WHAT are they intending to sacrifice?
A goat? Chicken? Human?
MKs Ariel & Eldad Plan to Visit the Temple Mount on Sunday
15:26 Apr 08, '05 / 28 Adar 5765
(IsraelNN.com) National Union MK Uri Ariel has indicated he and party colleague MK Prof. Aryeh Eldad plan to visit the Temple Mount on Sunday despite a police ruling barring Jewish legislators from doing so. Ariel has made several statements during the past 24 hours decrying the current situation permitting Arabs onto the Mount, but not Jews.
Seeking to arrive at a solution via official channels, Ariel turned to Jerusalem Police Chief Ilan Franco, but was told he may not go onto the Mount. He then approached Public Security Minister Gideon Ezra who announced Jewish MKs may not go onto the Mount on Sunday, but Arab MKs may.
Following the discriminatory ruling, Ariel and Eldad have indicated they will take advantage of their parliamentary immunity and head for the holy site on Sunday.
President Moshe Katsav has reportedly issued a statement calling on the MKs to refrain from any action that may lead to disturbances
a Muslim hopefully