"Like most women I know, I have always worn it under my arm rather than across my chest, because of the discomfort and irritation."
So basically she had the shoulder strap BEHIND her.
Basically, she is an individual,a sovereign citizen, a taxpayer, who may or may not have individual reasons for her actions which might include but not be limited to a medical condition and by decree of the Supreme Court of the United States can be summarily arrested, detained, fined and otherwise harassed by Government Employees.
Best regards,
I agree with you - she was wearing it incorrectly. She then got a ticket for doing so. Somehow, that fails to make me feel like I'm living in a police state.
Not correct. She is secure with the waist part of the belt, and if a recently newer vehicle, probably had an air bag to boot.
the statement is misleading ... it was likely across her chest but rather than going past the neck, she slings it under her left arm, but it still goes across her chest ...
from the outside, the shoulder harness might not be visible in this method ... I know a short lady who does this because it rubs against her neck ... I told her I considered it potentially dangerous, but it is still across her chest and would restrain the chest, but the left arm would be lifted during decceleration and impact ...
Not behind her, but not up to her neck. IN FRONT of her but under her arm. She needs to buy one of those seat belt adjustment products. Government needs to quit telling us how to live our lives. And lawyers need to be stopped from suing the state to pay for people who are injured as a result of not wearing their seatbelts. And we'll all live happily ever after... :)
Does this woman and all her friends have Dolly Parton boobs or something? What discomfort and irritation? I don't even notice my seatbelt when I'm wearing it. And I certainly don't know any women who put the shoulder strap behind them.
So basically she had the shoulder strap BEHIND her.
Not necessarily. My wife wears it the same way, and for the same reason. She slips her arm OVER the belt. It's still on, just across her chest at a lower level.
Nope... I know a number of people who do this, particularly if they're short, and the shoulder strap height isn't adjustable.
Imagine how a normal shoulder belt crosses your shoulder, then goes across your chest to your waist. For shorter people, rather than going across the shoulder, it goes across their throat. So instead, they "thread" the shoulder belt under the armpit, and then across the lowerchest and belly. Of couse, the restraint was designed to go across bone, and not soft body tissue, so in an accident, there could be significant damage and injuries.
No, the excerpt is from later in the article.
These are two different women, one wearing it under her arm, one wearing it "too loosely".
I wonder how many people were victims of a crime while these women were being harassed??