On DU, they're claiming that the White House released identical copies of the same memos, and that Andrew Sullivan said so in his blog. Does anyone here know anything about that?
335 posted on
09/09/2004 3:50:21 PM PDT by
(Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice, moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.)
To: AuH2ORepublican
The White House got the memos from CBS, who faxed them to the White House the day before the story.
341 posted on
09/09/2004 3:51:06 PM PDT by
To: AuH2ORepublican
CBS faxed them to the White House in advance of the report. The White House released copies of the CBS-supplied fax.
347 posted on
09/09/2004 3:52:00 PM PDT by
(With what? Spitballs!?!)
To: AuH2ORepublican
CBS sent them to the WH, and the WH gave them to anyone who asked. if you look at what the WH is said to have released, they have CBS News' name and FAX number on them.
350 posted on
09/09/2004 3:52:05 PM PDT by
Right Wing Professor
( where the truth lives on, after 35 years of Kerry lies.)
To: AuH2ORepublican
Yes. Bush released copies of it because he had just received them from CBS.
385 posted on
09/09/2004 3:54:38 PM PDT by
(I actually voted for John Kerry before I voted against him)
To: AuH2ORepublican
CBS faxed the memos to the White House and they were returned to CBS without comment.
415 posted on
09/09/2004 3:59:03 PM PDT by
To: AuH2ORepublican
On DU, they're claiming that the White House released identical copies of the same memos, and that Andrew Sullivan said so in his blog. Does anyone here know anything about that?I know it's a lie:
CBS faxed the copies to the WH.
450 posted on
09/09/2004 4:03:04 PM PDT by
(I'm mad as Zell)
To: AuH2ORepublican
They were released directly from the source to CBS who then sent them to the WH AFAIK.
595 posted on
09/09/2004 4:30:36 PM PDT by
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