American Sovereignty Defender
Since Aug 27, 2003

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If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything. That cliche fits our present day struggle. We MUST take a stand for America and fight to protect our family, our community, our country. We must defend America despite the detractors who insist America is to blame through consequences of our foreign policy. As if we deserve to be slaughtered, and terrorists are justified in killing us! Let's never be fooled by such tripe! Liberals who hold that opinion, even to a much lesser degree, are just fools. And they don't fool me.

The "9-11" terror attack has caused a radical shift in how most Americans view the effects of U.S. Foreign Policy. And I dare say we now rank National Security above most any other issue, after all nothing else matters if we all are in danger of being murdered by terrorists. Perhaps that horrific attack in New York was preventable; however that incredible event should motivate all conservatives to demand drastic measures to prevent further attacks against America. We need to focus our attention on, speak up, and speak out against reckless control that liberals have. Liberals, like Bill Clinton, have demonstrated to the world that our nation is vulnerable - in many ways. Even Osama Bin Laden references Clinton's military blunder in Somalia where we ordered our troops to "turn tail and run". Even North Korea regards us as the "paper tiger".

Clinton is silent on how he neglected mission and troop security in Somalia. The mission lacked readiness and approval of critical air support, which was necessary and if available could have averted the deaths of so many of our soldiers...not to mention the deaths of hundreds of Somalians who confronted our vulnerable troops and perished in the city streets. Clinton's ineptitude helped stage this bloody result.

And then to make matters worse Clinton sent a surrender signal to our enemy. Clinton ordered a sudden military retreat from Somalia which actually emboldened terrorists to step up their attacks. In 1993, Clinton's flawed Foreign policy and sudden departure from Somalia has been proven one of many egregious blunders under his watch. The magnitude of this particular blunder in foreign policy was later realized by terror bombings worldwide, especially in New York on 9-11-01. Clinton, in effect, encouraged this unprecedented era of massive terrorist plots and ongoing attacks against our military and our citizens.

In 1998, another stunning blow against our military occurred when a bomb ripped through the USS Cole, which killed 17 of our service men and women. And just how did the Commander in Chief respond? He made another idle threat to punish those responsible. His threat did nothing to dissuade them nor did it avert their future attacks. Clinton's failed policy of appeasement did more to embolden these terrorists. Yes, I squarely fault Clinton for 9-11. Among other documented proof, Clinton was recorded when he said he refused the Sudanese offer, which meant that Bin Laden could have been extradited to the U.S. to face prosecution for his part in the USS Cole attack. Instead, Clinton refused the offer on three counts over several months time.

Now, after so many previous terrorist attacks went unanswered by Clinton, terror and death to American citizens is a cold reality. I believe it is time for American patriots to stand against and fight those who perpetrate terror, and act boldly to exhibit to the world that America will defend herself. I consider myself a patriot, especially having spent 13 years in the military. I learned a few important principles during my military career. I learned about personal responsibility and honesty. My experience in college taught me that political correctness is acceptable, if not critical in academics and the same should apply in the work environment. This sort of indoctrination only revealed to me the nature of how disingenuous the liberal agenda is. I also discovered that educators who are liberal have vastly outnumbered conservatives in high positions in most every learning institution in America. Liberals want to brainwash young minds to their way. Sadly, their lifelong goal is to turn students against the very conservative values which have made our nation so great and so good.

The liberal agenda and it’s stronghold in "education" helps push their bias involving U.S. domestic and foreign policy. It boils down to how the Left, especially Marxist who are the extreme, will amplify their message so much that it spills across America like a plague. For example, there is an Issaquah High School teacher, David Berka, who was caught pushing his Marxist views on his students. We need to counter their tripe with a "liberal dose" of conservative logic. Terrorists sense how fragile our resolve is by how outspoken U.S. liberals are on the war on terror. As conservatives and patriots, we have to focus on rendering support to our Commander in Chief in this war on terror. Our President should not have to battle the liberal political agenda that wants to obstruct his official authority and render him inept as a leader in protecting America from terrorism. Rather, he ought to be using his precious time focusing on that which is necessary to terminate terrorists and possibly discourage any would-be terrorists and terror attacks.

We have had quite allot of political victory since talk radio finally gave us a voice. With Fox news and the internet, Americans now have more access to facts that obliterate the liberal news spin machine. TV Network news has served liberals well - even retired TV news anchor Walter Cronkite recently admitted that. Ho chi min publicly announced that his most powerful ally was a U.S. news anchor (Walter Kronkite). In the past, liberals enjoyed and depended on Network news to exploit "news". Now, Fox News, talk radio, and the internet function in effectively countering the liberal message with our conservative message. I doubt that network news will bend enough to hold an audience. Fox, and responsible news sources like it, will continue to grow in ratings and viewer ship. This media trend encourages me on a personal level. Now, because of Fox news and talk radio, I am properly informed and equipped to discern the truth with facts to dispel the liberal lies. And talk radio rapidly exposes the liberal agenda. Their message receives less traction and such accountability just embarrasses them. Together we can silence these arrogant political activists. We can stand united and get in their face with facts that should prove to them, at least expose them to the world, how ignorant they (liberals) really are.

And we just need to continue in this political process to redefine the term "Silent Majority" into the "Bold Majority". I clearly sense the national trend to successfully prove the Left as continually wrong. It's a political arena; let's keep unfurling their self-righteous layers to expose them as the frauds they really are.

To make a long story short; I'm not going to take it anymore! Zero tolerance for liberal spin! The future of our community and country is at stake! Unlike some Americans, I don't trust the United Nations to handle our affairs and defeat those who intend to harm us. The UN does not have our interest at heart, besides many in UN leadership are hostile to America. We have to act as a sovereign nation (apart from the UN). Hence, my screen name American Sovereignty Defender. Now, like never before, Our National Security must be priority number one!