Oh,man.If that is true.......
But, by the same token,I feel personally that Rumsfeld's response was inappropriate.You don't make cavalier comments such as he did to a gathering of soldiers at wartime.(Now,before the flaming starts,let me say that I am not siding against Rumsfeld.The man has a tough job.But the comments he made do not bode well, morale-wise, with the troops.That's all i'm saying.)
Have you read post #22?
Assume it is...so what? Judging from the reaction in the room (lots of loud applause), it would seem that this particular soldier was echoing the concerns of many of his brethren. It's certainly been a topic of discussion for quite some time that our Humvees are under-armored. God knows it wouldn't be the first time our forces have been sent underequipped into harm's way. Why would this war be any different?
But, by the same token,I feel personally that Rumsfeld's response was inappropriate.You don't make cavalier comments such as he did to a gathering of soldiers at wartime. .(Now,before the flaming starts,let me say that I am not siding against Rumsfeld.The man has a tough job.[...]
I dunno...it didn't surprise me much...he's always struck me as a bit of a hack. Yeah, he's can be funny, and he's a smart guy, but funny and smart counts for jack squat when we're in a war. What I want is a SecDef who'll play to win. ISTR Rummy originally wanting to do the Iraq thing with something like 50K troops. Can you imagine the chaos that we'd be seeing now if we only had 50,000 guys in country?
Well as you can see in post 22 the MSM and press has bent the truth in order to influence the common folk. The journalist are not doing their jobs of reporting the news. Instead they do their best to follow their orders from the party they love.
They WEREN'T casual or flippant remarks FROM Runsfield.
The PRESS (deliberately!) reported them that way to make Rumsfield/Bush/Cheney look bad! Read the actual (complete) remarks from the Sec. Def.
It wasn't a cavalier response. That's at the heart of the misrepresentation.
I don't understand how anyone can translate a straightforward answer as cavalier. Can we go to war with an Army we don't have? He was reminding everyone that they're aware of the situation and are and have been doing everything possible to improve it, but in the meantime we have a war to fight.