Good. Anytime liberals squeal, something good must have happened. I am gladdened by this selection.
About the sex-scandal stuff: Ratzinger is quite vocally against homosexuality, so he will be VERY diligent in rooting out pedophelic or gay priests. I think the left is crying crocodile tears on this one.
Serves them right.
Maybe if they read their Bibles a little more and lived by Gods instructions then they wouldnt be having these issues.
Conservative US Catholics Delighted With Choice for Pope
Note to the disaffected, folks, the Catholic Church has been this way for a whole long time. The Church isn't leaving yoiu, you have done gone and left the Church. Take it from a not very religious person, me, you feminists, gays and liberals who are so dismayed with the selection of this man don't have the moral standing generally to wipe this man's shoes. So quite you wailing and moaning, go to a quiet place and think abour your own moratilty and mortality.
Related thread:
Benedict Showed 2 Sides After Pope's Death ~~ not all are Happy with the new Pope.
Cardinal Ratzinger: In the Church, priests also are sinners. But I am personally convinced that the constant presence in the press of the sins of Catholic priests, especially in the United States, is a planned campaign, as the percentage of these offenses among priests is not higher than in other categories, and perhaps it is even lower.
In the United States, there is constant news on this topic, but less than 1% of priests are guilty of acts of this type. The constant presence of these news items does not correspond to the objectivity of the information nor to the statistical objectivity of the facts. Therefore, one comes to the conclusion that it is intentional, manipulated, that there is a desire to discredit the Church. It is a logical and well-founded conclusion.
Actually, it was 4% of priests, and over 11,000 different young people were abused, according to the US Bishops Clergy Review Board.
Like JPII, Ratzinger's first instinct is to protect the institutional Church.
I'm still waiting for the companion article about the Catholics who applaud Ratzinger's positions! :-)
"This says to me that the Vatican ... is not prepared to move into the 21st Century, which it desperately needs to do," said Durso, who was raised Catholic but no longer practices."
So if a Catholic no longer practices because she doesn't like the doctrine, is she still a Catholic?
Does she sit in the pew each Sunday under teaching? Does she put into the collection plate each Sunday?
So should anyone care what a cafeteria Catholic thinks when choosing a Pope?
Catholics for a Poor Choice.
My understanding is that the priest shortage is pretty much just here in the US, and that across the globe the number of men entering the priesthood is up.
What a load of bull. Mass attendance has been declining steadily since the 60's threw out the Latin Mass and brought in the dumbed down, feelin' alright, guitar strummin' idiots' liturgy. If Benedict XVI restores liturgical discipline, Latin, incense and Gregorian chant, the churches will fill up again. People want the Real Thing, not the watered down substitute.
They aren't dismayed, they know the truth. They are becoming master of feigning dismay, however.
And from the wacked out meth heads at DU:
"looks like the criminal bushgang won the pope auction
wonder how long it will take them to suck the vaticans vaults dry?"
"Gay and lesbian Catholics are going to be very hurt by this election because Cardinal Ratzinger was the lightning rod for so much of the anger they felt under the previous pope,"
They are going to be VERY,VERY HURT, but not by any of the Popes, but by God Himself. By the way, how can a lesbian or gay be a Catholic. Isn't that a contradiction in terms?
Another blow for the National US Democrats--no male homosexual advocacy with the new pope.
Perhaps he will be tolerant of female homosexuals.
Oh, yeah, Americans stopped going to mass because they didn't hear enough liberal thought there. Wonder why they also stopped going to the Eucharistic services in the Episcopal Church???
Something demonic this way comes... these homosexual unCatholics seek to destroy Christianity.
TO: Mary Grant of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests
RE: Real Job
Dear Mary,
Get one.
Fester the Ingester
The Church needs leaders who will not compromise the Faith, no matter how convenient it may appear.
Did they really expect a liberal pope?
Boo F'n Hoo