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Heterophobia. ^ | 8/5/04 | B. Chapin

Posted on 08/05/2004 9:03:30 AM PDT by gdogdaily

In America today, a powerful case can, and will, be made that heterosexuals all too readily defer to homosexuals regarding claims of oppression or that we suffer some kind of psychological malady due to our refusal to celebrate them to the full extent they desire. Most “straights” seem to silently accept the validity of bogus concepts like “homophobia” which maintains that many of us harbor hate for those who happen to be physically attracted to members of the same sex. I hold that the concept of homophobia is fallacious, and that, in fact, the opposite of homophobia, “heterophobia” is a more pressing concern.

I first encountered the phrase Heterophobia as the title of a book, but only its title, and not its contents, is what will be explored in the paragraphs below. Before beginning, it is readily conceded that many homosexuals are little different from the rest of us in the way in which they work hard, wish to be left alone, and desire quiet and peaceful lives. Yet, unfortunately, those are rarely the individuals who act as spokesmen for the rest. My arguments are chiefly directed to the gay activist’s views of the straight population.

Is there such a thing as homophobia?

We have all heard it used countless times but does this word, homophobia, have any actual meaning? I believe that it does not; at least in the sense in which it is commonly used. It is rarely applied to those who actually fears homosexuals. Most often it is administered as an epithet to anyone who disagrees with the gay agenda or finds humor in their disposition and lifestyle.

One can be called a homophobe nowadays due to asking questions like, “So what exactly is the point of this parade?” or “What are you guys proud of here?” Just by asking a few questions (of which there are no easy answers) one can receive the same generic label that was applied to the vile murderers of Matthew Shepard. It has been my personal experience that merely disagreeing with some of the more vehement gay activists results in one quickly being grouped into an axis of hate. It doesn’t seem to matter what the specifics of the argument happen to be as, regardless of what you say, they’ll trolley out the same stale, cookie-cutter, accusation of homophobia. Perhaps if they changed the name of their insult to “gaytotalitarianaphobe” there might be some merit to their claims.

Actually, there is more strategy in the labeling of straights as haters than one might presume. It appears to be a deliberate tactic as a means in which to get the straight population to cower before the demands of the gay agenda. Anne Hendershott explained this angle in The Politics of Deviance:

“Desensitization techniques are even more powerful when combined with jamming, defined by Kirk and Madsen as moving people to a different opinion about homosexuality through a form of operant conditioning. The ‘trick’ of jamming, according to Kirk and Madsen, is to make the homophobe feel a sense of shame ‘whenever his homohatred surfaces.’ They wrote that ‘propagandistic advertisement can depict homohating bigots as crude loudmouths and a**holes– people who say not only faggot, but n***er, kike and other shameful epithets. In the redefinition of defiance, then, anyone who dares to question the morality of gay sexual behavior is labeled a ‘homophobe.’”

There is great truth in her analysis. Disagreement is not indicative of mental illness or suggestive of one being a well-spring of endless hate. To deter questioning, activists accuse inquisitive straights of being monsters. Jamming is a mechanism for disabling free inquiry and thereby closing the marketplace of ideas.

Does laughter=hate?

This is the crux of the homophobia position. Often when one is called a homophobe it is due to finding humor in gay behavior. Yet such a presumption rings false. One almost never derives laughter from what is hated or feared. I fear great white sharks and do not consider them to be a particularly interesting topic for jokes. The same could be said of piranhas or global warming. It is also true regarding nazism and communism as I hate them both and find no levity in discussing them. With gays it is entirely a different matter.

The titles of various gay bars and restaurants can be absolutely hilarious. In my old neighborhood there were taverns called “The Man Hole” and “The Cellblock.” Now that is funny stuff indeed. A few months back, my friend Yakov told me about a new bar by him called “The Piledriver.” How can one not see the humor in such a name? Isn’t that why they decided to name it as they did?

Clearly, Nazis marching through Nuremberg with torches in their hands evoke few giggles, but the sight of a grown man walking down the road in a pair of black combat books and a G-string is another matter. Why shouldn’t we laugh? It’s hysterical. Really, the real burden falls on those who dress in such a manner. If one doesn’t want to be satirized then they shouldn’t wear thongs in public. If you do, it’s your business, but there’s nothing wrong with the rest of us cracking up.

We’re all gay!

