Nugent then whipped up the crowd condoning shoot-to-kill vigalante justice. The spectacle, urged members to pull their heat and kill a variety of criminals, from child molesters to carjackers.
Sounds good to me!If more people kill criminials in the middle of them commiting crimes the crime rate would go down to almost zero practically overnight.Wich would be the worst thing that could happen to this author because he and his gun grabbiung groups would not be able to scare the sheeple into passing more gun control unless the crime rate is hi and the n.o.w. would not get any memmbership unless women are succesfully raped and turn to hating all men afterwords.Wich is why these groups oppose all guns if there were no gun laws these motherf----rs would have to get a real job to earn money and they would be fired become homeless and starve within 2 months becauese they are not competent to do anything exept rant and rave and bitch and be wrong on ever issue they take up.
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To: freepatriot32
I love him and agree with most everything he says . . . but the man IS a nut. A lovable nut, mind you, but a nut nonetheless.
To: Joe Brower; Travis McGee
gun grabbing weenie ping for you guys do you believe this moron
3 posted on
04/19/2005 10:35:04 AM PDT by
(If you want to change goverment support the libertarian party
To: freepatriot32
recruit other gun-packing nuts into the gangThe Nuge is there?? I'm in! Hubba hubba!
4 posted on
04/19/2005 10:35:05 AM PDT by
(It's God's job to forgive Bin Laden; it's our job to arrange the meeting.)
To: freepatriot32
Only the foolish equate self-defense with vigilantism. These people are complete idiots.
7 posted on
04/19/2005 10:36:47 AM PDT by
("When you’re running down my country, Hoss you’re walking on the fighting side of me.")
To: freepatriot32
Sounds like Nuge is "Saddle Sore".
9 posted on
04/19/2005 10:39:16 AM PDT by
("I can see it now. You and the moon. You wear a necktie so I'll know you." -Groucho Marx)
To: freepatriot32
Sounds like Nuge is "Saddle Sore".
10 posted on
04/19/2005 10:39:26 AM PDT by
("I can see it now. You and the moon. You wear a necktie so I'll know you." -Groucho Marx)
To: freepatriot32
Ted Nugent is our Howard Dean...
13 posted on
04/19/2005 10:42:09 AM PDT by
("Life is tough, and it's really tough when you're stupid" - Damon Runyon)
To: freepatriot32
I like Nugent. I guess in this case he behaved as a slightly over-the-top cheerleader for the NRA. ;)
14 posted on
04/19/2005 10:43:19 AM PDT by
("Live Free or Die," General John Stark, July 31, 1809)
To: freepatriot32
I was listening to an otherwise conservative radio talkshow yesterday morning and they were talking about the Nuge's speech.......the one guy said he believed Nugent using absurdity in his extreme statements in order to promote the point that the gungrabbers are the nuts not gun owners. The other guy wasn't buying it.
I did like his idea about all NRA members recruiting 10 new members each this year - and only associating with members or other 2A believers.
17 posted on
04/19/2005 10:47:18 AM PDT by
(My give-a-damn is busted.)
To: freepatriot32
Oh....Happy day! The NRA gets stronger and stronger...Love it!
To: freepatriot32
Sounds good to me!If more people kill criminials in the middle of them commiting crimes
The way the laws are, you had better be very careful in the use of lethal force, else you will quickly have a new roommate in the Many Bar Hotel.
20 posted on
04/19/2005 10:51:27 AM PDT by
To: freepatriot32; Mo1; Howlin; Peach; BeforeISleep; kimmie7; 4integrity; BigSkyFreeper; ...
"Remember the Alamo! Shoot 'em! To show you how radical I am, I want carjackers dead! I want rapists dead! I want burglars dead! I want child molesters dead! I want the bad guys dead! No court case. No parole. No early release. I want 'em dead. Get a gun, and when they attack you, shoot 'em."~~ Ted Nugent Speaking at the NRA Convention last weekend
Credits to The Michael Bane Blog
(Good blog BTW.)
To: freepatriot32
MY only lament is that, of those few people who actually end up having to shoot in self-defense, most haven't spent nearly enough time at the range.
If circumstances are bad enough to warrant firing a gun at some would-be perp to defend yourself, they're bad enough to warrant shooting to kill. If that's not ice-cold Law in your State; keep kicking your legislature in the crotch until they fix it.
28 posted on
04/19/2005 11:19:03 AM PDT by
(Rex regum et Dominus dominantium)
To: freepatriot32
Awww, did Terrible Ted scare the widdle wiberal?
29 posted on
04/19/2005 11:20:09 AM PDT by
(This is my tag line. There are many like it, but this one is mine.)
To: freepatriot32
"That the said Constitution shall never be construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the press or the rights of conscience; or to prevent the people of The United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms..." - Samuel Adams, Massachusettes Constitutional Convention, 1788.
The Second Amendment - Commentaries
32 posted on
04/19/2005 12:05:18 PM PDT by
(The commonwealth is theirs who hold the arms.... - Aristotle.)
To: freepatriot32
extrimists, vigilante That's two spelling mistakes in one article. I bet Ted Nugent can spell.
34 posted on
04/19/2005 12:22:08 PM PDT by
To: freepatriot32
...shoot-to-kill vigalante justice... So, in this liberals mind no one should ever oppose violence being initiated against them? We should just lay there and take it?
No thanks. What kind of self hating moral cripple would even suggest such a thing? Fighting criminal behavior should be everyones business.
36 posted on
04/19/2005 12:33:32 PM PDT by
Dead Corpse
(Sooner or later, you have to stand your ground. Whether anyone else does or not. - Michael Badnarik)
To: freepatriot32
what, praytell, is an "extrimist"?
ex-: former
tri-: three
trim-: ? thin?
-ist: devotee or follower or advocate of
seriesly, this "extrimist" makes no denotative or etymological sense.
but then, whaddaya 'spect from a leftist hoplophobe?
46 posted on
04/19/2005 3:42:50 PM PDT by
King Prout
(blast and char it among fetid buzzard guts!)
To: freepatriot32; Joe Brower; Squantos; Eaker; basil
I'll start the ball rolling.
I want every single member of Free Republic to join the NRA. All of us. Everyone. Even if you don't own a gun, join anyway. They are the largest and most effective lobbying group we have.
If you're already a member, put the NRA initials in your tagline.
Thanks and let's get it done.
47 posted on
04/19/2005 4:37:57 PM PDT by
Shooter 2.5
(Vote a Straight Republican Ballot. Rid the country of dems. NRA)
To: freepatriot32
62 posted on
04/19/2005 7:10:11 PM PDT by
(My WWII Tribute: - more traffic than DU-Koz-LDot -)
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