Posted on 09/11/2004 5:33:30 PM PDT by dickmc
As you may know a thread was started yesterday morning to attempt to summarize the important forgery points.
This original thread is at Evidence Against Rather
This was initiated by SkyPilot and I agreed to help out. This is a continuation of that thread.
The information below needs your review, analysis, and suggested changes
in the form of final edits. If you see things that should be changed,
please retype the suggested revision including the line number in a new reply.
While we have tried to capture the hundreds of comments and posts in the last few days,
the likelihood is that we may have gotten something wrong or missed an element.
This is why your review would be most helpful.
The table below shows where we are at this point:
a. Font, type, typography, equipment, etc issues that can be processed from the pdfs alone.
1. proportional spacing not generally available (no confirmation this type of technology was available at TANG)
3. superscripts not generally available
4. Small "th" single element not generally available (not common, but available. Highly unlikely the machines were available at TANG)
5. 4's produced on a typewriter are open at the top. 4's on a word processor are closed. Compare the genuine Bush ANG documents, where the 4's are open at the top, to Rather's forgeries, where the 4's are closed at the top
6. Apostrophes in the documents use curled serifs. Typewriters used straight hash marks for both quotation marks and apostrophes.
9. Margins. These look like a computer's unjustified default, not the way a person typing would have done it. Typewriters had fixed margins that rang and froze the carriage when typist either hit mar rel or manually returned carriage.
11. Words run over consistent with word processor.
12. Times Roman has been available since 1931, but only in linotype printshops and some Selectric typewriters...until released with Apple MacIntosh in 1984 and Windows 3.1 in 1991.
13. Signature looks faked, and it cut at the very end of the last letter rather than a fade when pressure would have been released.
16. Exact match for Microsoft Word Processor, version disputed, but converted to pdf matches exactly.
18. Overlap analysis is an exact match (see #15).
19. Absence of hyphens to split words between lines, c/w 1970's typewriter. (see #8)
22. It would have been nearly impossible to center a letterhead with proportional spacing without a computer (not impossible, but for Killian, who did not type, improbable).
26. Kerning was not available in any office typewriter. For kerning photographic analysis of memo see Post 15
35. Why is the redacted address of Longmont #8 visible beneath the black mark? This would have been impossible after one copy, but it would be visible if the document was scanned.
47. Regarding superscript - typewriter example had it underlined in the keystroke but the forged document doesn't.
51. The vertical spacing used in the memos, measured at 13 points, is not available in typewriters, and only became possible with the advent of computer driven type word processors and printers.
52. May 4, 1972 "order" memo and the May 19, 1972 "commitment" memo typeface doesn't match the official evaluation signed 26 May 1972. Or does the TxANG have a new typewriter just for Col. Killian's memorandum.
68. The only device that could have produced the superscripted th in that period and proportional type in that timeframe would have been a Selectric Composer. This is not a typewriter but is used for special publication composing and cost some $4,000 then ($23,000 today) and was incredibly difficult to operate. The machine basically consisted of an IBM Selectric typewriter with a 3-1/2 ft. high upright case containing the magnetic tape reader reading long spools of magnetic tape in cartridges. It also needed a special IBM service person above and beyond repairing typewriters. It is not clear that the AirForce had even three units at that time and the TANG clearly did not. To suggest that Col Killian, who could barely type and even if he could, he would never have been able to operate one of these machines is absurd. The operating manual is here at
69. The typed squadron letterhead is centered on the page, an extremely difficult operation to perform manually.
b. Issues that can only be processed by a better or original copy
17. Paper size problem, Air Force and Guard did not use 8 1/2 x 11 inch paper until the 1980s.
31. Is the document original or a copy of an original? Why all the background noise such as black marks and a series of repeated dots (as if run through a Xerox).(Rather explained his document was a photocopy-brings up additional questions of how redacted black address was visible from a several generation copy)
c. Issues that relate to custom and usage of text within the documents
8. Signature block. Typical authentic military signature block has name, then rank, then on the next line the person's position. This just has rank beneath the name.
10. Date inconsistent with military style type. Date with three letters, or in form as 110471.
15. No letterhead
23. Bush's grade would be abbreviated "1Lt" not "1stLt"
28. Language not generally used by military personnel.
29. Not signed or initialed by author, typist, or clerk.
30. Not in any format that a military person would use, e.g. orders not given by Memo.
33. Why no three hole punches evident at the top of the page?
37. Acronym should be OER, not ORET.
38. Last line of document 4 "Austin will not be pleased with this" is not in the same font and has been added!
46. The superscript "th" in the forged documents was raised half-way above the typed line (consistent with MS Word, but inconsistent with military typewriters which kept everything in-line to avoid writing outside the pre-printed boxes of standard forms).