“We’re everywhere” is on t-shirts across the land and it’s supposed to imply that gays can be found in every cranny of our nation. Well, they certainly are everywhere, at least in the Chicago neighborhood that many call a “gay ghetto,” but, as for everywhere else, I’m rather skeptical. What would be more accurate would be if I got some financial backing and sold t-shirts embossed with, “Heterosexuals: We’re Everywhere!” and had written on the back, “Ask your mom and dad.” There seems to be a rabid thirst for gays to be considered normal and this has caused the prevalence of male homosexuality within the general population to be rounded up from two or three percent to ten percent. In a few years it could well become twenty or thirty percent. Should anybody question these statistical assumptions they will undoubtedly be labeled…you guessed it, homophobes.

Another tactic, along the lines of being everywhere is for the activists to accuse (once again) anybody who questions them as being closet homosexuals. What is the logical basis for such as a conclusion? There does not appear to be one. I believe that those who take this line of attack get shock value out of labeling their adversaries as gay like them, but after the first or second recital of this claim, such personalizations lose their power to shock. Certainly gay men would not appreciate being libeled with the identity of “closet heterosexual” so why do they brand straight men as homosexual? Probably the answer lies in the belief that such fireworks obfuscate the real issues and replace argumentation with name calling (which is definitely effective when one’s positions are indefensible).

If everybody truly were homosexual in orientation then there’d be little reason for anyone to inhabit a closet. No, the belief that one’s adversaries are secretly like you is little more than narcissism. I don’t hold that liberals are secretly conservative or that gays are secretly heterosexual because they obviously are not.

The Marriage Thing.

I am opposed to gay marriage. It’s my belief that marriage should be between a man and a woman. That being said, I do acknowledge that if homosexuals want to do something special for themselves for the sake of medical insurance, I think that’s perfectly acceptable. I am tolerant of their diversity. I do admit that I differ from many conservatives on this subject and changed my mind on the issue over the last couple of years. I now regard civil unions as being fair and equitable.

There’s no reason why we can’t do our thing and they can’t do theirs, but, in their opposition to this concept, we can see the old leftist canard being played out that equality has to mean sameness. Gay activists are no different from radical feminists in this respect (and their ranks frequently overlap). Sadly, compromise is not good enough for them as the law was made for the purposes of imploding our culture from within.

Recruiting young heterosexuals to the cause.

While at a convention in 2002, I noticed that there was a stand set up with a subgroup of our organization linked to “The Gay and Lesbian Alliance” or something to that effect. They were handing our rainbow pins and tons of students were wearing them at the convention. I was approached by a representative who attempted to give me a sticker but I told him I wasn’t interested. The advocate gave me a strange look and moved on. Yet, the real question is why did others not respond as I did? It’s because gay activists now own the debate concerning the sanctity of homosexuality. To not be supportive of them, in the minds of a contemporary college student, is to be on the side of dread and loathing. Their conditioning on this topic appears to be almost irreversible.

Last year, I was asked by a trainer I know if I was going to the gay pride parade. I told him, “Of course, I’m writing a column on the subject.” He eyed me wearily and wondered if I was “with them or against them.” I couldn’t believe he said such a thing. I asked him, “What the hell does that mean? I don’t care what they do. It makes a great story though as rural folk are amazed by what I see.” Ginsberg well could have been right when he stated that the radicals would get us through our children.

Queer Eyes and Folk.

The media treats gays as objects of heavy affection nowadays and takes a kindly view of their life and societal presence. In films like “American Beauty” we witnessed a gay couple being the only normal people in the movie. Furthermore, I have met countless women who love “Will and Grace” and appear to believe that most homosexuals act like the lovable characters they see onscreen. When I tell these women about some of the things I’ve seen and heard they are incredulous.

There is also a show called “Queer as Folk.” It became all rage a few years back. In my old neighborhood, I saw many a t-shirt and bumper sticker bearing the name of the program. I myself never had any interest in watching it, but surprisingly two of my friends tuned in regularly. Eventually, I asked them as to why they would bother. As it turned out, they tuned in every week in order to make fun of the characters. They begged me to watch it in order to see for myself. One time I did and I still cannot believe that gays would support such a show. In this particular episode one of the fellows shopped all afternoon and eventually bought a scarf for the purposes of performing autoerotic-asphyxiation. It cost him $300.00. I shook my head and said, “What’s totally believable is that this guy spent 300 bucks on a scarf when a simple towel would do.” But behaviors like these are no different from those practiced by heterosexuals, right? Wrong. You don’t have to believe me, but not once in my 34 years of heterosexuality have I have never met one straight man who expressed an interest in autoerotic-asphyxiation. Self-strangulation is beyond sexual gratification; it is utterly insane.

