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A liberal activist's propaganda and dirty tricks handbook.

Be aware of what the enemy is up to and how they plan on achieving their goals.

This is really something. Check the main page as well:

1 posted on 02/04/2005 9:13:08 AM PST by Beckwith
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To: Beckwith; DoughtyOne; Southack; Liz; Howlin


Bookmark for those who are trying to destroy the VRWC by shredding the Constitution and adopting the UN's Charter.

2 posted on 02/04/2005 9:32:28 AM PST by The Spirit Of Allegiance (ATTN. MARXIST RED MSM: I RESENT your "RED STATE" switcheroo using our ELECTORAL MAP as PROPAGANDA!)
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To: Beckwith

Way to go, beck; great find.

3 posted on 02/04/2005 9:33:37 AM PST by Howlin (It's a great day to be an American -- and a Bush Republican!!!!)
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To: Beckwith

So, correct me if I'm wrong with this, but these folks basically have put up a book on how to "win" arguments via insulting, personal attacks, and saying outright lies really, really loudly.

Goebbels would be proud. I suggest we term this thing the Mein Kampf of the Left, because that's basically what's going on here. Perhaps "Blueprint for Burial" would be a better title.

Is this really anything new, or is it just a ocntinuation of what is already going on? In the mean time, I'll continue doggedly on my current strategy, which is to occasionally tweak the newspaper nutties so they get progressively (pardon the pun) more and more off the wall. We don't have to marginalize the libs; they are doing it automatically.

4 posted on 02/04/2005 9:41:52 AM PST by AZ_Cowboy ("Be ever vigilant, for you know not when the master is coming")
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To: Beckwith

I think what the website is trying to say is that the right are hypocrites. But they only give a few examples and hope the readers buy the argument.

5 posted on 02/04/2005 9:44:21 AM PST by ndkos
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To: writer33


10 posted on 02/04/2005 12:13:47 PM PST by Southack (Media Bias means that Castro won't be punished for Cuban war crimes against Black Angolans in Africa)
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To: Beckwith
Great find!

10% "Savvy, Political Calculation" and 90% hollow, vindictive tripe....The sarcasm doesn't go unnoticed, either.....An aspiring liberal who one day hopes to rival the credibilty of Al Franken.

That site has no soul.

13 posted on 02/04/2005 7:06:06 PM PST by eric_da_grate
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Tactic: Lampoon Your Opponent
By Tom Ball

Technique: Make jokes about the other side's policies, misfortunes, mistakes, etc.

One Liner examples:

Despicable Example: "Guns don’t kill people. People on welfare kill people” - Bumper sticker spotted in Knoxville, TN.

Light-Hearted Example: "When President Bush mentioned the 'Axis of Evil' I thought he was referring to the prime time line-up on Fox News" - Hillary Clinton in reference to the right-wing bias at Fox News.

Setup: These types of low-ball jokes can be quite despicable or enjoyably lighthearted. Either way, they hold their effectiveness by praying on prejudices, fears and hatred. It is these types of jokes that make AM hate-radio so popular with the right-wing.

Reasoning: This tactic truly appeals to the masses. They remember it, they believe it and they spread it like butter on toast. Do this loudly and frequently in the light-hearted mode. Avoid the despicable mode since it can only get you in trouble (unless you have your own AM hate-radio show of course) and will entertain only the true scumbags (true even on AM hate-radio). Take the bumper sticker example above (Despicable by most measures). This entertains only the people who already believe that it is true and probably disgusts everyone else. Either way, you won't be gaining any new support by using the despicable mode.

Summary: Lampoon the opposition, but don't offend the world. The objective is to lure the middle-of-the-roaders into your camp, not drive them into your opponent's.

15 posted on 02/04/2005 7:14:27 PM PST by longtermmemmory (VOTE!)
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Every Word Matters: Using 'Keywords' as a Political Tactic
By Tom Ball

In 1990, Newt Gingrich published a booklet he called "Language: A Key Mechanism of Control". He mailed his little manifesto to Republican leaders throughout the land and encouraged them to "paint a vivid, brilliant word picture." Gingrich, showing a distrust for his fellow Republicans' judgement, saw fit to supply the leaders with two lists of keywords, a positive word list to use in describing themselves and a negative keyword list to describe those evil Democrats.

