Nice find. Good argument.
There is a simple way to resolve this without the necessity of a new Constitutional amendment. A simple act of Congress singed by the President stating that an 'official' American flag (so defined) must be made of fireproof material or it is not, by definition, an official American Flag.
How does she feel about the burning of the koran? Just curious...
Ah. Another law to be enforced only when authorities wish to enforce it. Great.
without the freedoms expressed in the constitution, america is just another socialist state and the flag a symbol of its oppression. and an amendment to prevent its desecration another tool used to oppress the masses.
honor the flag by honoring the freedoms given to all by the constitution, which limits the powers of the government, not by eliminating the expression of a misguided few.
when i pledge allegiance, it is to the principles of the constitution, not to a flag.
when i fight for america, it is for the greatest country in the world, not because of its flag, but for its people.
those who wish to ban flag desecration have desecrated the meaning of freedom in this great country.
flame on, but you are wrong. and that is your right. those that burn the flag are wrong... but that is also their right... your amendment denies others their right to be wrong.
And remember, nothing's more important than the right not to be offended...
The liberal "PC police" taught us that...
Only when it's clearly a ThoughtCrime. Got it.
Of course, the same liberals who want to allow flag-burning (and claim that they are personally opposed to flag burning ..) ... would also want to criminalize the burning of a cross (and make extra severe punishment because they would classify it as a Hate Crime)!
I would prefer to allow an amendment that would allow Congress to pass laws that prohibit the public descecration of the flag . . . in the same manner that limitations of ACTIONS are not the same thing as limitations of free speech. As stated ... you can publically proclaim your support for nudity (free speech), but if you decide to take off your clothes in the public arena, you can be arrested for public indecency! There is a difference between ACTIONS and SPEECH.
Seriously, I think that the Congress should simply recognize flag burning as constituting legitimate "fighting words" in the criminal code. That way, if anyone burns a flag we are all free to pummel the miscreant as our Constitutionally protected free expression in response to their Constitutionally protected free expression.
Sounds fair to me.