I wish I could be optimistic about this, but this judge has turned them down before. So very sad.
Sad to say I think it is over for Terri.
Unless Jeb goes in with the State Police and takes her away I don't see where she is going to make it.
I don't think Jeb is willing to do this.
Just a matter of time now...sad.
A state judge? It is the SAME state judge!!!
There was was once a great nation.
Who used to follow God's Law.
Then one day this nation
Decided that man's law was better.
And caught in the web was a helpless women.
And those who demanded her death let her suffer.
Rather than at least demand she be given lethal injection.
Her crime was she was not a criminal.
Because in this once great nation
It was decided she had less rights than a criminal.
While criminals got 3 meals a day and drink.
She got none.
May God have mercy on this once great nation.
Here's an idea:
Maybe Iceland could be persuaded to grant Terri citizenship and sanctuary, like Bobby Fischer?
You see, these deluded, blinded people are not starving a living woman; they are following the law. It's no problem for them.
See what I mean?
The phrase is
God Bless America
IT's NOT God Only Bless the strong and healthy in America
Otherwise we are no better than Nazi Germany was.
Hey, you making fun of my "sp."?? :)
The words of Jack Nicholson as the Joker spring to mind - "this town needs an enema". Namely, it appears the judges in Florida need to find employment more suited to their talents - as village idiots.
Regards, Ivan
George Felos says that Gov Bush has no power to take Terri into protective custody. "They have no more power than you or I or a person walking down the street to say we have the right to take Terri Schiavo."
"Oh, you know, I posted earlier (at 6:10, in response to a 6:05 poster)"
I just wanted to amplify this post but the earlier thread was locked.
I didn't know that the hearing started at 6:00. All that I had heard was that a decision was forthcoming at 6:00.
I say this because the last line of the report on CNN radio at the top of the 8 o'clock hour was...
"Florida judge George Greer could order sheriff's deputies to go and take back custody of the woman."
Can anyone confirm this?
What's anyone's thought that this hearing is still going on? I can only take that as the tinest bit positive...
"Ahh, you wussed out on that one, I figured you had another paragraph and a half with that one.... Come on, look at the ammo MJ gives ya... :^)"
LOL! I will leave that to the imagination. :)
Since this is a family forum and such. ;)
(I had to move my reply to this thread because the other one is locked).
Re. your comment:
Actually, it is spot on relevant, and it is not hypothetical at all. If Terri had an advance directive of the model florida form, this would have come off without so much as a trial.
I don't understand. What could Terri have put in a will?
"I hereby declare that if I should become brain-damaged and unable to care for myself yet still be able to breathe on my own, laugh, and speak; and if therapy and the company of my family were withheld from me by my husband; and if a plethora of doctors had differing opinions on my state of conciousness and ability to feel pain and emotion; then, henceforth, it is my will that sustenance (both liquid and solid) be withheld from me over a period of several days such that once dehydration and starvation have run their course, I shall be cremated posthaste."
Wish everyone could have heard Judge Bork on Hannity today. He was very good and laid the cards on the table that the SCOTUS never was going to take this case and if he were there he would have voted against because this is about one woman and if the SCOTUS took every case about one individual they would have no time to rule on anything. They do not want to set a precedent in such a narrow case dealing with one person.
If anyone wants to really know what is wrong -- look to the laws passed by the State Legislatures and to the people who reelect Judges like Judge Greer. Then while you are it ask yourself why the team of lawyers for the family according to a lot of lawyers border on incompetent in their pleadings.
This should wake people up to get involved in seeing what your Legislature passes and if you don't like a judge, get people organized and work for their defeat.
We have become complacent as a Nation and allowed the liberal judges to become activist judges. Now some of you want the President or the Governor to break the law and the judges to be activists in the Federal system because of the wrong that Judge Greer has done to Terri. We cannot have it both ways.
Either we are a Nation of Laws and we work to change bad laws and defeat Judges like Greer, or we become a Nation where the President or Governor can break the law when we think it is okay and favors our side but is bad if they break the law the other way. The same is true of wanting activists judges that are okay when they rule like we want and bad when they rule the other way.
This Nation is over 200 years old and faced many crises much worse than this one and survived. It is up to everyone on this board to become involved in their States to change the laws and defeat judges like Judge Greer. We need to make sure that something like this cannot continue to happen in this Nation. According to Judge Bork it happens all the time.
Wonder if the parents will bring a civil suit against someone when this if over (Michael, Greer, Whitmoore?
May very well be able to find a very sympathetic jury!
Whittemore denies Jeb? Anyone else heard this?
Nearing the clearing in this dark forest,
drape the black crepe, murmer dirge dolorous,
her journey near finished, all are diminished.
He gave us a gift, for our own sake,
for us, life, silence for his own Son,
then thunder as His heart did break.
For the meek and lowly,
for this child of God,
bang the drum slowly.