"What exactly are conservative christians [sic] shoving down anyone throat?"
Conservative Christians are usually the ones pushing for "decency" standards on broadcast media (and oddly the radical feminists are with them in that matter). Let the market decide.
I also don't have any real strong opinions on abortion. But have to admit, if I got a woman pregnant, I'd probably suddenly become pro-choice.
I also don't get the whole gay thing. Just treat them like everybody else. No special privileges, no legal disadvantages. I thought the Supreme Court in Lawrence got it exactly right - the government does not belong in the bedroom. I remember when I was growing up in Louisiana oral sex with members of the opposite sex was illegal. That was a law the Christians pushed. And it was complete crap. The state has no business telling me how to have sex. None.
Actually, it was Tipper Gore who came up with warnings on music albums. The dems like to give lip service to "family values" on these shallow issues whenever they feel like they're loosing the public. Hillary came up with something recently, along that vein. (Sorry, I didn't bother to store it in my memory. Wasn't worth it.)
"The state has no business telling me how to have sex. None."
i couldn't agree with you more. we are the party of less government not more. that means the government should stay out of my personal business, especially in my own house!
Is abortion legal? Just what is your problem with decency standards? Your proffered idea that "feminists" have decency standards that are in-line with conservative christians is provable... HOW? By the by, why is the "[sic]" included in your quote of me?
And what if the pregnant woman was pro-life? Would you raise your own child or hit the road?
What part of the national Republican platform dictates how you're suppose to have sex?
Nice try NOS....
You don't watch much C-SPAN do you.
And of course living in Louisiana and not California or Massachusetts, you may be missing what the "gay thing" is all about. The "gay thing" most likely isn't in your face in Louisiana.
The left is the one who pushed and lowered decency standards on broadcast media. They didn't let the market decide.
And they didn't stop there. They push and lowered decency standards in every corner of our lives. I for one am ready to stand my ground.
I'd agree, if you are willing to take total responsibility for your choices. If you get AIDS or some other chronic STD, don't expect public money for expensive treatments or guaranteed insurance. If you father a child, don't rely on WIC and Welfare to support her to majority. Don't use our court systems to unsnarl whatever entanglements your sexual escapades lead you into. If you get fired because your boss disapproves, don't appeal to Uncle Sam to sue for your job.
If you want the right to non-involvement of the government, be prepared to take the consequences if (when) the bad stuff happens, without appeal to the government.
You've posted a number of points on which you disagree with the Christian Right. That's all well and good, but it still fails to explain why the Christian Right should be marginalized out of the political process.
You should reflect more on your statements. The state does have a right to be in the bedroom when there is a rape, incest, or pedophilia--wouldn't you say? They should also have a right to outlaw sodomy, since it has great social and monetary cost to the public.
There is no such concept as the "right to privacy" under a Christian philosophy since God is omniscient. There is also no constitutional "right to privacy" (which has been created by activist judges) but there is a clause that states clearly--for the general welfare.
BTW, Christian "decency" standards are never the same as the radical feminists' concepts of decency.