iraq and Afghanistan.

Do not blame for what will happen, I warned you.

Allah said that if you follow me I will help you succeed.

The Secret Organization Group.

Al Qaeda Organization in Europe .

Al-Qaida in Iraq Justifies the Killing of Egypt's top envoy in Baghdad, Ihab al-Sharif

CENTCOM: A representative claiming to post on behalf of "Abu-Maysarah al-Iraqi, the Media Section of the al-Qa'ida of Jihad Organization in the Land of the Two Rivers [ Iraq ]," posted a statement justifying the killing of Egypt 's top envoy to Iraq, Ihab al-Sharif. The statement further threatens any other countries, understood to mean Arab states, that would recognize the sovereignty of Iraq by sending diplomatic representatives to Baghdad. Al-Qa'ida has again resorted to brutal execution in order to establish a climate of fear in Iraq, and attempt to destabilize the publicly elected, sovereign government of Iraq.

Posted to the Islamic Renewal Organization forum on July 6, 2005:

Original language: Arabic

The Islamic Renewal Organization forum is the website of the Saudi dissident group formerly known as CDLR, based in the United Kingdom and headed by Muhammad al-Mas'ari.

"...these embassies are nothing but centers for killing the immigrating mujahidin by following them and cutting them off and preventing them from communicating with their brothers of jihad and faith in the Land of the Two Rivers and in Afghanistan as well as others from places of bonding. What comes to mind is the surrendering of the respectable Shaykh Umar Abd-al-Rahman, the Islamic and jihadi scholar. He was given to America the head of infidelity through the nest of treachery and spying, the Egyptian Embassy in Islamabad.

Who does not know what the oppressing tyrant of Egypt is doing to the mujahidin in the Land of the Two Rivers, as we say: By God, the brothers faced more harmful and malicious Egyptian security interrogators than in Abu-Ghurayb and Bocca jails and the holding cells of Baghdad International Airport .

The day has come to take revenge for our brothers and our Islam from the Egyptian tyrant and his agents. We thank God for enabling us to capture one of the infidel heads, Egyptian ambassador, the so called Ihab al-Sharif who was working at the Egyptian Embassy in the floundering Jewish state.

What is the fate of a country that supported the Jews and the Christians but fought the Muslims and killed them, displaced the believers, and violated the forbidden.

This is your fate, ambassadors of countries of tyranny, as the Iraq of jihad today is not a safe place for the infidels because God provided men that will sacrifice for their religion and take revenge for their rights, and America can not protect itself, let alone protect others.

Based of all of this, the Religious Court of al-Qa'ida of Jihad Organization in the Land of the Two Rivers has decided to turn over the ambassador of Egypt , which is aligned with the Jews and Christians, to the mujahidin to enforce the rule of God on him. The prophet, may God pray on him, said, 'Those who change their religion should be killed' and as said by Al-Bukhari from a Hadith by Ibn-Abas, may God bless both of them.

God is great, God is great. Glory be to God, His messenger, and the mujahidin.

May God pray on and bless the best of His creatures, our Prophet Muhammad, and his family and companions.

Religious Court of al-Qa'ida Organization in the Land of the Two Rivers

Threats to Arab journalists and media outlets:

CENTCOM: A militant web forum posted an article on June 29 criticizing and asking for names of Arab journalists who have “participated in slandering the mujahideen.” The piece reasons that “war with the enemies of religion includes all fields…,” including a war of ideology and information. In response, viewers of the posting suggested both prominent print and satellite media outlets and individual journalists as targets. At the end of the posting the author unequivocally states, “We ask [the] mujahideen to prepare to assassinate them.”

These discussions are further proof that al-Qa'ida and other extreme groups are not willing to have their ideology OR their actions criticized or analyzed by a free, democratic press. A larger sample of the statement on the site:

Posted to an Abu-Dhabi based website called "The Fortress" on July 7, 2005:

Original language: Arabic

This web-site is a forum for open discussions in Arabic. In its disclaimer it states that the site is available to both Muslims and non-Muslims without regard to race, age, or status. It also states that opinions posted here are in no way reflections of the opinions of the site managers and is not monitored. Registration is required to enter the site.