In fairness, I told a gay guy I know about the “Queer as Folk” episode and he shook his head in disgust. He said, “That show makes me so mad I cannot even tell you. I rented a DVD once and had to turn it off. They party all the time and go to strip bars. They don’t care about work and they’re complete stereotypes. It makes me sick that it’s so popular.”

Another show, “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy,” appears to be overtly constructed upon heterophobic principles. A gay team comes in and redecorates a clueless and unfashionable straight guy’s home. Then he is immensely grateful as his life has been changed for the better. Yeah right. It is strangely reminiscent of that old joke: “Why worry about homosexuals? Do you think one of them is going to break into your apartment and redecorate?” Well, that’s exactly what happens on the show. All the heterosexual guinea pigs appear to love the goofy cathouse accommodations they find themselves living in after the team leaves. Well, that’s their choice I guess, but the seminal question is who cares about fashion sense? There are more important things in the world than clothes and fixtures. A Spartan existence allows one to dwell in a world of ideas and thought rather than waste the time given to you with knick-knacks and furniture. Rather than laugh at our lack of material interests, straight men should be congratulated on the ability to disregard the superficial.

For the sake of true diversity, it would be enlightening for someone to put on a “Straight Eye for the Gay Guy” episode wherein we modify some of their idiosyncrasies. It could begin with one of us lecturing, “No man, when you’re measured size XL you should never purposely wear a Medium” or “gee, lavender and pink aren’t suitable for these walls. You’re going to have to live here. I just had an outrageous and creative idea; let’s paint it eggshell white.”

Who is to blame for AIDS?

Ronald Reagan? The government? These are politically correct answers to be sure but totally fallacious. AIDS is a behavioral disease. If you engage in risky behaviors, your chances of getting HIV increase exponentially. It’s pretty simple. We hear all the time that HIV doesn’t care what a person’s actual sexual orientation is as it infects both gays and straights indiscriminately. Well that’s true on the surface as the virus will shack up with whatever human exposes himself or herself to it, but to make such an assertion is misleading as it takes out the behavioral factors behind the disease. It cannot be denied that an individual’s actions have a direct bearing on whether or not they become infected. In this respect it is incontestable that gay men engage in far more risky behaviors than the rest of us. Here’s Hendershott again:

“These data indicate that a growing number of gay men are infecting others knowingly, with full knowledge of their own HIV status. Researchers discovered that some recently infected study participants have a strain of HIV that is resistant to protease inhibitors. The authors of the study identified a new trend involving ‘willful and purposeful infection by both partners–a complex pathology called bug chasing.’ In fact, there are websites where uninfected people can solicit sex with those who are already infected. Called ‘gift giving,’ this practice adds to continuing perceptions of deviance within the gay community.”

The word risky doesn’t really do justice to the notion of deliberately killing oneself, but the suicidal inclinations may, in part, be due to perceptions on the part of many homosexuals that AIDS is a political affliction. Apparently, many novices want a share of the glory of the oppressed and are willing to sacrifice their lives in the name of what they misconstrue to be social justice.

In whom does the hatred really lie?

Recently, I posted on my blog, and emailed to acquaintances, a few hate-filled letters I have received from gays due to my penning some innocuous pieces about them in the past. I do this to illustrate to others that it’s not “Will and Grace” out there. Those of us who stand up to the activists are exposed to a rage that the media refuses to depict. They abhor everything we stand for and will not tolerate any criticism whatsoever. More so than any liberal group, I’ve found that the gay activists strike in force against whoever disputes their dogma. Such lashing out is counter-productive as all it accomplishes is the making of real enemies who are not so easily silenced.

This attacking of critics is chiefly the reason that I decided to write about this subject today. I want to bring to the reader’s attention the fact that these activists have absolutely no tolerance for the diversity of others. My addressing of this topic will result in my being labeled a “hater” again but, in actuality, I don’t hate them at all. I believe that most activists realize that heterosexuals don’t hate them and that the real cause of their outrage derives from our refusal to celebrate their lifestyle and proclaim our admiration for them. In their eyes, being tolerated is not enough; they must have love as well. This rebellion is rather high in its maintenance needs to say the least. They want to be worshipped and when we refuse to pat them on the back we are met with their ire. Perhaps it is unavoidable that I am their enemy, but they certainly are not mine.

