"IMHO - sKerry had better stay the ell out of this! this is NOT a CAMPAIGN issue... This is an issue for Commander in Chief, In addition, since sKerry's their boy - he damn well better keep his trap shut... This is not a time for "nuance"
Not a campaign issue? You betcha! But guess what - EVERYTHING is a campaign issue to skerry. He'd step on our backs in a second if it were to help him politically and personally (just ask the Swift Boat Vets)...
And apparently ABC considers this a campaign issue as well. Who are they to decide if the tape is legit? That's for our government to decide. They had no right to hold onto that tape for any length of time. They interfered with National Security IMHO.
This is a campaign issue, which man do the terrorist want gone?
The latest terrorist threat video warned that "The streets will run with blood," and that "America will mourn in silence" because they will be unable to count the number of the dead.
Reason given: America has brought this on itself for electing George Bush who has made war on Islam by destroying the Taliban and making war on Al Qaeda.
The Terrorist know that President Bush will never stop hunting them down, so they are trying to bend us to their will. Just like always, do what we say or we will hurt you. Defeat Bush or pay with blood.
We could give in to them, appease them, but do any of you really think that they will stop the killing? NO! This has been going on for decades and the appeasers have never won.
I think the terrorist have us Americans all wrong; we are not France or Spain. We will not kowtow to their demands; instead we will steel our resolve to destroy them.