41. The forged documents had no initials from a clerk
42. There was no CC list (needed for orders)
43. Subject line in memos was normally CAPITALIZED in the military
44. The forged documents used incorrect terminology ("physical examination" instead of "medical")
45. There was no "receipt confirmation box" (required for orders)
48. May 4, 1972 "order" memo and the May 19, 1972 "commitment" memo typeface doesn't match the official evaluation signed 26 May 1972. Or does the TxANG have a new typewriter just for Col. Killian's memorandum
50. The manual cited in the forged document "AFM 35-13" doesn't exist. That line of text reads: "to conduct annual physical examination (flight)IAW AFM 35-13". "IAW" means "In Accordance With" and "AFM 35-13" would mean "Air Force Manual 35-13". There is no such Air Force Manual 35-13.
54. AF letterhead, in required use since 1948. Instead they are typed. In general, typed letterhead is restricted to computer-generated orders, which were usually printed by teletype, chain printer or daisy-wheel printer, the latter looking like a typed letter. Manually typed correspondence is supposed to use official USAF letterhead. However, even special orders, which used a typed letterhead, were required to use ALL CAPS in the letterhead.
55. The typed Letterhead gives the address as "Houston, Texas". The standard formulation for addresses at USAF installations should require the address to read "Ellington AFB, Texas".
56. Killian's signature block should read: RICHARD B. KILLIAN, Lt Col, TexANG Commander This is the required USAF formulation for a signature block.
57. Lt Col Killian's signature should be aligned to the left side of the page. Indented signature blocks are not a USAF standard.
58. The rank abbreviations are applied inconsistently and incorrectly, for example the use of periods in USAF rank abbreviations is incorrect. The modern formulation for rank abbreviations for the lieutenant grades in the USAF is 2Lt and 1Lt. In 1973, it may well have been 2nd Lt and 1st Lt. In any event, they would not have included periods. Lt Col Killian's abbreviations are pretty much universally incorrect in the memos.
59. The unit name abbreviations use periods. This is incorrect. USAF unit abbreviations use only capital letters with no periods. For example, 111th Fighter Interceptor Squadron would be abbreviated as 111th FIS, not 111th F.I.S.
60. The Formulation used in the memos, i.e., "MEMORANDUM FOR 1st Lt. Bush..." is incorrect. A memo would be written on plain (non-letterhead) paper, with the top line reading "MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD". However, Lt Col Killian is known to have relied on hand written notes on scraps of paper and not gratuitous memos to files.
61. An order from a superior, directing a junior to perform a specific task would not be in the memorandum format as presented. Instead, it would use the USAF standard internal memo format with left hand justification as follows: FROM: Lt Col Killian, Richard B. (space) SUBJECT: Annual Physical Examination (Flight) (space) TO: 1Lt Bush, George W. Documents that are titled as MEMORANDUM are used only for file purposes, and not for communications.
62. The memos use the formulation " accordance with (IAW)..." The abbreviation IAW is a universal abbreviation in the USAF, hence it is not spelled out, rather it is used for no other reason than to eliminate the word "in accordance with" from official communications. There are several such universal abbreviation, such as NLT for "no later than".
70. Physical is due the last day of the birth month which be 31July; not at the May 14th date ordered in the memo.
d. Issues that relate to the context of the document (people retired, day of week, ANG policy, etc.)
20. 5000 Longmont #8 in Houston Tx. does not exist (actually does exist, but Mr. Bush had already moved TWICE from this address at the time the memo was written).
24. Subject matter bizarre
25. Air Force did not use street addresses for their offices, rather HQ AFLC/CC, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433.
27. In the August 18, 1973 memo, Jerry Killian purportedly writes: "Staudt has obviously pressured Hodges more about Bush. I'm having trouble running interference and doing my job." but General Staudt, who thought very highly of Lt. Bush, retired in 1972.
34. Mr. Bush would have had automatic physical scheduled for his Birthday in July! He would not have received correspondence.
63. The title of one of the memos is CYA, a popular euphemism for covering one's...ahem...posterior. It is extremely doubtful that any serving officer would use such a colloquialism in any document that might come under official scrutiny.
e. Other issues (veracity of experts, etc.)