Ultimately, with homosexuals, I take a libertarian position. It’s their lives, let them make their own choices but I, for one, will not take a seat on their bandwagon. The biggest problem with this topic and many others is that there are too many bystanders in the culture war. There’s no reason why heterosexuals should not vehemently defend our own sexual orientation. After all, if it weren’t for men finding women physically attractive there’d be no civilization or culture with which to battle over. Let’s take a stand for our parents and ancestors, and announce to the world that, “we’re here, we’re straight, get used to it.”

Bernard Chapin


1. Only its title, and not its contents, will be explored here because the author referred specifically to the radical feminist movement in her work and not to the aversion for heterosexuals among gay activists of both sexes.

2. This bar used to have a sign out front with sayings on it like: “It’s cold outside but warm in my manhole,” “women and children last,” and “today’s forcast- 8 inches.”

3. This term “ghetto” is rather ridiculous in its application to gays as nobody chooses to live in a ghetto. The state makes the choice for them.

TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Culture/Society; Miscellaneous; News/Current Events; Philosophy; Politics/Elections; US: Illinois
KEYWORDS: gays; heterophobia; heterosexuals; homosexualagenda; homosexuals
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1 posted on 08/05/2004 9:03:31 AM PDT by gdogdaily
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Comment #2 Removed by Moderator

To: gdogdaily

If someone calls me homophobic I say, "I am not afraid of them, I just don't like them". That usually gets me dirty looks. But it's okay, I don't really care what "they" think.

3 posted on 08/05/2004 9:31:23 AM PDT by raybbr (My 1.4 cents - It used to be 2 cents, but after taxes - you get the idea.)
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To: gdogdaily
Is there such a thing as homophobia?

Yes. And its most frequent practitioners are homosexuals.

4 posted on 08/05/2004 9:31:52 AM PDT by Mr Ramsbotham ("This house is sho' gone crazy!")
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To: raybbr

Very well put and courageous

5 posted on 08/05/2004 9:35:08 AM PDT by gdogdaily
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To: gdogdaily
Is there such a thing as homophobia?

How about that guy who goes around with signs that say "God hates fags"?

6 posted on 08/05/2004 9:45:14 AM PDT by conserv13
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To: gdogdaily

This writer crystallizes the ideas and points that have been floating around in my head for some time on this subject. I take issue with really only one point and that is the same sex unions are OK concept. The homosexual is not the problem, the homosexual behavior is the problem. Legitimate, government recognized same sex unions legitimize and condone homosexual behavior. Therein lies the problem. Everything else in this piece is spot on.


7 posted on 08/05/2004 9:49:18 AM PDT by OriginalChristian
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To: raybbr

saw a bumper sticker while passing by an "event" that said, "i am so homophobic i cant touch myself."

8 posted on 08/05/2004 9:56:29 AM PDT by Docbarleypop (Navy Doc)
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To: gdogdaily
For the sake of true diversity, it would be enlightening for someone to put on a “Straight Eye for the Gay Guy” episode wherein we modify some of their idiosyncrasies. It could begin with one of us lecturing, “No man, when you’re measured size XL you should never purposely wear a Medium” or “gee, lavender and pink aren’t suitable for these walls. You’re going to have to live here. I just had an outrageous and creative idea; let’s paint it eggshell white.”

Mr. Chapin is tardy. Comedy Central has been running "Straight Plan for the Gay Man" for about a year now.
9 posted on 08/05/2004 9:58:47 AM PDT by Xenalyte (And then I says, "Tell me I'm wrong!" and he says, "I can't, baby, 'cause you're NOT!")
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To: anyone

Bombarded with pro-gay media messages I was thinking the other day that as a straight male, I've already experienced most "gay orgasm" activities -- with women. We've done it this way and that way and the yippy yi yo ki yay way! So what? Most of it is a lot of work and really messy and completely unnatural. And (so I've been told) pretty painful. And apparently very conducive to hepatitis (and hemorroids). Some of it really leaves a bad taste in her mouth. But once in a while, when drunk, we'll get wild. So what? Should we get a prize? Should we have a parade? Special treatment? Do my neighbors really need to know? Does it matter if my neighbors nod in approval? Should I put a flag outside my house the morning after? What. What should I do to make sure the whole world knows that my wife and I have experienced wild sex?

