Scott I think that's the sort of logic that let's our side off the hook when it comes to responsibility. Yes, I do believe that some of those folks are unemployed. There are others that travel from California, Mass., hell they're from all over. They hold jobs just like you and I do and they care enough to get off their hind sides and show up in support of their cause.
To these people, their politics is everything in their lives -- they define themselves by their politics, because they have nothing else. I have a wife and a home to keep and payments to make, and I have a job that has me on a moment's notice call 24/7, 365 days a year. I don't care how good the cause is, I'm not going to ditch all that for a back-pack bus ride across the country to a march...not unless the civil war is coming anyway!
Uh Oh. The Dragon caught Fire!