Gingrich's positive words for Republicans (try not to laugh or retch)

"Active, activist, building, candid(ly), care(ing), challenge, change, children, choice/choose, citizen, commitment, common sense, compete, confident, conflict, control, courage, crusade, debate dream, duty, eliminate good time in prison, empower(ment), fair, family, freedom, hard work, help, humane, inventive, initiative, lead, learn, legacy, liberty, light, listen, mobilize, moral, movement, opportunity, passionate, peace, pioneer, precious, premise, preserve, principle(d), pristine, pro-flag, pro-children, pro-environment, prosperity, protect, proud/pride, provide, reform, sights, share, strength, success, tough, truth, unique, vision, we/us/our, workfare"

Particularly entertaining was the inclusion of such words as "Eliminate good time in prison", "peace" and "pro-environment". No. They did not include "Audacity" in their "pro-Republican" word list. Anyway, Newt continues with his choice of words to describe the opposition.

Gingrich's negative words for Democrats

"Anti-flag, anti-family, anti-child, anti-jobs, betray, coercion, collapse, consequences, corruption, crises, decay, deeper, destroy, destructive, devour, endanger, failure, greed, hypocrisy, ideological, impose, incompetent, insecure, liberal, lie, limit(s), pathetic, permissive attitude, radical, self-serving, sensationalists, shallow, sick, they/them, threaten, traitors, unionized bureaucracy, urgent, waste"

So now we know what Gingrich was doing when he wasn't busy cheating on his sick wife or serving divorce papers to her in the hospital while she received cancer treatment so he could marry his bimbo. Busy! Busy! Busy!

Nevertheless, if a loser like Newt can issue a list of "power words" then so can we. It is our duty.

Positive words for Democrats

American, Best-interest, Bipartisan, Caring, Children, Choice, Clean, Common sense, Confident, Correct, Courage, Decent, Democracy, Determination, Diversity, Environment, Equity, Fairness, Family, Fiscal responsibility, Forward looking, Freedom, Growth, Hard working, Health, Humane, Innovative, Justice, Liberty, Life, Majority, Middle-class, Moral, New ideas, Open government, Open-minded, Passionate, Peace, Pioneer, Populist, Progressive, Pro-growth, Promote, Prosperity, Protection, Proud, Reality, Responsibility, Security, Solution, Strength, Success, Tolerance, Truth, Unity, Vision, We/us/our, Win, Women, Working, Working-class


Realistic Words for Republicans

Against, Al Qaeda, Anti-, Anti first amendment, Anti-choice, Anti-civil rights, Anti-environment, Aristocracy, Arrogant, Audacity, Authoritarian, Backward, Behind the times, Betray, Big brother, Bigotry, Bin laden, Chaos, Chickenhawk, Closed-minded, Corporate interests, Corporate malfeasance, Corruption, Cowardice, Crisis, Cronies, Danger, Dark ages, Death, Deficits, Denial, Despicable, Destructive, Destructive, Divisive, Doubt, Elitist, Embarrassment, Endanger, Enron, Extremist, Failed, Failure, Falling stocks, False, Fear, Fearful, Fear-monger, Greed, Hateful, Hurtful, Hypocrisy, Ideologues, Incompetent, Inhumane, Insecure, Insecure, Intolerant, Isolationist, Judgmental, Lies, Limousine, Lose, No ideas, Nuclear proliferation, Oil, Oppression, Orwellian, Outdated, Pain, Partisan, Poison, Prejudice, Propaganda, Racism, Radical, Recession, Right-wing, ,Secrecy, Selfish, Selfish, Self-serving, Shameless, Terrorists, They/then, Traitors, Unemployment, Unfair, Unilateralist, War, Warmonger, Weak, Wealthy, Zealots

In addition to these broad-based keywords, we can also focus in on specific issues. For example, in the article, "North Korea Threatens US with Preemptive Attack: Arguing Against the First-Strike Precedent", I suggested the following:

~ Such a policy is the antithesis of what America stands for. Use the term "un-American" liberally.

~ Refer to the action of striking first as a "Bush Administration" phenomenon, not an "American" phenomenon. Even non-Americans understand the difference.

~ Refer to the Iraq situation as an "invasion" or a "preemptive strike", not as "war". It is not war. Psychologically, "war" is more acceptable to people than either an invasion or a preemptive strike.

So there you go. Every word matters.

16 posted on 02/04/2005 7:16:02 PM PST by longtermmemmory (VOTE!)
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Tactic: Appropriate the Symbols
By Stu Finkel

Travelling over the holidays in the purple regions of Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, I have been struck by the omniprescent yellow and tricolor ribbon stickers and giant flag stickers on cars (and especially SUVs) the likes of which we don't see so much in northern California. My immediate reaction is irritation -- the assumption being that the driver in question is a Bushie (often confirmed by the W. sticker next to the giant flag). And, usually, I then feel annoyance that these symbols of basic patriotism are so associated with the wingnut right that progressives are alienated from them.