2. CBS admits that it does *not* have the originals, but only original documents can be proven to be real; copies can *never* be authenticated positively...repeat: only original documents can be proven real. CBS never had the originals, so CBS knew that it was publishing something that couldn't be assured of authenticity
7. The blurriness of the copy indicates it was recopied dozens of times, common tactic of forgers (confirmed by CBS).
14. No errors and whiteout (CBS used copies)
32. The Killian family rejected these documents as forgeries. Then where did the personal files come from if not the family?
39. CBS validator was only signature expert, not a typewriting expert. Also seems emerging issues on signature. Signature authenticity and
40. Lt Col Killian didn't type
49. CBS admits that it does *not* have the originals, but only original document signatures can be proven to be real; copies can *never* be authenticated positively.
53. Retired Maj. General Hodges, Killian's supervisor at the Grd, tells ABC News that he feels CBS misled him about the documents they uncovered. According to Hodges, CBS told him the documents were "handwritten" and after CBS read him excerpts he said, "well if he WROTE them that's what he felt." Hodges also said he did not see the documents in the 70's and he cannot authenticate the documents or the contents. His personal belief is that the documents have been "computer generated" and are a "fraud".
64. The records purport to be from Lt Col Killian's "personal files", yet, they were not obtained from his family, but through some unknown 3rd party. It is an odd kind of "personal file" when the family of a deceased person is unaware of the file's existence and it is not in their possession.
65. Both Lt Col Killian's wife and son, as well as the EAFB personnel officer do not find the memos credible.
65. These memos are totally inconsistent with the glowing OERs for Mr. Bush.
66. Both Lt Col Killian's wife and son relate that Killian wasn't a typist. If he needed notes, he would write them down longhand, but in general, he wasn't paper-oriented, and certainly wasn't a typist.
67. Col. Walter "Buck" Staudt was honorably discharged on March 1, 1972. CBS News reported this week that a memo in which Staudt was described as interfering was dated Aug. 18, 1973. Col Staudt was no longer in the food chain.
Elements that have been deleted from above list
21. Box 34567 is suspicious, at best. This would not be used on correspondence, but rather forms. The current use of the po box 34567 is Ashland Chemical Company, A Division of Ashland Oil, Incorporated P. O. Box 34567 Houston (this has been confirmed by the Pentagon, per James Rosen on Fox News) [THE BOX NUMBER IS CONSISTENT WITH OTHER CONTEMPORANEOUS DOCUMENTS].
36. Why were these exact same documents available for sale on the Internet y Marty Heldt, of leftist web site Tom Paine, as early as January 2004? Is this where CBS obtained their copies? [THIS NEEDS VERIFIED WITH A LINK (CACHED??)]
Actually, now that I think about it, I think the right margin on the page already contains the all evidence that points to authenticity.
Never mind.
New point. If the document was a copy to file, then it would have been on carbon paper, not photocopy. Photocopy machines very rare in 1972-73, everybody used carbon paper.
And under the topic of "unintended consequences", everyone
needs to be aware that the extensive internet debunking of
the CBS memos has now trained the original authors of these
forgeries in just how to create more credible documents.
ANY documents from the DNC/Kerry/CBS/etc. between now and
the election are to be treated as probable forgeries until
their provenance and authenticity is demonstrated to
courtroom standards (something CBS will not, and cannot
do for the present bird cage liners they are relying on).
To be added in your #e "Other issues (veracity of experts, etc.)"
Slow-Motion Train Wreck
We noted earlier that the Boston Globe cited Dr. Philip Bouffard as its prime source for the claim that the forged CBS documents were created on a typewriter, but that Dr. Bouffard has now complained that the Boston Globe misquoted him and that in fact, "There are all kinds of things that say that this is not a typewriter."
Now, unbelievably, CBS News is relying on the Globe's misquotation of Dr. Bouffard to shore up their own untenable claims of the documents' authenticity! I guess I'm beyond being shocked by anything CBS News does, but they must have known that Bouffard has complained about the Globe's misuse of his name.
This is, of course, a sign of CBS's desperation, but it is revealing in this respect: CBS claims to have thoroughly investigated and validated the documents before they ran their story. Yet the key witness they relied on Gen. Bobby Hodges, has said that he was lied to by CBS News and that in fact, he things the documents are forgeries. Notwithstanding their supposed investigation, CBS is so hard up for ammunition to support their position that they have to repeat an already-exposed lie by the Globe.
Item 22. After seeing another document, with the address, I believe it is a pre-printed letterhead. I do not believe a printshop would use the raised "th" in a letterhead.
Know for a fact that when I worked for the military and civilian govts in the 70s, we used 8x10.5 paper size.