Enemies throughout history have come to realize that they cannot defeat this nation [ Iraq ] militarily; therefore, they resorted to different methods in order to defeat this nation [ Iraq ]. One of the most important methods used is the ideological and media information war.... Regrettably, they were able to succeed in implementing many of their goals and plans, which they were unable to do in an arena of military conflict. Today, the Americans have come to realize that they cannot win the war in Iraq by military force alone. Therefore, they have put all of their media resources into supporting the war effort. The goal is to slander the mujahideen and their image so that people will not rally around them, to influence the mujahideen morale…, to disperse the mujahideen by focusing on and promoting small mistakes, which happen here and there, and emphasizing them by repeating them. Many of the Arab journalists are participating in this conspiracy by either appearing on the satellite networks, or writing in other newspapers. In order to make the people aware of the dangers that these people might present, I’ve come up with this suggestion where we can list names of such journalists, and I’m asking every brother to add a name of any journalist that he has heard about or has come to know, and it is preferable that you post a blurb on the journalist’s indiscretions as well.

Baathist Group Issues Statement of Warning

CENTCOM: A new Baathist group in Iraq recently posted its first public statement on a Baathist website. In the statement, the group responded to what it called the "imperialist American attack, in alliance with global Zionism, on the resources and the nation of the heroic Iraqi people," and issued five points of "clarification and warning" (see below). The statement also claimed that the U.S. and Iraqi governments are imposing a media blackout, intended to “besiege the brave Iraqi resistance, in preparation to isolate it from the Arabs and Muslims.” The statement and warnings show the Iraqi insurgents dedication to thwarting the legitimate political process in Iraq, and not recognizing the results of the democratic elections held this past January.

Posted on the Baathist website " Baghdad Al-Rashid" on June 30, 2005:

Original language: Arabic

1) There is no political or reconstruction operation in occupied Iraq . Rather, there is open conflict between the armed resistance on one side and the occupation and the collaborator authorities on the other…;

2) All [installations and persons] of the occupation…are legitimate targets, as determined or decided by the resistance;

3) The presence of any Arab people, foundations, or associations, of any form, is a legitimate target for the armed resistance, unless it is listed as part of the resistance…;

4) [The place of battle] will not be set by the occupation and its conspirators;

5) The Iraqi resistance believes it is a duty and a right for the Iraqi people to enlist in the armed Iraqi resistance….

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Foreign Affairs; Government; News/Current Events; Philosophy
KEYWORDS: alqaeda; alqaedairaq; iraq; pharisee
Various commentaries posted by the enemy in Iraq.
1 posted on 08/04/2005 5:22:16 AM PDT by robowombat
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To: robowombat
Mullah Frenzi al-Ragheadi

Gotta love the reporter's name.

2 posted on 08/04/2005 5:25:04 AM PDT by capt. norm (Two wrongs do not make a right. It usually takes me at least three..)
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To: robowombat


3 posted on 08/04/2005 5:25:08 AM PDT by King Prout (and the Clinton Legacy continues: like Herpes, it is a gift that keeps on giving.)
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To: robowombat that Arabic for "Dumbshit"?

4 posted on 08/04/2005 5:30:34 AM PDT by Redleg Duke (BOHICA!)
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To: All

Blah, blah, blah, blah. They're saying something, i'm just not listening.

5 posted on 08/04/2005 5:31:24 AM PDT by TheSorcererwiththeCosmicKey
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To: robowombat

This is the ruling that also applies to the ambassadors and envoys of the remainder of the infidel governments. There can be no destiny for them except killing.

Yo, Mo, you touch one single hair on Condoleeza's pretty head, and you are ALL dead meat.

6 posted on 08/04/2005 3:32:58 PM PDT by tet68 ( " We would not die in that man's company, that fears his fellowship to die with us...." Henry V.)
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