So my modest proposal: we (re)appropriate these symbols. Stick the flag and the ribbon on your car -- but do so right next to your Move On "Nothing Accomplished" sticker, or your old Dean sticker, or your "Re-Defeat Bush" sticker. Make people look twice and form new associations.

When I suggested this on a dKos or Atrios comment thread several months ago, the reaction I got was that a number of progressive bumper stickers incorporate these symbols or ideas (i.e. either the flag or an expression of support for the troops). This is true, but I think the reappropriation of the symbols themselves, on their own (but juxtaposing them with more explicit but symbolically separate messages) is also important. So that the next time you see a big flag driving next to you on the highway you don't autmoatically think, "that's gotta be one of them."

17 posted on 02/04/2005 7:16:54 PM PST by longtermmemmory (VOTE!)
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Tactic: Poo-Poo Your Opponent's Rhetoric
By Tom Ball

One of the many tactics that have been perfected by the Republicans -- and one that has infuriated a media-less, voiceless left -- is the brazen dismissal of their opponents arguments, accusations, complaints, and rhetoric. It is the first line of defense in every arena. It is the initial slap-down designed to stun and disorient the opponent, while simultaneously framing the rhetoric as some that is best left ignored.

Technique: Claim that the news or accusation is silly, irrelevant and/or unimportant. Stress that this is merely a distraction technique intended to take the focus off the true issue (at this point you state what you want the "true" issue to be. Of course this will be an issue that is to your advantage.). In any event, give as little attention to the adverse information as possible and immediately follow with what is truly important. (i.e. Your opinion.)

One Liner: "That's simply not important."

Setup: Once again the attacks arrive. It could be a personal attack from a particular adversary or it could be a news report or even a rumor. No worries, Whatever it is, it's silly. It's of absolutely no relevance. It's of no importance.

Example one liners:

* "Uh huh. Well, nevertheless, the situation here is… (and then continue as though the other person never said a word)."

* " ." - Totally ignore what they just said.

* "The important thing is…(follow with whatever you think is important)"

Rationale: The most effective tactics are those that

1) are demeaning to the target

2) are distracting from the real issue, and

3) allow the user to appear 'in power'.

This tactic covers all bases and sets the tone for further tactical assaults. It is the napalm before the ground assault.

Summary: Regardless of the message, downplay its significance.

Tactics | Link | TrackBack

18 posted on 02/04/2005 7:19:16 PM PST by longtermmemmory (VOTE!)
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THIS IS A GOOD ONE:-- -- -- -- -- -

Tactic: Never Concede an Inch to the Opposition
By Tom Ball

In an age where Democratic concession to Republican demands has become standard practice, it is critical that we review and put into practice the godfather of all political tactics -- one at which Republicans are adept.

It purveys power, decisiveness, and confidence -- and it is one that progressives must add to our arsenal if we ever hope to retake our rightful position as the accurate and dominant political representative of traditional "American Values".

Technique: Never Concede an Inch to the Opposition. Unless the opponent's assertion or conclusion is beneficial to your own argument, do not concede one inch. Their point is either innocuous, in agreement with you, or simply wrong. Never say things like, "Well, there's a lot of truth to that..." or "You've got a point there." Remember that your stance on the issue is the correct stance. Learn it, Live it. Love it. No matter what. Never give in and stick to the script. Remember that you are debating, not negotiating, in which case concessions might be appropriate.

The left has traditionally perceived such a stance as 'stubborn' or 'pig-headed'. The fact of the matter is, however, that such unyielding force is something that would be a welcome addition to promoters of the progressive view of politics. More often than not, people are willing to overlook the air of 'stubbornness' in favor of the aura of 'strength' that such a tactic creates.

This will be a tough tactic to implement for some progressives -- you know -- the ones that are most easily labled 'milquetoast', 'mamby-pamby', and/or 'wafflers' who are derided by the right as standing for nothing and living without values or principles.

Perceptioin is everything. Tough tactics are a means to an end. They show that you have a spine and they are something sorely lacking at all levels of the progressive political movement.

One Liners: "That is completely wrong."

Setup: Most people, when engaged in lively debate, have some sense of compassion for their opponent and will generally tell them when they agree with something their opponent has said. If you really want to crush your opponent, you won’t do that. (And we DO want to crush our opponents)

Reasoning: "Give them an inch and they take a mile" the old adage goes. That could not be more true. In fact, a more accurate saying might be, "Give them an inch and you give them a mile." You give them and their message credibility and a growing strength each time you agree with their points regardless of how minor or irrelevant you might perceive those points to be. Relentlessly refraining from concession makes you look strong, confident and correct, exactly the type of person someone would like to associate with. Rest assured that the benefits of such a strategy far outweigh the potential for some listeners to perceive you as being stubborn.