Another item for your "e" #39 about Matley - he has admitted to looking only at copy yet he was quoted as saying you can;t authorize a document with a copy (very Kerry-esque)
The New York Times interviewed CBS documents expert Marcel Matley, who confirmed that the documents the network gave him were photocopies -- and poor ones at that. According to the paper:
"Mr. Matley said the documents the network sent him were so deteriorated from copying that it was impossible to identify the typeface." '''It's sheer speculation to say that you couldn't have done that until a computer came along,'' he said."
"As a result, he said, he focused on the signatures. CBS sent him the four newfound documents, as well as others that have been verified as signed by Colonel Killian. 'There were significant similarities and the differences were insignificant,' he said in the configuration of letters and the angle of the writing."
Meanwhile, the Washington Post reported that, "Matley said last night that a '60 Minutes'
executive had asked him not to give interviews."
The only expert cited by CBS in this case, Marcel Matley, wrote in the September 27, 2002 issue of the journal, "The Practical Litigator":
In fact, modern copiers and computer printers are so good that they permit easy fabrication of quality forgeries. From a copy, the document examiner cannot authenticate the unseen original but may well be able to determine that the unseen original is false. Further, a definite finding of authenticity for a signature is not possible from a photocopy, while a definite finding of falsity is possible.
Attempting to authenticate a signature from a photocopy is exactly what Matley did for CBS.
Game over.
'h' in the superscripted 'th' is a different shape than the rest of the 'h' characters. That would have required a selectric ball to be changed several times in creating the document which for a personal memo of some sort is like the chance of the sun coming up in the west tommorrow morning.
Actually the font is more likely to be Palatino Lintotype than Times New Roman as discussed here . This doesn't make any less fake, however.
22 and 69 are the same. Another point about the centering is that it is the same down to the pixel on two memos typed three months apart and in modern documents created with MS Word. It's hard to say which feat is more improbable. Killian not only matched himself exactly, down to the pixel, two months apart, but matched a technology not even invented.
The distortion in the forgery could be due to optics in the copier. This is seen clearly on the LGF site: where the document expands roughly around the word "sugar" in the middle of it. The likely cause is optical copying after printing.
More Matley info to add in E #39
Rather says Matley vouched for 4 memos, Matley says he vouched for only one.
This point is inaccurate. Do more homework. It has been covered extensively on FR. Look for references to an "IBM Executive".
IBM typewriter with proportional spacing was introduced in 1941.
IBM announces the Electromatic Model 04 electric typewriter, featuring the revolutionary concept of proportional spacing. By assigning varied rather than uniform spacing to different sized characters, the Type 4 recreated the appearance of a printed page, an effect that was further enhanced by a typewriter ribbon innovation that produced clearer, sharper words on the page. The proportional spacing feature became a staple of the IBM Executive series typewriters.
On the Executive, you could optionally have removable type-bars. This is somewhat like later Smith-Corona portables which have removable type-slugs on the two outermost type-bars, with corresponding changeable keytop caps. In this case, though, it's the whole type-bar.
you need to put that guys one words into use he wrote a paper saying that you cant use a copy of a signature to prove if a document is real. And that is the the same guy that CBS USED! LOL you can find a link to that article on FR
The REAL BIG issue is the reports stating these docs came from the DNC to the Kerrry Campaign to CBS. CBS would have to realize that revealing this would totally undermine CBS, Kerry, and the documents. And CBS knows that taking easily forged copies from the Kerry Campaign is irresponsible. This whole thing really stinks.
I think this first point is false. Proportional font spacing WAS generally available through the IBM Executive typewriter, for example. Whether or not this was available or not at TANG, who knows.
3. superscripts not generally available
4. Small "th" single element not generally available (not common, but available. Highly unlikely the machines were available at TANG)
These two go together, sort of. It was indeed possible to get a "th" element in a typewriter head, as other Bush documents show. Unlikely, as you say, but available. The key is that such elements are not true superscript in that the top of the letters did not extend above the top of the normal letters when typed---unless the carriage was manually adjusted vertically, which is unlikely.
5. 4's produced on a typewriter are open at the top. 4's on a word processor are closed. Compare the genuine Bush ANG documents, where the 4's are open at the top, to Rather's forgeries, where the 4's are closed at the top
I don't know if this ought to be a separate point. I think this ought to be folded into a more general topic that concludes that the typeface used does not match any commonly available in typewriters, as catalogued in the Haas Atlas. Even the IBM Selectric Composer fails to sufficiently match the font.
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