It is NOT fair for a born-again Christian to be disliked and disrespected just because SOME of the born-agains are extremists. Maybe that's how moderate Muslims feel. Interesting, is it not?
Let them keep talking !!!!!!!
The people who voted for W know they are not right-wing religious nuts and resent being portrayted this way.
That was just funny.
Ironic since J.D. Rockefeller was an Evangelical Baptist.
it ürür, kervan yürür.
The dogs bark, but the caravan moves on. We can give the yips and yaps of petty critics the indifference they merit.
I am so glad this is tax payer funded. Where's Jefferson's wall of separation when you need it?
Im sure he wont mind picking up my portion of the tax burden then - after all, if Im not a citizen, I aint payin
I couldn't care less what this cretin has to say about anything, but it infuriates me that my tax dollars go to keep this man's elitist New England crap on the air.
that's why i gave up listening to national propaganda network decades ago.
one thing that colleges and universities have done not-so-admirably in this country since the 70s is to instill a sense of superiority amongst graduates. they are better than everyone else. meanwhile, they demonstrate their betterment by shopping upscale. and one demonstration of this attitude is npr.
trader joe's radio ads remind me of npr.
What do you expect from a man who's job is, by his own account, telling elaborate lies?
If our citizenship is in Heaven, then we have diplomatic immunity from the laws here in the U. S.
Works for me. If Christians can't vote, and as a result liberals are elected, then no matter what laws they pass, we have immunity from prosecution.
Howjalike those potatoes, Gar?
His is a silly argument, but if he's serious, then maybe he's about ready for what we call Day Camp. That's the place an old fart's family sends him to all day where they take care of him and feed him, and keep him from hurting himself and others.
Evidently Lake Woe-be-gone..... is not gone..
Forgetting, of course, that it is perfectly acceptable for illegal aliens and citizens of graveyards to vote.
I watched it on C-Spam and listened to his usual leftist rant. Of course, the WH media jackals pigging out at the hotel tables (with their be-diamoned and be-coiffed wives and mistresses) ate his speech up. Actually, he was supposed to be humorous, but he wasn't at all. His entire monologue fell flatter than Kerry's "reporting for duty" salute.
What I remember most clearly at that time was remarking to myself the fact that in the entire history of menswear from caveman days to today, Keillor has been the only fugly guy on earth whose appearance wasn't somehow enhanced by a tuxedo.
Obviously, he is a citizen of Hell. So with his logic, he should not be able to vote except in Hell. Oh wait, that's right. The "left" keeps trying to tell this earth into Hell. Nevermind.....
Like we care what Mr. Garrison has to say.
Now, Mr. Hat, that's a whole different kettle of fish!
what a odd as his squashed face looks.
"calling John Waters!!!"