10 posted on 08/05/2004 10:20:55 AM PDT by duckworth (Homosexuality is not about sex. It's about orgasms.)
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Comment #11 Removed by Moderator

To: conserv13
Nope, they are not phobic. They are not scared or afraid in any form. They are haters of what they see as evil and go over the edge showing it. Remember a phobia is a fear of something. Not anger, disgust, or hatred of something.
12 posted on 08/05/2004 10:28:22 AM PDT by vpintheak (Our Liberties we prize, and our rights we will maintain!)
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To: gdogdaily

While going through the security at the local airport recently on a real hot day I naturally beeped. So two TSA ladies took me to a room to check me out. I informed them that not only was I wearing the jewelry that was visible but I was also wearing an anklet and a girdle with metal links as well as an underwire and my tennis shoes had metal eyelets. I was then asked to raise my blouse. While I was raising my blouse, I rather loudly proclaimed "I'm heterosexual" which one TSA lady who was checking out my shoes starting cracking up in laughter, but the other had such a frown on her face that I thought she might be a lesbian. While the shoe lady stepped out of the room after wiping my stays with some type of cloth to check it out, the frowning lady said I could put my blouse down. However, by that time, I was using the end of the blouse as a fan and informed her that it was much cooler with my blouse being up. I was sent on my way rather quickly.

13 posted on 08/05/2004 10:29:55 AM PDT by lilylangtree (Veni, Vidi, Vici)
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To: gdogdaily


14 posted on 08/05/2004 10:32:55 AM PDT by longtermmemmory (VOTE!)
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To: conserv13

Is there such a thing as homophobia?

"How about that guy who goes around with signs that say "God hates fags"?

IMHO - Such a sign might represent a hatred or judgement, and not necessarily a "phobia". I do know that homosexual acts are sin, in a long list of sins. My approach is hate the sin, not the sinner. I'll guess most opponents of the homosexual agenda want to constructively confront them for pushing same-sex marriage and to challenge them for attacking a timeless institution dedicated ONLY for a man and his wife (woman). When homosexuals object to traditional culture and protest those who want to preserve traditional marriage then they end up looking "heteralphobic".

Now, how about this sign? I have a picture of a (traditional marriage) protester holding a sign outside a Mayday for Marriage rally in Seattle. The sign read:

"Baby Jesus was GAY!"

Not only that, many of these (hundreds of) protesters were hired...AKA "rent-a-mob". It is literally their job as activists to advance liberal ideals, and the homosexual agenda is just one aspect.

BTW - the Tides Foundation funds many such protests. Tides is the same "charity" funded by Teresa Heinz-Kerry. (side note: I always question the reason behind a hyphenated name). All the combined millions of dollars contributed are channeled without being traced to a donor. I suspect Tereza advocates gay marriage and feels her money is well spent. Hint: SENATOR JFKerry voted for gay marriage...and he is also well spent.

15 posted on 08/05/2004 10:37:23 AM PDT by American Sovereignty Defender (I'm voting FOR Bush - before voting AGAINST Kerry)
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To: gdogdaily
Line of the day: "A Spartan existence allows one to dwell in a world of ideas and thought rather than waste the time given to you with knick-knacks and furniture. Rather than laugh at our lack of material interests, straight men should be congratulated on the ability to disregard the superficial."

Great article all around.

16 posted on 08/05/2004 10:40:31 AM PDT by BMiles2112
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To: conserv13

is there really a shirt that says that?

17 posted on 08/05/2004 10:43:21 AM PDT by gdogdaily
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To: gdogdaily
Also posted here: On Heterophobia
18 posted on 08/05/2004 10:53:06 AM PDT by EdReform (Support Free Republic - All donations are greatly appreciated. Thank you for your support!)
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To: gdogdaily
...made that heterosexuals all too readily defer to homosexuals regarding claims...

And pretty much regarding claims about just about everything else, mundane things to more important things like relationships and school curriculum.

But the humor part seems like the last straw. Laughter as hatred is ridiculous. However gays laughing at Catholics or 'breeders' or such, perfectly acceptable - to them. This seems to say that laughter at their expense is not funny and not appropriate, but laughter at those who disagree - yes, those who dare disagree! - with them is acceptable and necessary. The PC crowd has hijacked humor and declared up is down and down is up and we must agree or we are 'hateful'. (Hello, Thought Police?...)

19 posted on 08/05/2004 11:24:04 AM PDT by fortunecookie (VOTE Bush-Cheney '04)
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To: EdReform


20 posted on 08/05/2004 11:29:11 AM PDT by Former Proud Canadian
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