LOL DUmmies are ticked off at this statement.
A lame candidate giving lame excuses.
The dumb $hit indicts himself.
If UBL caused more concern among Americans, and they turned to W instead of him (Kerry), doesn't that tell him anything?
Ummmm..... nope.
They might have been able to counteract if they had had anything worthwile to say, instead of: "Homina-homina-homina."
No, F'n; YOU scared the American electorate.
yep, I was vury skurred.
The moron was consistently 3-5 points behind throughout the campaign, yet expects us to believe it was the tape that sunk him.
Who's John Kerry?
He was going to lose anyway. The polls consistently showed Bush leading by 3-5 points even after the debates. Nevertheless, Kerry's comments reflect that even he understood that national security issues were Bush's ace in the hole.
So, is sKerry going to sue OBL?
No senator, there's a plethora of reasons for your defeat,
but I credit the Swifties for educating the electorate about you.
I thought that the media had proclaimed that the video tape had no impact? That's what they were telling us the Monday before the election -- the video tape was a wash between helping Kerry or helping Bush.
So, now that Bush beats his pants off, it can't be on the merits of the election, the issues, or he himself as an idiot ... it has to be due to some outside influence! Yeah, SURE!
Keep up the good work F'n. As long as you and the rest of the dims don't understand reality you will continue to fade into ever increasing irrelevance.
Kerry on why he lost: It was bin Laden's fault. That OBL tape scared people.
Kerry will blame everyone---else.
Trouble is, Kerry's problem was the messenger and the message. People didn't buy it.
It's everybody's fault but his.
What a waste.
He still hasn't figured out that he lost because he's a pompous ass! I hope he runs again in '08. I'll start saving money to give the Swifties right away.
I see Kerry has been talking to his buddy Castro again....
Hey Kerry, maybe if you would have spoken from your heart instead of taken a poll as to what to say.....forget that.....we already know what your heart would have said.......
What a loser - in more ways than one!