Posted on 10/08/2004 5:43:50 PM PDT by andrew1957
I don't see any poll on You might want to check your links.
They mean to infer the baby's death will ease the mother's risk of succombing to aids. No where near the truth, of course, but hey, people who believe in murder-by-way-of-abortion will grasp at any reason to keep it okay.
yeah and Terry is complaining about bush mangling internet. Doesn't he know we love it when bush mangles words!!!??
Looks that way so far. Course, the pundits will spin it. Let's see what the polls show.
We all need to let FoxNews know we made them who they are today....and their reporting in these 2 presidential debates SUCK SO BAD....we'll stop watching them...and they'll no longer be the big boys on the block.
You are drunk? You've also been playing the KERRY HAS A PLAN game then eh? Gawd, hope nothing bad happens tonight, what with so many FReepers being "under the weather," thanks to kerry the kommie.
IF an old timer FReeper like you is, er, are drunk, who's mining the store?
Bush did well on the tax issues and might have helped a bit on jobs. He did well on Kerry not showing up to work, and hit him on the inconsistancies of Johnny. The senate record was finally attacked as well.
ROFL. Radio commercial right now bashing Kerry raising social security taxes, against marriage penalty relief, and gas tax.
I think the fact that "dumb,incoherent " George Bush beat "Debator Exraordinaire" Kerry is simply amazing
Yes --- it's the big Stem Cell lie --- Kerry and others present stem cells as the cure-all for every kind of disease there is --- and there is no proof, no evidence at all that stem cells are going to cure anything at all.
Kerry looked like crap. White as a ghost. I've never seen anyone have as many skin tones as this man in a matter of days. He just looked old, tired and beaten.
I haven't watched F&F in weeks . Used to watch it every morning.
FNC isn't going to grace my TV if they change horses.
It's their decision to make.
Wow CedarDave! That sounds so cool! I'm stuck here in Palm Beach County - need I say more? Have a great time for me!
Watching CBS is against my religion.
Just checked the rounds on the pages.....fairly good coverage it looks like.....Fox news has a good article. They actually have their own instead of just swiping the AP like CBS and ABC. And, it is very fair and balanced.
The entire media lives in a different world. I get so sick of this slavish dependence we have on the media.
The DNC have their people at the poll sites in advance so they can quickly click for Kerry. It is an organized effort to skew actual opinion. They also ransack GOP HQs in Tampa and Orlando, FL, in Washington, in Tennessee they fired shots and in other places, they are ransacking Bush-Cheney offices. They are organized but in a scary kind of way.
Are they at a rally with Cheney in Innisbrook, Florida?
I just did. They need to be inundated with mail. Do your job Freepers.
GW gave Kerry the wood.....side ways
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