Example one liners and Tips:

* "That is completely misleading."

* "Wrong."

* "You are completely misguided."

* "Let me help you with reality"

* Don't just disagree, completely disagree or vehemently disagree.

Should you ever concede anything?

Sometimes concession is in the best interest of your goals.

First remember that we are talking about debate, not negotiation. You NEVER negotiate your values or principles.

There are some debating techniques that are more art than science where you concede on unimportant matters, or appear to be conceding on issues of fact. This technique allows you to press forward without looking 'unreasonable'. Nevertheless, when fighting the rabid right, such mindful concessions, no matter how well chosen and placed, would simply seve as an opening for the winger attack machine to set itself in full motion. Don't do it.

In the Event of Agreement

Even when you do agree with your opponent, re-frame the assertion in terms of your values and principles and DO NOT USE THE LANGUAGE OF YOUR OPPOSITION. In other words, do not use the terms, catch phrases, or context used by your opponent.

For example, If they say something like "We need to defend America at any cost", then we must paraphrase in a way that promotes our progressive values.

Something like.... "We need to defend America at any cost -- by forming global alliances, properly funding first responders, targeting the true threats to national security, promoting non-proliferation, and fighting the root cause of these threats rather than encourage and provoke them with insightless, haphazard, ad hoc policy." -- or something like that.

Never offer them the comfort of phrases like 'I agree', or 'I concur', etc. Start your statement simply paraphrasing the point with which you agree in your own words, using your own frame. Do not give validity to anything they say regarding their opposing, and thus 'wrong', position.

Never agree with your opponent for the purpose of appearing 'popular' or 'agreeable'. All that will accomplish is making your opponent more credible... and thus more 'popular' or 'agreeable', not you.

Summary: Stick to your guns and give them NOTHING.

19 posted on 02/04/2005 7:21:32 PM PST by longtermmemmory (VOTE!)
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Tactic: Claim that Certain Facts are Evidence for the Opposite of What They Actually Support
By Tom Ball


In other words, when something exists -- a piece of evidence -- that supports your opponent's view, claim that it actually supports your view, NOT theirs.

For example: Unseasonably cold weather in Los Angeles would be reason for Republicans to rejoice. They would boast that such cold weather is 'evidence' that global warming is a bunch of nonsense. In reality, such aberrant weather is a telltale sign of the existence of global warming, cold or not. It has to do with complexities involving alterations in the oceans' currents and the planet's jetstream. Of course the sophistication of the subject makes it that much easier for conservatives to paint in terms of 'black and white': "It's cold where it should be hot, therefore there is no global warming. Ha ha ha ha..."

Another example from Jonathan Chait of the Los Angeles Times:

A few weeks ago, a pair of studies found that Democrats vastly outnumbered Republicans among professors at leading universities. Conservatives gleefully seized upon this to once again flagellate academia for its liberal bias.
Am I the only person who fails to understand why conservatives see this finding as vindication? After all, these studies show that some of the best-educated, most-informed people in the country overwhelmingly reject the GOP. Why is this seen as an indictment of academia, rather than as an indictment of the Republican Party?

Conservatives have a ready answer. The only reason faculties lean so far to the left is that deans, administrators and entire university cultures systematically discriminate against conservatives.

They don't, however, have much evidence to back this up. Mostly, they assume that the leftward tilt is prima facie evidence of anti-conservative discrimination. (Yet, when liberals hold up minority underrepresentation at some institutions as proof of discrimination, conservatives are justifiably skeptical.)

As you might presume from this example, many people execute this tactic without much conscious thought. It's a simple matter of rationalizing your position to relieve growing cognitive dissonance on the subject. It is this desire for relief that makes the tactic, executed intentionally, so powerful. People want to be right. And they want to be right as fast as they can -- and with the least amount of effort.

True, those who know better will not be swindled by such a tactic -- but who cares. They aren't the targets of the actions anyway.

Effects of this tactic:

At the highest level, the hope is that the public believes your assertion that the 'evidence' supports your position and NOT your opponent's.

On a sub-level, at least the assertion will cloud the issue -- leaving the topic 'up in the air', 'open to debate' or 'inconclusive' -- denying the opposition the advantage of citing the evidence as conclusive proof in support of their position. This is what the right has effectively done with global warming and evolution.

