To: AuH2ORepublican
The White House got the memos from CBS, who faxed them to the White House the day before the story.
341 posted on
09/09/2004 3:51:06 PM PDT by
To: mcg1969
"The White House got the memos from CBS, who faxed them to the White House the day before the story."
LMAO! And the DUmmies are using the fact that the White House-released memos are the same as the memos on CBS as evidence of their authenticity? Geez Louise those guys are nuts!
506 posted on
09/09/2004 4:09:45 PM PDT by
(Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice, moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.)
To: mcg1969
The White House got the memos from CBS, who faxed them to the White House the day before the story. Thank you for clearing that up. DU seems to be quoting Sully as the next prophet. They wish.
Too bad about Sully, going down with CBS.
582 posted on
09/09/2004 4:27:27 PM PDT by
NavySEAL F-16
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