Posted on 10/08/2004 5:43:50 PM PDT by andrew1957
October 8th Bush/Kerry Debate
I feel bad about that too but the choice is a clear one.
I live in a St Louis county, but am currently in Washington DC for job related training....I believe I would rather be back in the BIG MO, where CCW is now KING.
He wanted the debate to end on a sour note for Dubya, but Gibson will have to be disappointed, because the president is handling the question well.
And Ann Compton on the 11:00 ABC radio news broadcast led with the "three mistakes" question! After 90 minutes of Q&A that is the one she chose to highlight.
Good que$tion about what po$$ibly could have changed FOX'$ view of thi$ debate. Even in Brit, I am di$appointed.
Someone predicted the stem cell question!
Bush Timber, LLC
Got Wood?!
I can't believe that anyone could say Kerry won. This seems like the talking points went around before the debate even ended.
What a joke. Kerry got destroyed. How could any sane person declare otherwise.
PKM, I was delighted to see Dr. Tom muscle ahead in the polls these last two days. I sent him $100 Wednesday. He'd be just what the old imperious fossils in the Senate need to shake them up. He, Santorum, Coleman, Graham, Ensign, Talent, Thune (cross fingers) ... those guys are the 1994 Newt young guns (except Norm) and they'd rock.
On PBS, David Brooks said that Bush won. That's pretty good since Brooks sometimes kowtows to the libs when he's on there.
Because of the MEMO and the bright light now shining on NETWORK BIAS -- FOX is going overboard to look "fair and balanced"
I think the ABC Memo has them all spooked tonight.
What crap. I don't care what the talking heads say. Any normal person without a pro-Kerry agenda will admit Bush came off much better than Kerry did tonight.
I said Bush lost the first debate badly. Kerry lost this debate. This is a big come-back for Bush.
No question bush kicked ass. He was believable, strong, likable. Kerry was none of those things.
What was that just flying by my window?
Hi Gracey, thanks for your comments. We are small town USA and love the President. He is coming to our town of 30,000 on Monday morning. Announced 4 p.m. Wednesday. Estimated 6000 (capacity) at our events center. By 10:30 a.m. yesterday all tickets were gone. Moved event outside to parking lot and printed 3000 more. I waited 3 1/2 hours with hundreds to pick them up. Still not enough. Now saying have printed another 10,000 and maybe more! The town is electrified. They have canceled school, the community college, city government is closed in the morning. Many businesses will close -- its totally amazing. Even Kerry supporters are getting tickets -- not to disrupt, but because it is an event to tell your kids about. Simply amazing!
That is an excellent sign, excellent. Thanks SAm.
BUSH WON BIG, REALLY BIG but msnbc was saying it was a draw but Buchanan said Bush won big. Little Ronnie Reagan of course was all girlie-man and kind of said "ewe" about President Bush.
This is ridiculous. This is from site which doesn't get more than a few thousands hits per day). Kerry goes up by 100+ every time I vote. Damn those DU hackers. Horrible.
Who won Friday night's debate between President George W. Bush and U.S. Sen. John Kerry?
Choice Votes Percentage of 16660 Votes
President George W. Bush 3265 20%
Sen. John Kerry 13317 80%
They tied 78 0%
*Note: This is a national, unscientific poll.
Kerry played defense most of the night.
Anyone who says otherwise is out of their mind. Kerry looked dour, sour, and old.
Sen. Lieberman always looks like a man in intestinal discomfort (I think that was an SNL line).
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