It is the ultimate spin. Assert that black is white -- that up is down. It works. It's powerful. But it does take a fair share of cleverness concoct the rationale to pull it off. Generally, since very few people care to know the nuances of detail and implication, the more complex the issue, the easier it is to successfully execute the tactic.


1) Identify a high profile piece of evidence in support of your opponent's position -- the more complex and nuanced, the better.

2) Frame the 'evidence' as proof for your position and as a challenge against theirs. It is best to paint the issue in terms as 'black and white' as possible.

This certainly won't work for every piece of evidence, but a little research and creativity will reveal plentiful fodder with which to effectively apply this tactic.

20 posted on 02/04/2005 7:23:15 PM PST by longtermmemmory (VOTE!)
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Tactic: Link 'Good' Words to 'Good' Sources, 'Bad' Words to 'Bad' Sources
By Tom Ball

As many of you may know by now, the manner in which websites link to other websites helps determine how those sites are ranked in various search engines...particularly Google. There is even a term that is used to tie a 'keyword' to a specific site -- 'Google Bombing'.

For an example, go to Google and search the words 'Miserable Failure'.

The site, "Biography of President George W. Bush" pops up in the number one spot. This is not a coincidence. There has been an ongoing campaign throughout the progressive web to make this happen.

Simply put, the more sites that are indexed by Google that link to the above site with the term 'Miserable Failure', the higher up in the search rankings that site (or web page) will appear in the search listings.

Similarly, if you go to Google and type in the term 'Political Strategy' then you will find this site sitting at the top of the search listing. That is because of the many sites that link to our site using the words 'Political Strategy'.

This little tidbit offers us an opportunity to shape what people find when using such search engines. This is particularly true if the thousands of progressive websites work together in this effort.

Tactic: Link 'Good' Words to 'Good' Sources, 'Bad' Words to 'Bad' Sources

In other words, when linking to a web page that contains information that you want others to read and perceive in a positive light, then use positive words when linking to the page.

And, when linking to a web page that contains information that you want others to read and perceive in a negative light, then use words with negative connotations when linking to the page.

The result of these actions, if executed on a sufficiently widespread basis, will be searches resulting in 'bad' webpages gaining the highest search listings when 'bad' words are searched and 'good' webpages gaining the highest search listings when 'good' words are searched.

For example, in this excellent post. I was careful to select words that I wanted linked to the webpage referenced. the page was at and was particularly critical of Michael Moore.

So to take as much spark out of the high profile award as possible, Rupert Murdoch's NY Post sank to new lows with claims of 'Ballot Stuffing' for Moore's F911.
I decided to link the words "Rupert Murdoch's NY Post sank to new lows" so that the search listings would be higher when people did a search for the terms "New low", "Murdoch", and "NY Post". Alternately, I could have simply linked the words "New Lows" and that would likely have been quite effective.

What I didn't want to do was link the words 'Ballot Stuffing' because this would have given the raunchy article (and raunchy publication) a higher search profile on with the words 'ballot stuffing'. Searchers would then be led to a Moore-negative article with the context of ballot stuffing -- something I do NOT want to happen.

As another example, you can see above that I referenced my other post by linking the words excellent post to it. This will give a lift to that post in the search rankings when people search on the words 'excellent post' -- an encouraging context, and one within which you would generally desire to have your writing found.

In summary, this tactic helps us to determine what people find when they search for 'Miserable Failure' (or any other search term.) The question is, will they see the "Biography of George W. Bush" or the "Michael Moore Website" (Currently number 2 and obviously the right's answer to the "Bush - Miserable Failure" campaign) shining boldly in the top spot?

So, if you own a blog or other website, be very selective and strategic in choosing the words that you use to link to other sites. En masse, it is an incredibly powerful tool that helps shape what millions of people find in their quest for truth!

22 posted on 02/04/2005 7:25:03 PM PST by longtermmemmory (VOTE!)
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To: Beckwith
Political Strategy's Tactical Assault Project

AKA's Bible.
23 posted on 02/04/2005 7:29:09 PM PST by RetroWarrior ("We count it death to falter, not to die")
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To: Beckwith

Let's find out who funds this site.

Ties to CPUSA, I'm sure.

26 posted on 02/05/2005 9:44:16 AM PST by MonroeDNA (US OUT of the UN!)
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To: Beckwith

Interesting that the owner is in China:

Domain ID:D83250474-LROR
Created On:01-Feb-2002 17:55:40 UTC
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27 posted on 02/05/2005 9:52:40 AM PST by MonroeDNA (US OUT of the UN!)
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