Well, having been on both sides of that question, I can say that it can be done...but it's not an easy thing to do. In our case, it's even easier, since we have so many that would have to be in daycare that we would be committing fiscal suicide if I were working.
We moved to a lower cost of living area, since my husband's job is easy to find anywhere, and we have very little debt. Until recently, we never made enough to be able to, and now we've gotten used to it.
However, there are lots of folks who just can't afford it, and they aren't exactly living large and ignoring their kids. It's a bit difficult to manage if one of you doesn't have a well-paying job. Both my parents worked like dogs to provide for us, and we had very little extras. I don't think they were selfish people at all...quite the contrary.
Good post. It'd be very comforting to ascribe to every misfortune some rational responsibility (they should have known a tidal wave was coming, they should stay home and raise their own kids, etc.). I fall into myself. So does my wife. But sometimes ppl do their best and bad things still happen. Personally, I wouldn't want a kid I couldn't afford, so I don't have any. I don't see how ppl manage. I wouldn't put a kid in day care, but that's just me. I also wouldn't send a kid to a public school.